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Health Bar regen by "powerup" (now with video!)

Archive: 31 posts

Hey y'all. I just recently came up with a way to increase my mecha's "hp" through powerups. It's rather hard to explain how I did it right now considering I'm about to fall asleep, but you know how in other videogames you grab powerups to replenish your life? This system I came up with works exactly the same.

You start running low on health in the Armorboy? Shoot the enemies and find some health powerups to fully regain your HP!

No longer do I have to accommodate the length of a level through checkpoints with multiple mecha spawns, costing valuable thermo space. I'll post a video tomorrow when I get back from work, but this system will now be in place for a lot of the levels I have use my mechas in.


EDIT: Youtube

YouTube - LBP - Renewable Lifebar Powerup test
2009-09-09 09:15:00

Posts: 1476

Do you have a showcase level or are you just bragging about your idea . No, seriously, I'd like to know how you did it. Feel free to explain in a complicated manner - I'll work out what you are saying.2009-09-09 13:35:00

Posts: 5338

Assuming you still use the paint switch, I would love to see this. If you are no longer using the pint switch... I would still love to see this!!2009-09-09 22:11:00

Posts: 572

I'm very interested to see how this works.

Of course, I don't know how the health bar works, but I'm sure I'll figure that out.
2009-09-09 22:32:00

Posts: 39

I can think of several ways to implement such a thing. It sounds like a backwards "Air" system so to speak. When you have a multi hit switch you use a bar that can dissolve the "hitpoints" so that it resets. with some work you can accomplish this several ways such as emitting more "hitpoints on the track and so forth. If you wanted to you could even make the health regenerate as well with little effort.2009-09-09 23:06:00

Posts: 108

I'd use a winch... Believe it or not 2009-09-09 23:23:00

Posts: 6497

Sounds awesome, can't wait to see the video showcasing it! Oh yeah what happend to Facility7? is it still coming out? did you scrap it? I wanna know! 2009-09-09 23:37:00

Posts: 39

Assuming you still use the paint switch, I would love to see this. If you are no longer using the pint switch... I would still love to see this!!

It's a paint switch. Paint seriously has made things so much easier for my small mechanics. It also involves dissolve and other simple switches. The simpler the better! =)

Sounds awesome, can't wait to see the video showcasing it! Oh yeah what happend to Facility7? is it still coming out? did you scrap it? I wanna know!

Here you go, hot off the presses. =)

YouTube - LBP - Renewable Lifebar Powerup test

As for Facility 7, I have plans. This thing might tie into it considering the lifebar really opens up some awesome possibilities in the gameplay I'm trying to achieve.
2009-09-10 07:42:00

Posts: 1476

OK seriously, I've never seen your armor suit before. That is **** impressive! How did you get it to be so precise??????

EDIT- OK I'm stupid, you did it with a jetpack. XD
2009-09-10 07:49:00

Posts: 466

Haha, thanks man. I have been flaunting it and it's many variations for awhile here now. I can never get satisfied with them though. :rollseyes:

Like I mentioned in the vid, I do wish I would've come up with this before I made my GOTY level. Would've been awesome.
2009-09-10 08:20:00

Posts: 1476

Okay, anywhere close with this?

You end up remitting the paint switch box. It isn't physically "attatched" to the armorboy, its just being held in a pocket. The blue key activates a remitting (and dissolves the old switch in some way), and thus an entirely new paint switch Keys on the plasma cause paintballs to emit and decrease the health. When the paint switch reaches zero, it emits a key which activates Mr. Explosion.
2009-09-10 08:45:00

Posts: 3322

That sounds right as I can see multiple emitters on the box which would allow for something like this.

Very impressive nonetheless!!
2009-09-10 09:02:00

Posts: 572

Okay, anywhere close with this?

You end up remitting the paint switch box. It isn't physically "attatched" to the armorboy, its just being held in a pocket. The blue key activates a remitting (and dissolves the old switch in some way), and thus an entirely new paint switch Keys on the plasma cause paintballs to emit and decrease the health. When the paint switch reaches zero, it emits a key which activates Mr. Explosion.

Congratulations man, granted the blue key activates the leg movement. =P

It's essentially an easy process, but when kept in the confines of a moving object, it gets tricky.
2009-09-10 09:03:00

Posts: 1476

Congratulations man, granted the blue key activates the leg movement. =P

It's essentially an easy process, but when kept in the confines of a moving object, it gets tricky.

Yea, i'm rather impressed that you were able to do it in such a small space. I created an object that does similar things with creature brains several months ago, it took a bit of tweaking to get it to work properly, but its really nothing compared to your process
2009-09-10 17:25:00

Posts: 3322

Ah ok then sounds awesome! One final question, do you know if the 18 community levels will be available for dlc or not?2009-09-10 18:04:00

Posts: 39

Ah ok then sounds awesome! One final question, do you know if the 18 community levels will be available for dlc or not?

You can actually play them through peoples' hearted lists. Just go to ConfusedCartman's hearted list to find most of them.
2009-09-10 21:38:00

Posts: 2325

Thanks man, can't wait to play Steampunk Samurai!2009-09-10 22:15:00

Posts: 39

Nice. One thing to bear in mind though - if using a pintswitch as input, you limit the hit rate to 0.1s, rather than detecting every paintball that hits.

