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Isn't it heartbreaking...

Archive: 23 posts

When you look on your Friends list and there's people playing LittleBigPlanet BETA... on a level called "Water Ramp"?

I'm sad.
2009-08-29 14:57:00

Posts: 1287

So it has started?
So I didn't get in?

2009-08-29 15:00:00

Posts: 4291

Don't be sad, you will play with water soon, when it will be released. There is nothing that urge. And don't forget that their main role IS NOT to create wonderfull level with water, but mainly to find bugs. It is a completely different "gaming" type and process.

And 49DRA, no, i think that he is talking of people of the Online creation beta tht already have access to water. The "Water beta" didn't start yet
2009-08-29 15:06:00

Posts: 1355

So it has started?
So I didn't get in?

Theres 7 ish stages,
First stage there sending some invites.

Then second, more.
Etc, etc,etc.

And it can be the online create people in the water beta, or MM made a level showing water..
2009-08-29 15:06:00

Posts: 744

So it has started?
So I didn't get in?

You still have a chance... it's just that people who were already in the OC Beta get Water.
2009-08-29 15:08:00

Posts: 1287

When you look on your Friends list and there's people playing LittleBigPlanet BETA... on a level called "Water Ramp"?

I'm sad.

Very observant! However, it could be the OC testers getting ready for water....
2009-08-29 15:11:00

Posts: 156

Very observant! However, it could be the OC testers getting ready for water....

I thought they already had water? Hmm... I'm so confuddled :hero:
2009-08-29 15:16:00

Posts: 1287

that defeats the purpose of keeping it to yourself...
2009-08-29 16:05:00

Unknown User

If MM wanted to keep it all a secret, then why did they make it LBP BETA in the friends list <_>

Oh well... <_>
2009-08-29 16:26:00

Posts: 10882

Well at least i'm glad they're exploring all the possiblities of LBP. What more can you do besides build a giant ramp underwater? 2009-08-29 18:01:00

Posts: 3322

Ok, I give up. It's way too late to try to cover it up, and I don't like misinformation, so here it is, laid out on the table:

Those who were already in the Online Create Beta currently have water. I can load up my beta client right now and go for a swim if I felt like it. Those who applied for access into the Water Beta have not been invited yet - the first wave of invites were actually supposed to have gone out already, but due to some legal issues on Sony's end, the invites were delayed. I do not know when the invites are going out to applicants, but I do know that Mm is irritated (as I believe they planned to get OC testers and applicants in at the same time) and, while there's hardly anything they can do to speed up the process, they're trying to push Sony as much as they can.
2009-08-29 19:24:00

Posts: 3729

Ok, I give up. It's way too late to try to cover it up, and I don't like misinformation, so here it is, laid out on the table:

Those who were already in the Online Create Beta currently have water. I can load up my beta client right now and go for a swim if I felt like it. Those who applied for access into the Water Beta have not been invited yet - the first wave of invites were actually supposed to have gone out already, but due to some legal issues on Sony's end, the invites were delayed. I do not know when the invites are going out to applicants, but I do know that Mm is irritated (as I believe they planned to get OC testers and applicants in at the same time) and, while there's hardly anything they can do to speed up the process, they're trying to push Sony as much as they can.

I'm sure you know Spaff specifically said not to say the water beta has started. Also, I don't think they want this common knowledge yet because there was a thread on the LittleBigWorkshop just yesterday afternoon about the water beta starting and it was deleted shortly after it was created....so continue at your own risk. Hopefully they'll get those invites out soon.

If something's changed and they're ok with it, then that's another story but I don't think they want this to be common knowledge yet. It created a lot of tension over at the LittleBigWorkshop.....
2009-08-29 19:52:00

Posts: 156

Anyways people, what the hell? They don't owe you something. Don't be crybabies and they will invite you when they are ready. It's THEIR game, it's THEIR schedule and on top of that, they never promised you a date.

Is patience REALLY becoming a lost virtue and a new and really important flaw of modern society?

2009-08-29 19:55:00

Posts: 3901

Theres 7 ish stages,
First stage there sending some invites.

Then second, more.
Etc, etc,etc.

And it can be the online create people in the water beta, or MM made a level showing water..

so with the 7 stages you can get in and only get 1/7tth of the stuff to start with, or start at the end and get all of it at once, making it harder?
2009-08-29 19:58:00

Posts: 5078

I'm sure you know Spaff specifically said not to say the water beta has started. Also, I don't think they want this common knowledge yet because there was a thread on the LittleBigWorkshop just yesterday afternoon about the water beta starting and it was deleted shortly after it was created....so continue at your own risk. Hopefully they'll get those invites out soon.

