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Plasma Ball Light Show Device (UPDATE) Now available as a prize!

Archive: 36 posts

UPDATE: Now available as a hidden prize in my new level! Check out The Temple of Energy (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=287461#post287461).

Hey there.

So I'm working on a new level where I really wanted to play with lighting and cool effects, as well as actually making a decent platformer (which if you look at all my levels you'll see I don't have one...yet) and I made this fantastic machine for the end of my level.

It uses plasma balls to create awesome patterns.

The best part is that the patterns are infinite. I have a level up that has a mere 4 of my favorite patterns that I've so far created. I'll add pictures in a few minutes (or hours, but soon enough), but it cannot compare to seeing it in sack...son? Person + sack = what? O_O

Anyway, just search my PSN:


Please comment! If enough people like it I'll think about making it a prize, albeit hidden prize, in the aforementioned level when it is released. XD

Edit: Pictures!

http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/7748/0903090844.th.jpg (http://img4.imageshack.us/i/0903090844.jpg/) I call this one "Energy." It is my favorite one.
http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/8749/0903090845.th.jpg (http://img382.imageshack.us/i/0903090845.jpg/) I call this one "Fire."
http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/566/0903090845a.th.jpg (http://img382.imageshack.us/i/0903090845a.jpg/) I call this one "Fireflies."
http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/4435/0903090846.th.jpg (http://img212.imageshack.us/i/0903090846.jpg/) I call this one "Eruption."

Yes, those plasma balls are curving.

Oh, and a video.

YouTube - Little Big Planet - Plasma Ball Light Show

P.S. Try out my Vault! OH, and I need play testers! People who are online often who I can grab up for a few minutes to test stuff out. Levels, concepts like this, etc. I have a lot of stuff going on and love to share! So if you're online often and like to see new stuff often, please add me!
2009-09-03 08:09:00

Posts: 41

I haven't been on in awhile, but normally im on often, and don't mind testing/seeing new stuff 2009-09-03 16:38:00

Comet Wolf
Posts: 99

I haven't been on in awhile, but normally im on often, and don't mind testing/seeing new stuff

If you don't add me I'll add you when next I Little Big Play.
2009-09-03 18:06:00

Posts: 41

I just saw the video, and holy crap, thats amazing. Im definetively checking this out, next time im on LBP. How long did it take you to make this?2009-09-03 19:56:00

Comet Wolf
Posts: 99

The actual machine itself is rather simple, so that didn't take long. However, getting good patterns down takes awhile. There is a ton of tweaking to make sure the pattern looks good and doesn't just look like garbage. Well worth it though, I think! 2009-09-03 20:16:00

Posts: 41

I love a good light show!

It looks really well done. I'll check it out
2009-09-03 21:26:00

Posts: 941

I love a good light show!

It looks really well done. I'll check it out Ah, well if you love a good light show then when you're done with this one you should check out my music levels. They're unique to any music level you've ever seen, I'm sure, and they just so happen to be set in a theater of lights.
2009-09-03 21:55:00

Posts: 41

That looked pretty cool. Is it just done with emitters?2009-09-04 10:03:00

Posts: 490

Oh yeah. Plasma balls are way too unstable to just keep around. XD2009-09-04 10:15:00

Posts: 41

That looks amazing. I've never seen that done before and have no idea how it's done.2009-09-04 11:12:00

Posts: 2210

ok so how do you get past the hallway it just ends up completing the level2009-09-04 16:07:00

Posts: 108

That looks amazing. LBP fireworks!2009-09-04 16:17:00

Posts: 755

mistervista: I'm hard at work on a new level, my first platformer, where I'll be using this effect. Either hidden in the level or as an Ace prize you'll get this device. You could of course go tinker in create mode, but I'm making good progress on my level and I expect myself to finish it soon so you could also just wait a little. XD

Waldo: Wrong thread man. Please post that here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=274379#post274379) where I'll respond properly to it. :3

mrsvista: I could try to make something more like that! Like you see a rocket go up then BOOM plasma works! I could put in sound effects and everything...could be pretty awesome.

