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Multitrack Music Player

Archive: 3 posts

Okay, I made this in around three hours. Before then, I was absolutely dying to try and find a way so that I can play individual tracks via a switch, like a multitrack system. And after a while, I finally came up with something! Not sure if this idea has already been done but if you want to try it out,

Name: Multitrack Music Test
PSN: KoRnDawwg

I've only been able to make four tracks for all four thin layers so far. Trying to find a way so you can reverse the music :S
2009-09-05 12:21:00

Posts: 1424

Cool! I'll look at this next time I go on. 2009-09-05 13:53:00

Posts: 2266

I checked it and I think you would like a level I found with something similar. I put it in the recommendations forum:

"Dear you" by Kinetik07 (Music) (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=16031)
2009-09-05 14:13:00

Posts: 251

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