Space Fortress
Archive: 7 posts
Space Fortressfreddykrugerfred F4F Hi all I just registered here because I was looking to contact other passionate level designers. Although I'm still a beginner at level making, I did my best in my next new level: SPACE FORTRESS You are a prisoner who gets taken by spaceship to this huge prison in space (inspired by the movie fortress 2) where there is lots of security and you have to escape. all It does nothing revolutionary, but then again that's not my style. I try to perfect what I have and atmosphere is the most important to me. Please take into consideration that I do not have any expansion dlc so I had to create this level with the starters kit you get from the original game. my level is only complete for 40% but I need some people to test it and comment (very important) so I can improve and now which scenes I should add next. thanks in advance http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/7662/littlebigplanet002.jpg http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7203/littlebigplanet001.jpg http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/1079/littlebigplanet003.jpg | 2009-09-09 20:43:00 Author: nightwing ![]() Posts: 422 |
pictures will be added tomorrow morning as I didn't have the time yet to take them | 2009-09-09 21:07:00 Author: nightwing ![]() Posts: 422 |
UPDATE: now 50% complete added: medical bay and security camera scene (not working yet because awaiting purchase of metal gear dlc pack, but the design is working) fixed some minor issues | 2009-09-10 12:20:00 Author: nightwing ![]() Posts: 422 |
I'll try this out when I get home tonight, looks pretty good. Creating these kind of levels is not an easy task without all the expansions. | 2009-09-10 12:45:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
and did you like it? If people want I'll add more pictures. I haven't gotten many comments yet and would like this to help me make better levels. Of course in return I'll review and play your levels and everybody who comments on mine :-) | 2009-09-11 08:19:00 Author: nightwing ![]() Posts: 422 |
UPDATE: level now 60% ready added small puzzle and action scene in the airvent at the end fixed sound issue with one of the doors please let me know what you think ![]() | 2009-09-11 13:45:00 Author: nightwing ![]() Posts: 422 |
Because it's in Alpha stage I'm going to make it brief. The design of the whole level is a bit edgey so I think you should fix that ![]() The puzzles of the level were challenging but were not frustrating so that's a + All I can say is that for now... but it seems to be coming together pretty good. It would play really great once you have those guards talking and having a story added to it and all. You could also add some turrets around the place to make it more prison like once you get the MGS pack ![]() I couldn't get to the medical bay or secuirty camera section though... (i might of.. but missed it) Also the wheel floating jetpack puzzle thingy squashed me... so you might want to fix that, instead of having a thick outer layer why not just stick the red, blue and green things to the back layer? that way the player dosn't get squashed. | 2009-09-12 10:05:00 Author: snowyjoe ![]() Posts: 509 |
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