Roma World 3D
Archive: 13 posts
Now, I know what you're thinking... "Not another 3D level!?" I know, I was surprised too. This level is on the top page of Cool Pages, but I know a lot of people here avoid cool pages with a passion. However, I dare anyone to play this level and not be amazed by what the creator has done with the 3D glitch and the history pack. In my opinion, it's very deserving of its 5 star rating. If 3D is ever supposed to be used, this is how it should be done. It's mostly just eye-candy, so if you're going in for the platforming, expect to be unimpressed. Regardless, check it out. | 2009-08-28 03:39:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
I played this level this morning and was really impressed at how well he used the glitch, I was very underwhelmed with the gameplay though. I really wish it was stronger in that category and I would've definitely hearted it because it is an amazing looking level. | 2009-08-28 03:46:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
Played this the other day, the level had great architecture and was beautiful to look at! Gameplay was meh -_- | 2009-08-28 05:45:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
just played it i have to say im impressed by the visuals not quite as much with the gameplay but i very nice level all the same | 2009-08-28 05:55:00 Author: ghostrider135 ![]() Posts: 259 |
Didn't see the level yet, but this lead me to think at what kind of awesome stuff we can do with online create. This man makes really cool looking levels, team him with a guy that's cool with platforming, one good with contraptions and a switch geek and you have a monster. I want Online create so badly. | 2009-08-28 07:08:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Didn't see the level yet, but this lead me to think at what kind of awesome stuff we can do with online create. This man makes really cool looking levels, team him with a guy that's cool with platforming, one good with contraptions and a switch geek and you have a monster. I want Online create so badly. or get someone with good contraptions and switch mechanisms etc to sedn them to the creator so he can impliment them in to the level ![]() | 2009-08-28 07:27:00 Author: ghostrider135 ![]() Posts: 259 |
Well it' not the same to built something fit into the level or to be fitted into the level. | 2009-08-28 07:30:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
true but the cretor seems to have an eye for detail so given that im sure they could make whatever contraption fit in there level so as it wouldnt look out of place like my garden level i integrated a rube goldberg machine in to it though i only made the machine for a little contest and thought if i make it look the part then it should go in the level nicely | 2009-08-28 07:37:00 Author: ghostrider135 ![]() Posts: 259 |
Visually stunning to say the least. MM should really allow to build stuff on the extra layers. | 2009-08-28 21:49:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I played this one too. Agreed - this guy spent a lot of time getting this level to look so good. It looks amazing. The extra layers are a great feature, but anyone who's spent time working with them knows that 1) they break easily, and 2) it makes an already-time-consuming process even longer by allowing to build out all layers. I also really appreciated that he gave the alphabet in prize bubbles in that great script - that's a prize bubble I can actually use and have already done so. Gameplay was very average, which was unfortunate, but I thought it was definitely worth my time to go through it more than once. | 2009-09-01 06:47:00 Author: phife211 ![]() Posts: 62 |
Wow. I really liked the level. Graphics-wise it was just as impressive as everyone was saying. Gameplay is more fun in 2-player I think. The alphabet was a nice bonus too. | 2009-09-01 15:48:00 Author: Kefkaas ![]() Posts: 86 |
Visually it's fantastic - prepare for a bit of lag though. I really enjoyed it. | 2009-09-01 16:13:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I randomly played this on Saturday morning and thought i was seeing dubble!(Friday night party...drags on till Saturday!) But then i played it later on in the day when a mate invited me to play & seen how good it was! although the game play wasn't really that challenging, but i dont mind that as long as you can tell that efforts been put in! ![]() | 2009-09-01 17:04:00 Author: Calster17 ![]() Posts: 48 |
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