HELP - Music Problems (Staccato)
Archive: 8 posts
Ok, here's my problem. So I'm looping custom music for an "action sequence" by placing all the notes in a giant pile on a multi-layered cardboard sheet that will follow the player under the "floor". However, when doing this, it appears that for some reason it's been making all of the notes staccato (abrupt and short), and I don't know why. Could someone please help me with this? EDIT: Problem has been solved | 2009-09-01 16:05:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
What are you using to follow the player around? I've noticed that sometimes pistons and motors respond to secondary forces. Maybe the abrupt movement of the "player following force" is throwing off the tempo of the music. Maybe try spreading copies of the same "music box" throughout the level and have them synced so they play the same tune. This way it would be static and maybe it'll work. Hope that helps | 2009-09-01 17:46:00 Author: javi haguse ![]() Posts: 744 |
What are you using to follow the player around? I've noticed that sometimes pistons and motors respond to secondary forces. Maybe the abrupt movement of the "player following force" is throwing off the tempo of the music. Maybe try spreading copies of the same "music box" throughout the level and have them synced so they play the same tune. This way it would be static and maybe it'll work. Hope that helps Nothing yet, but I am going to use a "PTD" a-la ladylyn. Right now though I'm simply having trouble getting it to play well on a static sheet of cardboard. If I could get it as a music box, that would be even better, since I'm essentially trying to makeshift my way around one. | 2009-09-01 17:53:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
Is the looping device also following the player or just the notes. For my set up i have the looping device stationary and just have the notes following the player. I have a demo level of how to use custom music. One thing i noticed is if there are loops playing else where in the level it cuased a my music to sound messed up even though you could only hear them one at a time since they where in different sections of the level. Example i had three different songs where the player could only hear one at a time, but if i left them all playing the sound would become messed up and choppy. Go check out my demo level, that level has two songs in it and notice how i make you turn one off before proceding. psn is deboerdave | 2009-09-01 18:03:00 Author: deboerdave ![]() Posts: 384 |
Is the looping device also following the player or just the notes. For my set up i have the looping device stationary and just have the notes following the player. I have a demo level of how to use custom music. One thing i noticed is if there are loops playing else where in the level it cuased a my music to sound messed up even though you could only hear them one at a time since they where in different sections of the level. Example i had three different songs where the player could only hear one at a time, but if i left them all playing the sound would become messed up and choppy. Go check out my demo level, that level has two songs in it and notice how i make you turn one off before proceding. psn is deboerdave *epiphany* ... is this whole problem simply because I didn't turn off my OTHER custom music in the other part of the level yet? *goes to check* EDIT: YES! YOU SOLVED MY PROBLEM! =) | 2009-09-01 18:27:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
Just one more thing before you consider all your problems solved. What method do you use to have the player follow the player? The little creature that A_Morton shows off in his music level works great, but you could also cut the music (instead of killing the creature brain) by dissolving the block that the key is on... I dunno, just thought I'd throw that out there... | 2009-09-01 18:37:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
Just one more thing before you consider all your problems solved. What method do you use to have the player follow the player? I'm planning to use ladylyn's PTD logic to have the sheet follow the player beneath the floor, as that will help me move a checkpoint above them at the same time. | 2009-09-01 18:52:00 Author: Jagrevi ![]() Posts: 1154 |
*epiphany* ... is this whole problem simply because I didn't turn off my OTHER custom music in the other part of the level yet? *goes to check* EDIT: YES! YOU SOLVED MY PROBLEM! =) yeah it seems there is some sort of limit of sounds going off at once no matter if they are in player range or not. by the way i tried your demo when you posted it, it was pretty cool. seems you got an epic project going will definitely be checking it out when it is done | 2009-09-01 19:09:00 Author: deboerdave ![]() Posts: 384 |
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