Rethinking the "Cool Levels" system
Archive: 19 posts
When they changed it the first time, it was pretty cool because there were actually a cool stream of levels coming through, but these days browsing "Cool Levels" doesn't really feel any different from browsing the Newest Levels page. I don't know what's happened, though I do notice a lot of people giving stars and hearts to pure crap. I just played a "4 star" level that was nothing more than a piece of glass with some paintballs you could float on. 600 hearts, 13,000 plays... ![]() One of the problems is that we can only browse a certain amount of levels at any given time, but what if they could expand that? What if they could make the planet like the planet in Life With Playstation? My idea: turn "Cool Levels" into "World Map" and make the levels region specific. Make a planet we can scale like in Life With Playstation. It starts off zoomed out and looks similar to the way it does now, but instead of levels being displayed, there are little selectable markers on the map and you can zoom in for a better view. You can choose a marker on say, Japan, and it opens up a dozen or so pages of cool levels for that area that are displayed on a zoomed in map of Japan. This would expand the amount of levels to choose from in the weekly cycle and give more people a chance to have their level played. It would also give certain regions like the aforementioned Japan whose levels are rarely seen on Cool Levels a chance to flourish. ![]() | 2009-08-27 13:16:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
That sounds cool, it's annoying when levels that take less than 5 mins to make are there, doon't know if this way is possible, but sounds cool ![]() | 2009-08-27 13:40:00 Author: springs86 ![]() Posts: 785 |
It would require a lot of time to get a reworked system like this to work properly and it would probably require the game to have a update which takes a frustratingly long while to download, but I'm all for this idea, as we could finally get many good levels on the Cool Levels page again. | 2009-08-27 18:06:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
This is really a great idea, but i agree with ik9988 it would take a long time to fix. But MM should take a look at this thread, it could happen. | 2009-08-27 18:35:00 Author: LEW_jeane ![]() Posts: 46 |
OMG i LOVE it. Every day, its the same levels, over, and over, and over, and over.... ect. its driving me NUTSSS. Some of the levels that are up there its like, Yay.. i go really fast....? Or the "water tutorial" thats great and all, but seriously... ITS STILL THERE. I'd like too see a wide variaty (if thats how you spell it? I don't know im so tired -.- ) and i think this way, you would get alot of variaty ( again, i dont know D: ) | 2009-08-27 18:42:00 Author: SlinkDewar ![]() Posts: 70 |
It's a great idea. The only issue I can see with it is that levels are published where the player wants them to be, not based on their region. So it would have to be that the Cool Pages disregards that and relies on region instead. Also, how are levels to be chosen for this World Map? Using the same algorithm that is used now? | 2009-08-27 18:50:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
Y'know, I was thinking the same thing yesterday. The current page one of Cool levels is the worst one I have ever come across - bomb survivals, challenge levels, that mother ****ing Russelmuscles piece of **** fascist scum!!!!! (ahem...). Terrible. And the only exception is Scientific Island 4, which is the only level worthy of that front page spot right now. | 2009-08-27 20:01:00 Author: KoRnDawwg ![]() Posts: 1424 |
A MUCH SIMPLER fix they could make that would pretty much close the question would be to simply had 2 little things in the level's info: -Category -Difficulty This way I could simply make the "hard platformers" show. Or the "easy ramps". ----- To truly fix the game would be impossible. They would need to basically redesign the whole community aspect. I would do it "you tube-ish". It's simply the best way it could be. . | 2009-08-28 00:44:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
That would be pretty darn awesome. | 2009-08-28 01:14:00 Author: alexbull_uk ![]() Posts: 1287 |
It's a great idea. The only issue I can see with it is that levels are published where the player wants them to be, not based on their region. So it would have to be that the Cool Pages disregards that and relies on region instead. Also, how are levels to be chosen for this World Map? Using the same algorithm that is used now? The same way you do it now with the level icons, but it would be a flat map of the area you've chosen to view. The way I'd like to see it done is to have your pod sort of vanish after choosing a location (they can even add a cool sound effect) and have the area you've chosen fill up the whole screen so you can have all the levels for an area right there in front of you. ![]() | 2009-08-28 17:10:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
