Acdramon's Mirrors Edge/Extended Edition
Archive: 1 post
Acdramon's Mirrors Edge/Extended Editionacdramon Race with friends and multiply the fun with an extended edition. all Now I know there are alot of Mirrors Edge levels out there already, but don't let that fool you! Acdramon's Mirrors Edge is fun, fast, and for any amount of players! How cool is that? And now with the extended Edition out, you can multiply the fun with a even longer map. Now if people have told me to put the 2 levels out there more, then what does that tell you? Tell your friends. Tell you cousins. Tell your grandma (you know she always wanted to play with you) and have a blast with this version of Mirrors Edge. ------------------------------------------------------------- (# of players: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (# of stars::star::star::star::star: for both) | 2009-09-03 14:21:00 Author: acdramon ![]() Posts: 332 |
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