Achievement Unlocked
Archive: 3 posts
Hey Everybody., i just found this awesome new flash game at Crazymonkeygames called Achievement Unlocked. Here's the Link http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/Achievement-Unlocked.html Basically, your an elephant, travelling around your one screen, and you have to unlock all the achievements as quickly as you can. There are 99 achievements. Theres even a little button at the bottom right to help you out. and even THAT button gets you an achievemnt. ill post my score, and you guys post yours. Heres mine http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn132/slinkdewar/metagaming.jpg Post Yours! | 2009-08-26 21:33:00 Author: SlinkDewar ![]() Posts: 70 |
I played this a few weeks ago. ... Was interesting <_> | 2009-08-26 21:41:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
This is a pretty old game. This creator has a brand new, extremely similar game out now called This is the Only Level, if you want to check that out. | 2009-08-26 21:41:00 Author: BassDeluxe ![]() Posts: 984 |
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