The same way you do it now with the level icons, but it would be a flat map of the area you've chosen to view. The way I'd like to see it done is to have your pod sort of vanish after choosing a location (they can even add a cool sound effect) and have the area you've chosen fill up the whole screen so you can have all the levels for an area right there in front of you. ![]() I must not have made myself clear. I know we'l still be using the little level badges, but what I'm saying is that when you publish a level, you choose where it goes on the planet. If the levels are sorted by region, it will have to ignore where the player put their level in favor of where they are on Earth. And you still have the issue of choosing which levels should show up first when zoomed out. Would they be chosen like they are now for the Cool Pages, just based on region now? | 2009-08-28 17:23:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
That would be an excellent idea as right now I don't even bother looking at the "cool levels" page since it is mostly just piles of rubbish stacked on top of other rubbish. My problems with the cool page lead to some of my biggest gripes with LBP and the LBP community. You were right to say that people are way too kind when it comes to reviews. It makes me so angry to see a level with two swings and a switch have more plays and more hearts than a level like mine that took me weeks of work. At this point, I could care less about how much work it would take Mm or how long the download will be to fix this problem, the fact is that it is a huge problem that greatly effects how I feel about the game and the community. | 2009-08-28 18:07:00 Author: Frazer951 ![]() Posts: 117 |
A MUCH SIMPLER fix they could make that would pretty much close the question would be to simply had 2 little things in the level's info: -Category -Difficulty This way I could simply make the "hard platformers" show. Or the "easy ramps". ----- . i like this idea | 2009-08-28 18:23:00 Author: Chuk_Chuk ![]() Posts: 108 |
i agree, i play a game on the computer called "roblox" and when you make somthing, and publish, (could just be a model isntead of level) anybody, without collecting things can use it, but levels are overdone with them and get like 26,456 favoorites, and 908,3367,450 plays. | 2009-08-28 19:49:00 Author: Schwem00 ![]() Posts: 255 |
I must not have made myself clear. I know we'l still be using the little level badges, but what I'm saying is that when you publish a level, you choose where it goes on the planet. If the levels are sorted by region, it will have to ignore where the player put their level in favor of where they are on Earth. And you still have the issue of choosing which levels should show up first when zoomed out. Would they be chosen like they are now for the Cool Pages, just based on region now? You would instead be choosing where it goes on the map of your region. When it's zoomed out there are no levels displayed. I don't know if you've used Life With Playstation, but just picture that. When you choose a marker on the globe, a news story pops up. Instead of the news story popping up, it would be page 1 of Cool Levels for that area. Go to Japan and you have a dozen or so pages of levels for that area. Go to Europe and you have another set of levels and so on. | 2009-08-28 19:59:00 Author: Reef1978 ![]() Posts: 527 |
This way I could simply make the "hard platformers" show. Or the "easy ramps". . You forgot the sh*t bomb-survivals. Anywhom, I think that'd be a great idea ![]() | 2009-08-28 21:41:00 Author: KoRnDawwg ![]() Posts: 1424 |
I can't even go on cool levels anymore. It's just a sad state of affairs. ![]() maybe 7 days is TOO long for a level to stay there. lol. ![]() | 2009-08-29 14:21:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Well, it was expected and only a matter of time for the cool pages to become crappy again. It was 100% sure to happen because the problem is in the fundamental design of the game - one thing that will not change. They would need to revamp the community aspect completely or either scratch and start anew, Little Big Planet 2. The way the new cool pages are working was slightly better but only too that much time for the masses to understand how stuff works and now they are back at exploiting it of their annoyance. Now if we had "categories" and "level difficulties" to set when we create a level and that we would always have to chose at least one criteria to pop up the cool pages (aka, the cool pages would be different for everyone) then they will be no possible way for lame LBPs to spam the whole thing of their bull. . | 2009-08-29 19:33:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
i think we should have category and different servers. like EU servers USA servers and Japan servers but we can switch between servers. cause one thing i've noticed is that i have never seen a level on the cool pages that is not in English (or is that because they already have servers but we can't switch between them?) | 2009-08-31 12:19:00 Author: Chuk_Chuk ![]() Posts: 108 |
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