BUT, that will have to wait a bit. Need to clean the house today before my wife gets home if I wish to survive. See I play this RPG called life sometimes and it is dangerous. O_O

Oh and thanks for all the input everyone. Remember two things! 1. I need play testers please! ^____^ If you're on my friendslist you get to see stuff like this while it is in progress and are usually the first to get some of my unique objects. 2. Try my other levels. If you like light shows/cool effects/something unique play my music levels (Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata and Fur Elise). You've never seen anything like them, I promise.
2009-09-04 16:51:00

Posts: 41

Waldo: Wrong thread man. Please post that

Yeah I read it twice, so how do I get past it. All I read was a long winded explanation is it copyable? If that's what you mean by in level explanation then okay.
2009-09-05 18:44:00

Posts: 108

Dude what are you talking about post here if you're talking about my Vault. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=274379#post274379)2009-09-05 19:14:00

Posts: 41

Checked this out today, awesome stuff man I'm totally going to find that prize in your level, JUST to see how its done I totally want to make a boss with spiralling plasma shots 2009-09-06 04:19:00

Posts: 3322

Haha, I know right?!

I was playing those levels Plasma Ball 3000 and Plasma Ball 4000 and other plasma ball levels by the same author. Survival levels mostly, but they remind me of those arcade games because of the patterns. You know the ones where you are a small ship and you're flying upwards and you have like five million bullets and destroy EVERYTHING, but then you get to the boss and it has TEN million bullets?

I was thinking how awesome it could be to make something along those lines. Patterns of rotating plasma balls to fight with.

BUT, I won't let myself be distracted by yet ANOTHER project. lol, not at least until I finish this level.
2009-09-06 04:27:00

Posts: 41

I was blown away by the brilliance of this thing. Holy crap, it looks to seamless.

Since it's determined that you use emitters, I have a theory. You must have emitters moving about in the back layer hooked up to some sort of 2-dimensional movement device. Then, the emitters will emit plasma balls at a set interval in time, thereby creating a pattern.

I'm just shocked at how seamless it all is. Very nice work - thanks for sharing.
2009-09-06 04:38:00

Posts: 5338

That post makes me giddy.

Wow I really need to finish my level ASAP so you guys can see. Too bad I have work tomorrow morning.

Hey so I haven't really decided so I was wondering what you guys think. Would you guys rather have the device as an Ace the level prize or as a hidden prize within the level?
2009-09-06 04:44:00

Posts: 41

Hidden in the level fo' sho'. I lack the skills to ace most levels, but I'm better at finding stuffs 2009-09-06 04:50:00

Posts: 5338

Hidden. Acing requires more playthroughs lol. Or you could tell us, but thats no fun, is it? 2009-09-06 05:17:00

Posts: 3322

Hidden. Acing requires more playthroughs lol. Or you could tell us, but thats no fun, is it?
No of course not. XD

I was leaning towards it a bit, but with the input from you two plus the fact that I can't even play my level without dying (it isn't exactly hard, but I like to mess around and it gets me killed, lol) I've decided that hidden it is!

Working hard on it now. It should be done soon seeing as how my therm is almost maxed. D:

I hope I can get everything I want to in. :|
2009-09-06 05:46:00

Posts: 41

that amazing! im going to check it out now.
i wouldn't mind testing your levels if you want and I'm online a lot so just add me and invite me wen you want something tested
2009-09-06 14:18:00

Posts: 15

That's just amazing man, never seen anything like it But couldn't the names be a little cooler? Energy? Fire? A little too bland for such a great light show... Dynamite? Whirlwind? Phenomenon? stuff like that... But I am super curious about what's behind the blue curtain, how'd you do it?2009-09-06 16:08:00

Posts: 3251

lol, well, the names were a last minute addition that I made up while creating this thread, so I'll probably change them eventually, but even then its not like the name does much. XD Certainly won't be using it in my level then be like "Oh ya this cool effect I named it "Energy" lol

Oh and I'm hard at work on my level. I have to leave for work for a 4.5 hour shift in about an hour though (SAD FACE), but I'll be back ASAP to keep my level going. So far I've having a blast making it and think it will blow you guys away.

