I love halo!!!!!!!
Archive: 16 posts
I just picked up an old xbox from a garage sale, and I instantly got hooked on halo. ![]() I won't be playing online because I don't want to pay for xbox live, but I LOVE the campaign mode. I don't know why I made this thread... I was just bored and wanted to talk about halo... ![]() Oh yeah, and I'm talking about Halo: Combat evolved. THE FIRST ONE! not the third one. ![]() | 2009-08-29 01:16:00 Author: tjb0607 ![]() Posts: 1054 |
I can't imagine a Halo thread ending in anything but a flame war! Personally i think the game is entirely hype, i wouldn't be suprised if most other people on this forum thought the same ![]() | 2009-08-29 01:38:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I was never a fan of the Halo series, but I'm fairly confident that the original game did many things that had never been done before in a console FPS. In that regard, it was a very good game for it's time. In retrospect, though, I would have to disagree that Halo is "awesome." There are too many games that have been released since Halo that outdo it. Just my two cents. | 2009-08-29 01:48:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
Halo, FTW Everyone that says xbox sucks doesnt know what they are missing! Halo is soo much fun ;D And im pretty sure an xbox comes with a free 1 month live card.. but you got yours at a garage sale so i guess not. And the Red Ring of Death only happens if you A: Leave the game on for a whole day. B: Drop it from your roof: C: Plug in the cords incorrectly, but you can fix that by putting them in correctly. or D: Smash your xbox with a baseball bat. That usually cant be fixed. Live is sooo much fun! if you get live, HAVE A MIC. Oh, and beware of little children. They scream, a lot. NOT SAYING ALL OF THEM DO! | 2009-08-29 01:59:00 Author: SlinkDewar ![]() Posts: 70 |
Halo, FTW Everyone that says xbox sucks doesnt know what they are missing! Halo is soo much fun ;D And im pretty sure an xbox comes with a free 1 month live card.. but you got yours at a garage sale so i guess not. And the Red Ring of Death only happens if you A: Leave the game on for a whole day. B: Drop it from your roof: C: Plug in the cords incorrectly, but you can fix that by putting them in correctly. or D: Smash your xbox with a baseball bat. That usually cant be fixed. Live is sooo much fun! if you get live, HAVE A MIC. Oh, and beware of little children. They scream, a lot. NOT SAYING ALL OF THEM DO! Umm... Sorry to disagree but none of the examples you gave give you a Red Ring of Death, except A. I for one got my RRoD just because the 360 overheats very quickly. I couldn't keep the game only for more then 3 hours because of this... I once put a towel over my xbox to see just how hot it could get and it started steaming. (Mind this was after I had broken the thing...) | 2009-08-29 02:04:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
I like Halo, it's not too bad with some friends. I'm getting ODST. | 2009-08-29 02:06:00 Author: alexbull_uk ![]() Posts: 1287 |
I remember playing halo 3 a lot before i started playing LPB, i could probably own everyone on this forum ![]() ![]() | 2009-08-29 10:41:00 Author: Comet Wolf ![]() Posts: 99 |
I can still remember playing Halo when it first came out at my friends house and I can remember thinking that the game was awesome. Had some fond memories with that game I did. | 2009-08-30 00:09:00 Author: Arikardo ![]() Posts: 158 |
never played it but halo 3 looks fun to play ![]() | 2009-08-30 00:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I hate those that think that halo invented FPS. if you don't you're safe ![]() | 2009-08-30 00:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I use to say that Halo was terrible. That was before I had seriously played the game. It's like someone saying they don't like Harry Potter without reading the books. But then when I had a 360 as the main console, I managed to find some second hand versions of Halo and Halo 2. Now that I have managed to play through the entire single player campaign for Halo 1, I can confidently say... it's terrible. The story was just absolutely awful, and the gameplay very boring and uninteresting. One of the things they did that was original and new in that game at the time was the two weapons only system. Previously in FPS, you could choose from any weapon you had picked up at any time, you just pulled them out of your amazing pockets. But the two weapon system as implemented in Halo I just found it annoying and restricting. The one decent thing that I found of the Halo series was the multiplayer. It's accessible and relatively easy to play, so it's become a LAN party norm. But without the multiplayer... it's just a very annoying and frustrating game. They have the potential for such an amazing universe... and then they just throw it away with cliches and a poorly executed and predictable plot. Ah well, to each their own. I'm not the biggest fan of FPS, and for one to interest me, it must have a compelling story. I find this one... does not. ![]() If you enjoy it though, then that's good for you. But I don't think it's a game for everyone. ![]() | 2009-08-30 04:40:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
I have no interest in the halo universe. I played the demo of the first game on pc way back. But I see that halo 3 is on the marketplace and I'm totally considering buying it to play coop with a friend. Just for the gameplay. Just because it has coop. | 2009-08-30 10:21:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
I will go ahead and set myself up for some flaming ![]() | 2009-08-30 16:17:00 Author: rz22g ![]() Posts: 340 |
I personally thought Halo was decent but it was no Half Life. If someone said name an over hyped game I think of Halo (well 3 but you know ![]() | 2009-08-30 18:19:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
I remember playing halo 3 a lot before i started playing LPB, i could probably own everyone on this forum ![]() ![]() You could not own everyone on this forum. Shut up. | 2009-08-30 19:10:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You could not own everyone on this forum. Shut up. indeed, only like 5% of the whole forum has an Xbox ![]() | 2009-08-30 19:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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