'hard level videos' group?
Archive: 5 posts
hey everyone, Have you ever come across an extremely hard level - one you know you will never have the skills to beat - and wondered what lies beyond the obstacle that inhibits your success? have you ever wished that you could only just have the chance to see what it looks like to beat a level THAT HARD? well, if you're like me, then the answer is yes. If you are also like me, you would, of course, been somewhat resourceful and looked said level up on youtube. however, we all know that very few levels have full video walkthroughs - and so you, like me, will close your browser empty handed. This is why i propose a joint project among any willing (skilled) members of the community: turn on your video camera, find an extremely hard level, and record yourself beating it. then, we can compile them either in a thread, a youtube group channel, or, if anyone actually IS interested, in the description of a newly created group on lbpc (created for the purpose of this project) please realize i am not yet saying this is a-go. if i get enough positive response from the lot of you, i'll create a new thread for this. at this point, i'm just testing the waters, so to speak. NOTE: this is NOT meant to be what JKthree is doing. this is specifically for hard levels. In addition, this is not meant for the use of people who want their level recorded. my goal is to showcase skillful playthroughs of levels thought to be impossible. Take for instance flyo's nightmare - have any of you actually really seen that level in its entirety? i'm guessing not. don't you wish you could? THAT is what I am trying to get done. | 2009-09-08 06:31:00 Author: brb_gymnastics ![]() Posts: 32 |
I get what you mean brb_gymnastics. I do the same with horror games. I'm to scared to play them but i still want to know what happens with the story so i look them up on wiki ![]() I just think you should explain "hard levels". Everyone's definition of "hard" is different. Levels that you find hard and the levels that I find hard might be completely different. | 2009-09-08 07:45:00 Author: snowyjoe ![]() Posts: 509 |
This is a nice idea imo. As you say, you always get that "wonder how far I got in this 'REALLY HARD' level, and I wonder what's next????" feeling when you give up on a "Impossible" level. I don't know how to tape levels really but I think if you were taping the walkthrough for something like this then it would spur you on to finish the level and give you a bit more perseverance to get to the end ![]() Hope this takes off as It would be interesting to see how hard some of these really get ![]() | 2009-09-08 09:08:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
I could never get a hard level recorded done, even if i Tried. ever since Jtv banned me for no reason anyway (since i could've streamed it then if i do miraculously beat it, make a clip and send it to you tube, but trust me, I would've broken something outta anger trying to beat those levels) If I did do the hard levels, I woulda would up constantly recording (cause of the 10 min limit) and deleting until I eventually beaten it, which woulda taken me forever. Only problem I see with this are the insanly long hard levels, (can't remember the name or author but he did Oculynth), and this ain't gonna take down the annoying publishers like russles. All the noobs and H4H ers don't really search youtube or LBPC. And recording them is just like spotlighting in their messed up minds. But if there's some level that doesn't invlove annoying 1 life challenges that for some reason I can do and almost no one else can, i don't mind recording it for your group. | 2009-09-08 19:13:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
i do see how that would inhibit you from helping, but, from where i stand, i know i am capable of beating MOST levels. i could probably crank out 'the end is nigh', 'danmaku rave', and 'temple of trials', pretty easily, and i'm proud to say that i HAVE beaten several of willtang's levels, the entire fire jumper series, and almost all of xSurax's levels. I say this not to brag, but to state that, from my experience, ANYONE can beat a hard level. Skill helps, but what really ensures success is sheer repetition. Muscle memory can bring you a looong way. One thing i am wondering, though, is by what means I am going to record myself. I know you can use a DVD recorder to get the job done, but if there was a less expensive means to go about this, it would be very helpful. If this generates some interest, i will definitely purchase one, but it would be nice to find another way. EDIT: i looked on the magic google machine and found a product called 'easycap' to record my ps3 with. hopefully, i will be able to get one by next week. they only cost $20, but if someone STILL knows of a cheaper way to record your television monitor, by all means, please let me know. | 2009-09-09 04:36:00 Author: brb_gymnastics ![]() Posts: 32 |
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