Failure To Update Games On PS3
Archive: 4 posts
This has been an on-going problem and I figured now that I'm on this site with like 99% PS3 users maybe one of you knows a solution. Alright so the problem is that whenever there is a game update for pretty much any game (of those I have) it will at a random point in the downloading stage just freeze and I will have to cancel it. It goes 1 2 3. . . and then it'll just stop going up at a random number. And if I just leave it there for as long as possible (just watch TV for an hour then look back or something), when I go to see if it worked it will say an error occurred. So I will have to try it countless number of times till it goes through without freezing. If the first stage, which is the download stage, goes to 100% and starts the installing stage it will work completely. But it takes numerous tries till it does. So the latest game I've had to update is LittleBigPlanet and it is seemingly a big update (although probably not that new, was my first time playing the game in a couple months) as it has 9 parts to the download. So I've been having the same problem of course and have tried to download the update probably at least 50 times (everytime it froze it never got past about 25%). About 6 of those times I did something else for like an hour and then checked back. Every one of those times I came back to that error message I mentioned. So I can't go online and play anyone's levels or anything because I can't go on LBP online without having this update done. And I didn't always have this problem. There was a time when the updates took 1 try everytime. Now it will never take less than even say 20 tries. If anyone has any suggestions or actually has had this problem and knows how to fix it I would appreciate hearing what you have to say and will try any suggestions I haven't tried already. And don't suggest calling the PS3 people. I'll go through that hassle if I feel they are the only ones who would know. And there's no way I'm sending it in (no money to spare). Either I fix it or I deal with it. | 2009-08-28 06:56:00 Author: ChristmasJew ![]() Posts: 431 |
go to settings find "Media Server Test Connect" or something like that disable reboot router reboot PS3 redownload | 2009-08-28 07:26:00 Author: Aurongel ![]() Posts: 221 |
go to settings find "Media Server Test Connect" or something like that disable reboot router reboot PS3 redownload Well well. I have to stay I am more surprised that just changing 1 little setting would do it but it did!! Just 30 seconds in and it's on like stage 3 of 9. Sweet. ![]() Thanks a bunch dude, glad I posted this. A moderator can lock this now, problem solved. ![]() | 2009-08-28 17:12:00 Author: ChristmasJew ![]() Posts: 431 |
Locked on request. | 2009-08-28 17:15:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
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