Slow Motion?
Archive: 8 posts
I want to make a slow motion effect like in this video (starts at 2.25), so if you place a sticker on something the pistons will go slower than normally so you can get past the obstacels. If seen it in a level before so I know its possible, but im not sure how to do it. The slowmotion has to last about 10 seconds and then the pistons should be moving as normal. You should also be able to do this more than once.. Any ideas how to make this? watch from (2:25) YouTube - God Of War II - The Statue Of Lahkesis | 2009-09-05 23:13:00 Author: Kn0cked-0ut ![]() Posts: 562 |
Just attach a speed switch to all of your pistons. that you want to move slowly. . [ s ]-------------[ k ] Switch and key connected by a piston. Set the piston to flipper OUT, and connect a one shot input to the piston. When you hit the one shot piston the key will shoot out and slow everything down, then gradually retract, speeding it up again. There are various other ways of doing it but that's the easiest. Once you've got your head around that, you shouldb e able to easilly modify it to get the exact effect you need. | 2009-09-05 23:16:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Just attach a speed switch to all of your pistons. that you want to move slowly. . [ s ]-------------[ k ] Switch and key connected by a piston. Set the piston to flipper OUT, and connect a one shot input to the piston. When you hit the one shot piston the key will shoot out and slow everything down, then gradually retract, speeding it up again. There are various other ways of doing it but that's the easiest. Once you've got your head around that, you shouldb e able to easilly modify it to get the exact effect you need. Thanks, time to try it out ![]() | 2009-09-05 23:27:00 Author: Kn0cked-0ut ![]() Posts: 562 |
Just did what you said but when i place the sticker they stand still instead of moving slowly or they get to normal speed too fast, how do i adjust this speed? | 2009-09-05 23:48:00 Author: Kn0cked-0ut ![]() Posts: 562 |
I think using RTM's method you'd want to adjust the timing of teh piston, thats all. | 2009-09-06 01:00:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
Well, if you want the effect to be slow motion, you'll want to tweak the length of the piston. Once the key is outside the range of the mag switch set to Speed, whatever it's connected to will stop. So for slo-mo, you'll want to extend the key to maybe half the range you set for the switch (or extend the range - same effect). Actually, what I'd do is use an emit-timer. Emit a mag key at around that half-way point of the switch's range and set the lifetime to what ever interval you need the effect. Then Invert the Speed-set mag switch. This way, when no key is emitted, the piston(s) will work as normal; when the key is emitted, then they work at half-speed. You can tweak it easily changing the range of the Speed-set mag switch. | 2009-09-06 01:15:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Everyone has pretty much covered everything, but I in fact have a level that showcases a slow motion piece of logic. I just updated it recently. I'll have to go in and either make the level copyable or give away the logic piece as a prize. If I haven't done so in 24 hours, message me either here or on PSN. The type I have uses a directional input, so a sticker wouldn't work the greatest, but you could always us a button on the wall/ceiling or something. PSN: comphermc Level: Slow Motion [something or other] | 2009-09-06 02:16:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
Thanks guys, I managed to do this with your help. Works perfectly now and all I need to add is some sound effects ![]() | 2009-09-06 09:38:00 Author: Kn0cked-0ut ![]() Posts: 562 |
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