Goomba Survival
Archive: 5 posts
Goomba Survivallozynmymnd Most survival challenges nowadays are bomb survivals. Well, my level, Goomba Survival, is the exact opposite. Instead of surviving raining bombs, you have to survive an endless onslaught of Goombas. all Here are some screenshots. http://i32.tinypic.com/j7ud0p.jpg http://i27.tinypic.com/1gtc1x.jpg | 2009-08-27 19:03:00 Author: Drakora ![]() Posts: 392 |
looks goovy ![]() | 2009-08-27 19:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Will play it tomorrow, edit when I come back. If I don't forget. | 2009-08-28 03:28:00 Author: Kobe24Life ![]() Posts: 150 |
Oooo... Goombas... Firstly, the Mario at the start was pretty cool, and so were the Goombas. It was also kinda cool to jump on them to get the points, and jumping on consecutive Goombas to get more. However, it was a little easy... I probably could've gone on for a long time if I had carried on, unless of course I didn't last long enough for it to get harder. Also, maybe you could work on the scenery a bit more? Maybe make it look a bit more Pixelated, just like the old Mario days. :star::star::star::star: 4 Stars for cool Goombas, and a Heart for the same reason. Perhaps you could do Koopas next? ![]() Oh, and if want to do F4F, maybe you could check out my 'Beavor Maze! Remixed!' I believe I made a thread about it a few weeks back, look it up if you want. | 2009-08-28 15:08:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
Cool, i'm gona check this out ![]() | 2009-08-28 16:44:00 Author: springs86 ![]() Posts: 785 |
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