The plasma ball light show device will be available as a hidden prize within said level.

I'll even include a tutorial with the object so when you do find it it will be explained nicely.
2009-09-06 17:58:00

Posts: 41

I can't wait for this!!!

Also, I'm free to play test, mostly on the weekends, only on the weekdays at 8:00 PM or later

But I'm in California, so the time may be different If you want me to play test, just add me (PSN: Goldenclaw13), because I often forget to add people xP
2009-09-11 00:31:00

Posts: 224

Oh what a coincidence I'm in California...

My level will be out soon! I'm talking early this morning probably. My Therm is literally above the top line, lol

Keep an eye out!

Edit: A little behind schedule as I seemed to pass out from exhaustion last night, lol

Anyway, I'm simply creating the prize bubbles now. I've already finished everything else. Release on the way. XD (Lets hope my wife doesn't want to go to the movies or something right now though, lol. It IS Friday night after all.)

Edit 2: Back from a night out at the movies and a loooong dinner at Denny's, lol. -.-
2009-09-11 01:24:00

Posts: 41

The Temple of Energy (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=287461#post287461)
2009-09-12 14:21:00

Posts: 41

Just saw the video and...HOLY CRAP!!!
Amazing stuff!
2009-09-13 09:35:00

Posts: 5112

I think I know a way to do it. May not be your way, but it is a way

Think I'll send you a PM to see if I'm right
2009-09-13 11:09:00

Posts: 6497

So how many of you have found the hidden prize? 2009-09-19 17:35:00

Posts: 41

So how many of you have found the hidden prize?

I have, but I think you knew that already. It's actually quite ingenious how you've done it. I have no use for it right now, but it's definitely going into my "Bag-o-tricks." The only problem is that it's a thermo killer.
2009-09-19 18:25:00

Posts: 5338

Yeah, it is kind of a killer.

It all depends on how many individual pieces you use as well as, though. As well as the settings on the emitter.

For example in my 4th pattern shown, there are far fewer emitted at once because the pattern is so much more complex. If I tried to have it match the original pattern in terms of speed the therm explodes.

The inverse could also be true, if you limited your shape and speed to minimize therm use. :3

Beyond that though, I think that the potential minimum is still two whole bars, which kind of sucks.

But hey, at least it is awesome.
2009-09-19 18:46:00

Posts: 41

It's also an added challenge in that [the object used to make the effect] have an internal lifespan of 3 seconds. If you capture one that has been subject to "unpausing", it will not last the whole 3 seconds.

I think I may have let the cat out of the bag there...
2009-09-19 20:08:00

Posts: 5338

I finally got the "Plasma Ball Light Show Device"! I got 4 out of the 7 hidden objects (you really hid them well), and I have no idea where the other three are. The way you did it is very interesting, I would never have thought of it in a million years. Amazing job on that, and the level. 2009-09-19 23:25:00

Posts: 2325

Haha, well, that may give it away per se, but the exact way I do it maybe not.

Oh, best part, the ones I used are originals. I captured that AGES ago, before basically any of the updates. I was just messing around back then and didn't think much of it, but now I'm glad I did! The original versions don't disappear.

If you need the originals it wouldn't be hard to obtain them from my object.

Simply adjust the lifespan of the emitted objects to infinite (reduce max at once of course) then pause while some are mid air. Select the object then without a grid unpause and ram the plasma into an object. The plasma and anything else will go poof! Then just capture the remaining. :3

I even have trouble with those things sometimes...every once in awhile finding a pile of unbroken ones lying around here and there, lol
2009-09-20 04:38:00

Posts: 41

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