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3039:prologue -3039:chapter 1

Archive: 2 posts

3039: prologue -3039:chapter 1Henex
this is a five chapter set of levels with prologue and epilogue.im asking all of u to do f4f on it because i need plays and help on it. This story is about a man who is a mayor of Sacktown USA but he has an incident with his ice box. He ends up being frozen for over a thousand years and wakes up to a city much beyond his time but all hes doing is trying to do is get back to his own time. i only have the first two out so far but tell me what u think
this is a five chapter set of levels with prologue and epilogue.im asking all of u to do f4f on it because i need plays and help on it. This story is about a man who is a mayor of Sacktown USA but he has an incident with his ice box. He ends up being frozen for over a thousand years and wakes up to a city of flying cars and tractor beams.As he goes through this strange world he sees amazing things but all hes doing is trying to do is get back to his own time. i only have the first two out so far but tell me what u think.
2009-09-02 06:08:00

Unknown User

You kind of repeated the message there. I'll check it out though.2009-09-02 11:38:00

Posts: 55

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