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Bidirectional, checkpoint-less teleport

Archive: 34 posts

I just managed to do a bidirectional teleport without using checkpoints, I will send you a PM with the code of my vault, just ask me; I need some feedback, because I feel like I used a good method, but I don't know if I could have done better; the level is of course copyable. Thanks in advance!

Edit 27 mar 2010:
To all people asking for a code: as HoBoZ already stated, the level is up and copyable, and it's not locked anymore - it uses demitters, and the logic behind it is AWFUL - it's meant to be a kinda showcase for the idea, so don't expect too much - I also didn't know the invisible DM trick, so don't move around too much when the "teleporter" starts working
2009-09-03 14:29:00

Posts: 378

I'll have a code if that's ok. This sounds interesting.

Demitter tech I've been meaning to make demitter teleport for months but just never got around to it.

The one obvious issue this contraption has is that you need to be in pause mode to edit it. Getting it into a proper level with this drawback would be an absolute pain. The demitter circuits I give away with my tech demo get around that, and you should be able to patch that into your existing design if you are interested.
2009-09-03 14:48:00

Posts: 6497

This sounds cool! Can I have the code?2009-09-03 15:38:00

Posts: 469

I'll have a code if that's ok. This sounds interesting.

Demitter tech I've been meaning to make demitter teleport for months but just never got around to it.

The one obvious issue this contraption has is that you need to be in pause mode to edit it. Getting it into a proper level with this drawback would be an absolute pain. The demitter circuits I give away with my tech demo get around that, and you should be able to patch that into your existing design if you are interested.

I just changed the initialization method, now it uses a sensor on the entrance of the level; btw did you mean something else or I got it right?

This sounds cool! Can I have the code?
I just sent you the code, too
2009-09-03 18:50:00

Posts: 378

oooh, i've been meaning to try my hand at making a teleporter some time. I'd love to check this out can i please have the code?2009-09-03 19:54:00

Comet Wolf
Posts: 99

This sounds very interesting, and I'd love to see how it works.

rtm223, you said you can't edit without being paused. I'm not sure exactly how it is set up, but if you want to edit it without being paused, couldn't you just rig it up to a switch? That way it wouldn't fire until you wired it to something that will trigger or if you just unwire it and allow it to go automatically. Of course all of this is really useless to talk about until I actually see how it's done.
2009-09-03 20:14:00

Posts: 2325

I'd like to check this out. I love this kind of stuff.2009-09-03 23:13:00

Posts: 41

rtm223, you said you can't edit without being paused.

Standard demitter issue, you have to hold of on the first emitting until some point during play, or you trigger the "objects emitted in create mode lose their relationship with the emitter that emitted them and do not count towards the max emitted at once value and therefore can't be demitted in play mode" bug (where is silverleon when I need to know the concise names for stuff)

Simple issue that relies on a prox linked to a P-switch to "initialise" the system. Actually it's embarrasing how long it took me to fix this with my demitters, although I wasn't really trying very hard

2009-09-03 23:43:00

Posts: 6497

Standard demitter issue, you have to hold of on the first emitting until some point during play, or you trigger the "objects emitted in create mode lose their relationship with the emitter that emitted them and do not count towards the max emitted at once value and therefore can't be demitted in play mode" bug (where is silverleon when I need to know the concise names for stuff)

Simple issue that relies on a prox linked to a P-switch to "initialise" the system. Actually it's embarrasing how long it took me to fix this with my demitters, although I wasn't really trying very hard


So, it doesn't necessarily have to be edited in Pause Mode then, assuming everything is wired up correctly. I create in Pause Mode and test in Play Mode for most things as a rule of thumb anyway though. Still, useful information nevertheless.
2009-09-04 11:10:00

Posts: 2325

Well you have to modify the device slightly as well. I think shadowheaven has done that now though.

edit - @shadowheaven: Have you pplaced the prox ON the start gate? If you have then move it. Never put proxes on your start gate as they can trigger as you enter create mode, even though you are flying and shouldn't trigger anything. I think they can also trigger in pause as well, but that might just be music and GLTs. But never put a prox on your start gate or close enough to be triggered at the moment of spawn, you are just asking for trouble

I do most of my editing in pause, but just unpause every now and then for sanity check (is it glued properly etc), then undo. The problem if you don't make the modification to the devicve is that the undo won't undo the emitted object that was emitted when you pressed play. It just stays there, but loses association with the emitter. Next sanity check emits again, and again and again. You get object overlay and the whole thing gets very very messy and very hard to clean up in anything but a trivial example.
2009-09-04 11:27:00

Posts: 6497

Well you have to modify the device slightly as well. I think shadowheaven has done that now though.

