Spider Libits by o-miya-sun-set (pictures)
Archive: 13 posts
Translated japanese title. Swing from sponges on winches that appear out of thin air in a backyard environment in this crazy level by o-miya-sun-set. Takes a minute to get the hang of the gameplay but then it's hilarious. Almost impossible in multi-player. The sponges won't appear unless you're near each other. It's possible to escape the game area and see the mechanic. It's got something to do with peach floaty and dark matter being emitted rapidly but that's all I can figure out. If someone can translate the title or description in the picture below I would appreciate it ![]() ----------------------------------------------------- Update: thanks to snowyjoe for posting the translation. ----------------------------------------------------- Spider Libits: This level isn't finished yet but i wanted people to try it out and leave feedback so i published it. When Sackboy jumps it will spring a web allowing you to grab onto it to swing through the level. When Sackboy is falling he will spring his web to the left and right so grab onto either one to navigate yourself through the level. Have fun being a Little Spider Man! (It might take a while for this level to be finished) http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-set1.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-set2.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-set3.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-set4.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-set5.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-set6.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-set7.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-set8.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv21/Kipmonlin/Levels/o-miya-sun-setdescription-1.jpg | 2009-09-05 20:14:00 Author: Kipmonlin ![]() Posts: 251 |
Oh yes! Thank you, Kipmonlin, for posting this. Just played it, it is gorgeous and a very worthy level. 82 plays? There is no justice, that's all I can say. Thanks for sharing it ![]() | 2009-09-05 20:19:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
It should be "Subainu-ribicchi" Fast ribbon, but I'm not sure at all... ![]() Sorry Kip | 2009-09-05 22:05:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Oh yes! Thank you, Kipmonlin, for posting this. Just played it, it is gorgeous and a very worthy level. 82 plays? There is no justice, that's all I can say. Thanks for sharing it ![]() It had 10 hearts in the picture Kipmonlin posted, it had 11 when I started. I'm guessing that the extra heart was yours. ![]() I hearted it as well, it is a fantastic level and now has 12 hearts. The mechanics, though a little bit sloppy, were insanely cool and innovative. | 2009-09-06 23:31:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Really fun level and idea, but sad it's not finnished yet >.< cannot wait for the end product. As a side note, the Spider Libits is a direct translation, a indirect translation is: Spider Sackboy. Libits are the name of the sack people in Japanese. Sack people are bits of people from Littlebigplanet.... hence the word Li and Bits. so libits.... cute name ![]() | 2009-09-07 05:11:00 Author: snowyjoe ![]() Posts: 509 |
It should be "Subainu-ribicchi" Fast ribbon, but I'm not sure at all... ![]() Sorry Kip Wait, I'm confused. Are you saying it says "Subainu-ribicchi"? It says "Supaida-ribitsu" or Spider Libits. But if that isn't what you are trying to say, and I am misunderstanding you, then I'm sorry. | 2009-09-07 19:48:00 Author: michaelplacke ![]() Posts: 39 |
OmegaSlayer tried to type Supaida-ribitsu but typed Subainu-ribicchi instead. Just a mistranslation that's all. | 2009-09-08 05:01:00 Author: snowyjoe ![]() Posts: 509 |
OmegaSlayer tried to type Supaida-ribitsu but typed Subainu-ribicchi instead. Just a mistranslation that's all. I see what happened. The kana for "tsu" and "chi" in the katakana writing system look very similar, and OmegaSlayer mistook the "tsu" for a "chi." Looks interesting. I'll play it with my friend Erica tomorrow. ![]() | 2009-09-09 02:29:00 Author: michaelplacke ![]() Posts: 39 |
I wonder how it works? Anyone? | 2009-09-11 05:59:00 Author: EVOin3D ![]() Posts: 91 |
I believe there are a number of proximity switches that emit the webs near the sackboy... or it could be a player tracking device that tracks the player and emits the webs. | 2009-09-12 10:54:00 Author: snowyjoe ![]() Posts: 509 |
I believe there are a number of proximity switches that emit the webs near the sackboy... or it could be a player tracking device that tracks the player and emits the webs. When I escape the area and respawn the webs won't emit anymore, so I think a proximity switch is on the piece of peach floaty that is hidden in the back layer. I'd love to know how it works. Any geniuses out there? Like I said you can get out of the area by swinging to the right in the level. | 2009-09-19 00:24:00 Author: Kipmonlin ![]() Posts: 251 |
Probably a player tracker in the back layer that emits the ropes, et al. There's probably more to it than that, but I'm guessing that that's the basic idea. | 2009-09-19 03:56:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
Really fun level and idea, but sad it's not finnished yet >.< cannot wait for the end product. As a side note, the Spider Libits is a direct translation, a indirect translation is: Spider Sackboy. Libits are the name of the sack people in Japanese. Sack people are bits of people from Littlebigplanet.... hence the word Li and Bits. so libits.... cute name ![]() Thanks for that snowyjoe, i've been wondering for months why a lot of japanese levels have 'libits' in the titles. I thought it must be some sort of japanese anime or culture thing that i'd never heard of. Thanks for clearing that up. | 2009-09-20 12:47:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
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