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Do I get a Crown if my level reaches 100,000 plays?

Archive: 18 posts

im just asking...-.-2009-08-31 05:36:00

Posts: 588

No, it's down to MM who gets a crown. Mostly contests and things that MM do will get you a crown, or doing something to do with LBP like an animation.

There was another thread on this by the way, doesn't really matter.
2009-08-31 05:38:00

Posts: 1606

No, it's down to MM who gets a crown. Mostly contests and things that MM do will get you a crown, or doing something to do with LBP like an animation.

There was another thread on this by the way, doesn't really matter.

my friend said,u can get a crown by getting 100,000 plays...hmm.
2009-08-31 05:47:00

Posts: 588

how can i MM a messege?2009-08-31 05:48:00

Posts: 588

my friend said,u can get a crown by getting 100,000 plays...hmm.

Your friend is lying

how can i MM a messege?

This is their site, it might have their E-mail on or some way to contact them: http://www.mediamolecule.com/

I've never properly looked around that site though but I think there's competitions and stuff.

I'll have a look now.

EDIT: I can't find them but I've heard that every week they look at levels that have been sent in and pick the best for crowns. I don't know too much about this though...
2009-08-31 05:52:00

Posts: 1606

Your friend is lying

This is their site, it might have their E-mail on or some way to contact them: http://www.mediamolecule.com/

I've never properly looked around that site though but I think there's competitions and stuff.

I'll have a look now.

EDIT: I can't find them but I've heard that every week they look at levels that have been sent in and pick the best for crowns. I don't know too much about this though...

Level : Nazi Zombies Survival on Der Riese

play the lvl if u want
2009-08-31 06:00:00

Posts: 588


Level : Nazi Zombies Survival on Der Riese

play the lvl if u want

Ok I'll play it. I think I've seen it on Cool Levels before.
2009-08-31 06:03:00

Posts: 1606

to get a crown u have to do something for the community, send something to MM, win a contest (where a crown is a prize..duh), or do something really kewl, such as team work.2009-08-31 06:08:00

Posts: 123


Level : Nazi Zombies Survival on Der Riese

play the lvl if u want

It was very fun, I gave it :star::star::star::star::star:.
My first round survival time was about 3 seconds, lol.

I had already played one of your zombie survival levels before with someone.
EDIT: It was on Nacht Der Untoten.

Anyway, another way to win a crown is to discover the true identity of 'Steelsack' on http://www.sackcast.com/.
2009-08-31 06:14:00

Posts: 1606

It was very fun, I gave it :star::star::star::star::star:.
My first round survival time was about 3 seconds, lol.

I had already played one of your zombie survival levels before with someone.
EDIT: It was on Nacht Der Untoten.

Anyway, another way to win a crown is to discover the true identity of 'Steelsack' on http://www.sackcast.com/.thnx for feedbak and where can i find steel sack?
2009-08-31 06:19:00

Posts: 588

thnx for feedbak and where can i find steel sack?

That's the game. They're putting clues up around the Sackcast site to lead to the location of 'Steelsack' (so I'm presuming it's someone from the Sackcast site).
I don't know if it's real or a joke but they're saying he hacked the site.
2009-08-31 06:23:00

Posts: 1606

I dont really know but someone said to me before that you should give the PSN - LittleXim a message and tell them to try the level and they might give you the crown 2010-02-21 00:42:00

Posts: 13

Just a word of advice...

Try not to bump such old threads. You seem to be on a roll on these crown threads for some reason. This one is 6 months old.

2010-02-21 00:46:00

Posts: 11383


Jwwphotos beat me to it
2010-02-21 00:48:00

Posts: 5592


Level : Nazi Zombies Survival on Der Riese

play the lvl if u want

ur level fails only the best levels get crowns
2010-02-21 02:46:00

Posts: 18

hey dude dont be so mean to him at least he made a level (not saying that you haven't made one)

2010-02-21 03:58:00

Posts: 2701

hey dude dont be so mean to him at least he made a level (not saying that you haven't made one)

Yeah.. I have to agree. No need to be snappy at the guy... especially a horribly old thread that probably shouldn't have been bumped in the first place.

In other words, play nice.
2010-02-21 04:08:00

Posts: 11383

I played your level Sacky, I really enjoyed it!

Add me if you'd like and me and my construction crew can build with you.
2010-02-21 05:50:00

Posts: 268

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