edit - @shadowheaven: Have you pplaced the prox ON the start gate? If you have then move it. Never put proxes on your start gate as they can trigger as you enter create mode, even though you are flying and shouldn't trigger anything. I think they can also trigger in pause as well, but that might just be music and GLTs. But never put a prox on your start gate or close enough to be triggered at the moment of spawn, you are just asking for trouble

I did

About the sensors on start gates, I know way too well about them; on my survival challenge I have to use this method to initialize 2 levers and the starting music, and when I hear it, I know I have to rewind immediately

Anyway, I know that this method is a pain when you are in create mode, so in the teleport demo I put the initializer under the magic mouths, since it's a copyable level and not everyone is used to this crappy method as I am.
2009-09-04 12:09:00

Posts: 378

I'll take a look at it, my next project is extremely teleporter heavy2009-09-04 16:08:00

Posts: 108

I have multi-teleporters, tech teleporters, portals to any destination you want, but I don't have checkpoint-less teleporters! Can you give me the code so I can experiment with it? Plz... You are awesome man! You just found a new era of teleporters!2009-10-04 21:04:00

Posts: 54

I too would enjoy seeing how you have accomplished this.
It sounds usefull, so i'd appreciate if you send me the code.
2009-10-04 22:25:00

Posts: 44

Id like a code too, but how does it perform thermo and lag wise?2009-10-05 03:09:00

Posts: 386

I would like a code please.2009-10-05 03:15:00

Posts: 163

Code please ;D2009-10-05 16:37:00

Posts: 342

Wow this thread suddenly heated up.

In case shadowheaven doesn't come this way any time soon, I'm gonna do a shameless plug and point you in the direction of my sig. The demitters tech demo gives an overview of the basic technique shadowheaven used, although I never got around to implementing a deathless teleport with it. Feel free to have a play around with that until shadowheaven gets back
2009-10-05 16:48:00

Posts: 6497

I created a 2 way teleporter if you wanna see it in my level. I might have taken it down but it wouldn't hurt to check.2009-10-19 04:21:00

Posts: 425

I do most of my editing in pause, but just unpause every now and then for sanity check (is it glued properly etc), then undo. The problem if you don't make the modification to the device is that the undo won't undo the emitted object that was emitted when you pressed play. It just stays there, but loses association with the emitter. Next sanity check emits again, and again and again. You get object overlay and the whole thing gets very very messy and very hard to clean up in anything but a trivial example.

I got around this kind of problem recently by having an unseen piece of dissolve blocking the space where the object should be emitted to, then rigging it to dissolve later on. Might be other solutions, but it worked.
2009-10-20 10:58:00

Posts: 2130

Do you mind if I have the code? It's a very interesting find and I would love to check it out 2009-10-20 18:28:00

Posts: 1424

would like a code to take a look. i am trying to experiment with different types of teleport ideas.2010-03-19 17:38:00

Posts: 7

Sorry, bud, but this was last posted on five months ago. Not sure he'll think to look here, and may not even have the level up anymore.2010-03-19 22:06:00

Posts: 5338

How did I miss this? 0.0? A deathless teleporter? How?

Demmiters, huh? Does it change the scenery around you instead of actually teleporting you?
2010-03-19 23:24:00

Posts: 3251

Old thread?2010-03-20 00:39:00

Posts: 918

Yeah, I believe it was a demitter trick. I haven't actually seen it myself, but I've heard rumors.

2010-03-20 02:23:00

Posts: 5338

Yeah, I believe it was a demitter trick.

Indeed. rtm explained it to me on my visitor messages page, so it's a bit of a stretch to call it a 'teleporter'.
2010-03-23 15:06:00

Posts: 2870

Does it just change the ground around you, not actually teleport you?2010-03-25 03:25:00

Posts: 3251

Code please2010-03-25 03:50:00

Posts: 746

Does it just change the ground around you, not actually teleport you?


Code please

I doubt you'll get one. This is a really old thread.
2010-03-25 08:33:00

Posts: 2870

Shadowheaven sent me a msg the other day. The level is still up and you can copy it and play around with it. It is just a small demo, but the concept is maybe worth looking into. Just wanted everyone to know.

2010-03-25 14:22:00

Posts: 7

I'm also interseted in seeing this contraption, that is of course you still have it for show and tell 2010-03-26 16:19:00

Posts: 7

I wouldn't mind taking a look if possible2010-03-26 17:56:00

Posts: 121

To all people asking for a code: as HoBoZ already stated, the level is up and copyable, and it's not locked anymore - it uses demitters, and the logic behind it is AWFUL - it's meant to be a kinda showcase for the idea, so don't expect too much - I also didn't know the invisible DM trick, so don't move around too much when the "teleporter" starts working 2010-03-27 14:41:00

Posts: 378

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