Air Hockey 107 by Samson107
Archive: 5 posts
Woah! This is a great rendition of a game that you might have played down your local arcade. Well, now you can play it on LBP! This is great fun. One player? Play against an AI opponent. Two player? Slug it out against a friend! Lots of fun! It currently has 1556 plays and 152 hearts. | 2009-08-29 23:18:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
I have absouletely no idea how this would work in LBP, so i gotta check it out ![]() | 2009-08-29 23:24:00 Author: Comet Wolf ![]() Posts: 99 |
This is epic ![]() One problem is that you can cheat on single player by just grabing the floaty thing and draging it to the other goal 10 times, but playing by the proper rules is more fun ![]() great recomendation , i give 5:star: | 2009-08-30 00:20:00 Author: springs86 ![]() Posts: 785 |
thanks guys, im glad u like my level, i made the AI very good so people can get high scores. its not only about winning, its also about getting a good rally going and getting as high a score as u can... even on 2 player you compete agaisted each other but you also work together to get a high score, u get about 3 points for scoring and 1 point for hitting the puck (only if u are grabbing your pad though) | 2009-10-05 17:36:00 Author: Samson107 ![]() Posts: 83 |
thanks guys, im glad u like my level, i made the AI very good so people can get high scores. its not only about winning, its also about getting a good rally going and getting as high a score as u can... even on 2 player you compete agaisted each other but you also work together to get a high score, u get about 3 points for scoring and 1 point for hitting the puck (only if u are grabbing your pad though) Yup, awesome stuff - 2 great multiplayer levels from Samson107 are on my permenant playlist and I play with my son and his friends - this one, and "Operation 107". Hmmm, I had never thought about trying to co-op a high score.... need to try this later. This is ALSO listed in the "Recommendations index of awesomeness" put together by Omegaslayer and suggested by Burnvictim42. | 2009-10-05 17:47:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
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