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Layer Barrier Glitch - stop players from moving between layers, invisibly.

Archive: 8 posts

I discovered what I believe to be a new glitch the other day, and have made a level to showcase it and give a copy of away.

The level is Layer Barrier Glitch by MrOrangeOh.

In a nutshell, this glitched object is completely invisible and can be placed 'between' either the 3rd (back) and 2nd (middle) layer, or between the 2nd and 1st (front) layers. When placed, it completely prevents players from moving between those two layers, either through jumping or by jetpack. However, if placed, for example, between layers 1 and 2, the player can still move freely (left, right, jumping) on those two layers, they simply cannot transition to the other.

Potential uses I have thought up for this object include:

Preventing players from jumping forward a layer to leave a house or building that only spans across the back two layers (example of this in the level).

Keeping players confined inside a corridor or tunnel on one of the back layers, without obscuring the view of their sackboy at all (see the level for an example).

Allowing players to move on terrain on the back two layers, whilst preventing them from jumping forwards onto the front layer (again, see the level). What I mean by this, is if you wanted to have a scene in your level where the players run along the rooftops of a city, and you have shorter buildings on the front layer for decoration, the players could jump down onto these buildings. This can be prevented through the use of the Layer Barrier Glitch.

Unfortunately, I do not know how to recreate this glitch, but I am giving away an example of it at the end of the level. The object can be resized and moved between layers, but can not be thickened or have its shape changed.
2009-08-28 15:25:00

Posts: 20

When placed, it completely prevents players from moving between those two layers, either through jumping or by jetpack

You can't really change layers while wearing a jet pack unless you grab something anyway

Thought this does sound usefull, i don't really see what the advantages are compared to just using invisible dark matter. Sure you'd have to make multiple invisible dark matter objects, but atleast you can accurately decide the size and shape.
2009-08-28 19:07:00

Comet Wolf
Posts: 99

You can't really change layers while wearing a jet pack unless you grab something anyway He means you can trap sackboy in the back layers.

but atleast you can accurately decide the size and shape.

If you want to recreate this effect so you can edit the size and shape (assuming it stil works):

2009-08-28 19:34:00

Posts: 6497

You can't really change layers while wearing a jet pack unless you grab something anyway

Thought this does sound usefull, i don't really see what the advantages are compared to just using invisible dark matter. Sure you'd have to make multiple invisible dark matter objects, but atleast you can accurately decide the size and shape.

Yes, I did mean confining the player to the back layers whilst they use a jetpack (they automatically move to the frontmost layer usually). The advantage over invisible dark matter is that this can be moved, making it usable on vehicles and other objects that need to move.

He means you can trap sackboy in the back layers.

If you want to recreate this effect so you can edit the size and shape (assuming it stil works):


This is a different glitch. This isn't just invisible material - you can move through this on the X and Y (left, right, up, down) axes, but not the Z (layers)
2009-08-28 20:24:00

Posts: 20

This is a different glitch. This isn't just invisible material - you can move through this on the X and Y (left, right, up, down) axes, but not the Z (layers)

Make it in the thin layer then - I would have thought that was self explanatory
2009-08-28 20:52:00

Posts: 6497

I've been achieving the same thing for a long time by simply using strips of invisible dark matter packed together. 2009-08-28 20:54:00

Posts: 2575

The advantage over invisible dark matter is that this can be moved, making it usable on vehicles and other objects that need to move.

Use rubber......
2009-08-28 21:42:00

Comet Wolf
Posts: 99

Wow that sounds cool, no idea if i can find a way to use it but awesome 2009-08-28 23:05:00

Posts: 785

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