Of course, if you were doing it with paintballs as the initial triggers, you could just encase then entire mech in a single piece of dissolve and put a paintswitch on that - emit the casing over and over
2009-09-10 22:16:00

Posts: 6497

Using paintballs as the initial trigger is too inefficient. Because of the force they need to fly at in order to mimic the kind of gameplay I'm trying to emulate, they become too destructive, especially with moving parts. It also somewhat ruins the balance needed to keep the mecha stable in the air, granted that does take a little practice. Plasma with keys on them provide a better controlled environment to work with. Plus, I've already overcome the timing issue that you mentioned. Definitely thanks for the suggestion though.

It's interesting seeing the progression of the inner workings of the mecha and dealing how far it's come from the first Armorboy level back in November last year. This current one I'm working on now is more advanced than the one in the Steampunk Samurai, with powerups, etc.

The goal is to see how much I can fit in a small form factor without sacrificing visual quality as well, on top of making the eventual level feel like you're playing an entirely different game altogether. One can only hope though. =p
2009-09-11 02:05:00

Posts: 1476

How have you overcome the 0.1s timing issue on one-shots inputs? Do you just have multiple detection points - perhaps using multiple coloured keys on the plasma? IDK. I thought this was a fundamental limitation on detection.2009-09-11 09:35:00

Posts: 6497

These mechs are always better! I played your SteamPunk Samurai level, and it's very cool. It's amazing to see how you mixed Ancient Japanese Style with something technological. Very wel made, expecially the Mech-Samurai
So, these mechs have many power ups, very good! These Health Regenerator will be like a checkpoint
2009-09-11 17:09:00

Posts: 504

So are you saying that a paintball moving at the required speed upsets the mech, is it breaking something?2009-09-11 23:00:00

Posts: 572

How have you overcome the 0.1s timing issue on one-shots inputs? Do you just have multiple detection points - perhaps using multiple coloured keys on the plasma? IDK. I thought this was a fundamental limitation on detection.

It's a mixture of what you just said. The combination of on and one-shot inputs combined with different colored keys. It works, granted the problem is that >= 0.1s emitters drop the "life bar" too fast for the player in the environment I'm creating. I've intentionally raised the timing so that it drops at a fair rate when damaged.

So are you saying that a paintball moving at the required speed upsets the mech, is it breaking something?

It does break occasionally on top impeding movement to the point where it gets annoying. Using heavier materials would stop such events, but then that upsets the overall balance of the mech. I want these things to feel light, yet stable... which is a huge task in itself.

These mechs are always better! I played your SteamPunk Samurai level, and it's very cool. It's amazing to see how you mixed Ancient Japanese Style with something technological. Very wel made, expecially the Mech-Samurai
So, these mechs have many power ups, very good! These Health Regenerator will be like a checkpoint

Thanks man! I just kept referencing a bunch of Steampunk pictures and art which helped me with the visual aspect of the Samurai. Glad you liked it!

The original version of this thing is so archaic in comparison to what it is now.

Here's the original Armorboy in action I made back in November.

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet - Mobile Suit Armorboy Part 1: This is Training (2 of 2)

2009-09-12 01:33:00

Posts: 1476

still dont understand how you do it though.. seems complicated.. XD but i think there is a better way... the paint switch could be sso small that if not attached to anything it would dissolve.. so ig u had a thin layer of dissolve attached to the mech and then put the paint switch on it, whenever u detected the switch it would dissolve the paint switch and the dissolve and re-emmit it again in the same spot.... or just do that without the small paint switch...that would work since a key switch detects the bullets and emmits a paintball to the paint switch that activates the health bar.... yup2010-04-28 01:52:00

Posts: 176

Now, make a system that allows you to buff the max health! This is very interesting actually, never thought you could make HP regain with paint!2010-05-03 15:44:00

Posts: 183

Woah Nelly she's an old one! i don't think you really understand the simplicity of this idea,

Arradi: i don't think you quite get what it does, it doesn't affect the hitpoints, whats happening is that it essentially emits a new life around the mech and deletes the previous life, however when the paint switch dies the mech explodes, simple really!
2010-05-03 16:31:00

Posts: 5078

Yes, I got it. I got the Idea. Maybe it's just I'm so horrible at writing anything that will be properly understood.2010-05-03 19:04:00

Posts: 183

but dude, where do u emmit the paint that activates the switch??? i know you have a little box in the back that holds sackboy and then the body is just glued to that..... do u put it inside??? and also, i took a block of floaty with a cover, then i went inside and had a jetpack on the outside (so i can test the circle button idea) but sackboy would not detect the jetpack, it would just sit there... how do u do it??2010-05-03 22:04:00

Posts: 176

The jetpack is emitted in the layer behind the Sackboy. There's no way the player could detect it if you are covering him and you emit the jetpack on the layer closest to the screen.2010-05-03 22:13:00

Posts: 1476

OMG that works, i just tried it out!! thx... but when i detect the jetpack, and fly away, the chain breaks (kinda) and then it removes my jetpack, i think its just cause the way i did it was that i made tiny cuts in between the walls of the control box, so that way sackboy detects the jetpack. but that didnt turn out so well..... other then that my oly problem is that, where do u emmit the paintballes for the health bar???2010-05-04 23:24:00

Posts: 176

This sounds amazing. How did you make the powerup2010-05-16 18:10:00

Posts: 164

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