New Glitch - Cardboard Matter?
Archive: 9 posts
So this is something I've never heard of before. I've been experimenting on ways to keep my boss (which transforms) upright. I was just trying attaching pistons to off-screen dark matter and the boss on the other end. I hit play and it didn't work how I wanted, so I deleted the dark matter and pistons. Now, for some reason, my boss is floating in place where it was held up by the pistons. It is made of nothing but cardboard and a small piece of metal, and I'm not selecting it either. What is even stranger is that if I select it then deselect it without changing anything, it will drop to the ground. I can try to take a video if someone wants to see, but I'll have to use my phone because I don't have any screen capturing tools. | 2009-09-07 02:27:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
I've had this happen to me before, things just float for no reason, quite annoying for me. I can't quite remember when it last happened. | 2009-09-07 02:28:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
this happend to me yesrday. It is the most annoying thing ever!![]() | 2009-09-07 02:33:00 Author: acdramon ![]() Posts: 332 |
It's not something that is just floating and you can't touch it, it acts like dark matter. The objects attached to it float with it, but if I select it then deselect it, it returns to normal. For example, I have a block that can crush pretty much anything, it uses a glitch to weigh almost 30 times the weight of a normal stone block. When I drop it on this piece, nothing happens, but if the block rolls onto anything else, it will get destroyed. | 2009-09-07 02:40:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
i think this has been around for many years, but it recently got worse and more frequent since the update. Its really more annoying that having the possibility to actually ruin your level though as its easy to fix. Edit: Wait sprague, there's a glitch that made you block 30 times heavier? Was it an intentional glitch or a "bad" glitch? Well if it was intentional please tell me about it, it sounds useful ![]() | 2009-09-07 02:41:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
i think this has been around for many years The game has been out about 10 months, so it couldn't have been around for many years. ![]() Edit: Wait sprague, there's a glitch that made you block 30 times heavier? Was it an intentional glitch or a "bad" glitch? Well if it was intentional please tell me about it, it sounds useful ![]() It was intentional. I use it to crush things, it works great. I have it in a prize bubble in my Key Room. Type in @BSprague and it should be over Australia. The combination is Red Red Yellow Yellow Red Green Yellow Blue. | 2009-09-07 02:47:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Care to divulge how you made the heavy block, or are you keeping it a secret? ![]() I know this thread was to discuss the DM/cardboard glitch, but it seems like just a random glitch. I can't see much use for it, as I can always just use invisible DM. Very interesting, though. Never happened to me before. | 2009-09-07 03:12:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
Care to divulge how you made the heavy block, or are you keeping it a secret? ![]() It's no secret, it uses the glitch for combining objects. Someone from the forum has a level deep in the Level Showcase somewhere that has a tutorial on how to do it, it's incredibly simple. I can't see much use for it, as I can always just use invisible DM. Very interesting, though. Never happened to me before. There is actually zero use for it, considering it loses its properties the second you do anything to it. I just figured I'd post it because it was something I've never seen or heard of before. | 2009-09-07 03:21:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
I've once had something even weirder. I was working with some metal and then I attached a string to floaty material, after that i deleted the floaty material and the string and then my metal piece just starts floating up! When i dropped something onto the metal it reacted just like floaty material would! It was floating metal thingy! But after that i couldn't select it at all and i couldn't do anything to it so I just deleted it. | 2009-09-07 06:48:00 Author: snowyjoe ![]() Posts: 509 |
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