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Mario Items

Archive: 3 posts

Well, I made something interesting a while ago. A Goomba. Yes, a Goomba. But not just any Goomba, but a pixel Goomba. Complete with spikes to make it lethal, and a brain on top! If you want to see it, I put it in an survival challenge, aptly-named Goomba Survival. Feedback is greatly appreciated.2009-08-28 01:09:00

Posts: 392

I will try this sometime soon sounds cool!!!2009-08-28 01:30:00

Posts: 1576

Okay, I now have some more items. I added an Angry Sun, Bullet Bill, a pyramid, platforms, a Bullet Bill Cannon, and, my favorite, Koopas! When they die, the head and feet disappear, leaving the shell! I'll publish them in a Gallery-type level. What do you think?2009-08-28 19:48:00

Posts: 392

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