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some devices i made

Archive: 3 posts

hey all
so im trying to make a mobile aa gun when somehow i started making consepts for propetual motion devices(propetual motion.a force once started will never stop unless forcefully stoped) its prity basic but its a board that turns for ever with a normal bolt.

and i made a wheight scale.
also basic but i worked out a system to wheigh things out

if anybody is interested with them il update with more info about them
2009-08-30 15:51:00

Posts: 212

lol, what, ur trying to make mobile anti-aircraft gun.......ha good luck...2009-08-30 19:43:00

Posts: 123

I'm confused by whats so amazing about perpetual motion in LBP... most motion is perpetual, as i don't see any generators turning my wobble bolts I guess they must all have tiny nuclear reactors in them or something.

A weight scale is a bit more impressive as you'd have to get measurements rather precise.
2009-08-30 20:04:00

Posts: 3322

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