If something's changed and they're ok with it, then that's another story but I don't think they want this to be common knowledge yet. It created a lot of tension over at the LittleBigWorkshop.....
Yes, I'm aware of what he asked, but it's not working like he wanted. It's already common knowledge to those outside of the beta because others have already leaked the information, and I am tired of all this blame and misinformation being slung around. At this point, I'd rather go against what Spaff asked and provide actual information than do what he says and let misinformation spread.
2009-08-29 19:59:00

Posts: 3729

Yes, I'm aware of what he asked, but it's not working like he wanted. It's already common knowledge to those outside of the beta because others have already leaked the information, and I am tired of all this blame and misinformation being slung around. At this point, I'd rather go against what Spaff asked and provide actual information than do what he says and let misinformation spread.

Misinformation is usually people just speculating. At least that way they have no proof. The main reason he didn't want it it known is because of the issue of jealousy, which I can almost guarantee, is going to happen soon in this thread.
They better get those invites out soon.....
2009-08-29 20:02:00

Posts: 156

Misinformation is usually people just speculating. At least that way they have no proof. The main reason he didn't want it it known is because of the issue of jealousy, which I can almost guarantee, is going to happen soon in this thread.
They better get those invites out soon.....
Look, man, I know why he didn't want the information getting out. I spoke to him day-of about the entire issue, including my fears that misinformation would get out and upset people more than the truth would. If Spaff disagrees with the fact that I said it so matter-of-factly, then he'll tell me himself when I explain to him what I did and why. I'm already aware of the risks, but I'd rather have jealousy based on fact than anger based on speculation. If they're jealous, they'll deal with it - there's nothing anyone can do right now except wait. In the meantime, I'm doing my best to inform everyone so that they'll understand and wait patiently until either Mm makes an official announcement or the invites go out.
2009-08-29 20:10:00

Posts: 3729

I agree, all this secrecy and speculation is making it worse, I'm sick of hearing about it.

Unless they're planning on inviting the entire community, it's not like there'll be any less jealousy when the invites do finally get out anyway.
2009-08-29 20:25:00

Posts: 545

The impatience here is quite astounding.

We are all going to get it when the updates done.

So what if only a select amount of people get to check it out first.

It's just a water addition in a video games guys, have some patience.
2009-08-29 20:31:00

Posts: 431

Look, man, I know why he didn't want the information getting out. I spoke to him day-of about the entire issue, including my fears that misinformation would get out and upset people more than the truth would. If Spaff disagrees with the fact that I said it so matter-of-factly, then he'll tell me himself when I explain to him what I did and why. I'm already aware of the risks, but I'd rather have jealousy based on fact than anger based on speculation. If they're jealous, they'll deal with it - there's nothing anyone can do right now except wait. In the meantime, I'm doing my best to inform everyone so that they'll understand and wait patiently until either Mm makes an official announcement or the invites go out.

I only brought it up because of the thread being deleted on the other forum recently. I apologize if I upset you.

I see your point, I think people will be glad to see that the invites are being worked on to get to everyone. (Hopefully they work out whatever is causing the delay) I think even if the whole thing wasn't revealed until the invites were sent out, people would still be jealous when they realize we already made a bunch of water levels. I apologize again, being informed is better than being misinformed.
2009-08-29 20:39:00

Posts: 156

Yes, I'm aware of what he asked, but it's not working like he wanted. It's already common knowledge to those outside of the beta because others have already leaked the information, and I am tired of all this blame and misinformation being slung around. At this point, I'd rather go against what Spaff asked and provide actual information than do what he says and let misinformation spread.

Well, to be honest, I thought everyone knew anyway, so I'm sorry if this thread has in any way contributed to the misinformation.

However, I do think that if Mm really wanted to keep it "secret" then maybe the game shouldn't show up as LittleBigPlanet(tm) BETA... with beta actually in all caps

Well at least i'm glad they're exploring all the possiblities of LBP. What more can you do besides build a giant ramp underwater?

The original ramp was deleted this morning. At least the beta testers are giving us what we wanted
2009-08-29 21:21:00

Posts: 1287

Ah, who cares? I want water!

My Iceberg level cannot wait any longer.
2009-08-29 21:22:00

Posts: 1129

cant wait 2009-08-29 23:02:00

Unknown User

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