LBP as a Teaching Tool
Archive: 1 post
It probably wouldn't take off into the mainstream but I thought it might be interesting to use the creativity, interactivity and social sides of LBP as a teaching tool or a revision aid. There are many excellent creators within the LBP community, a lot of the best can be found on this website. There are also lots of very smart people on this website I'm sure along with students who might like some help learning new things. Even other people of all ages who have an interest in the subject could learn from the lessons. It would work especially well for science subjects due to the physical, moving nature of LBP. I think a shared PSN account named LBP Lessons or something like that would be best, with all the levels stored by uploading locked so each moon can have a copy. What do you guys think? | 2009-09-09 17:21:00 Author: adlingtont ![]() Posts: 321 |
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