Sack of War
Archive: 6 posts
Sack of Wardragonpurse http://users.telenet.be/landegem/A%20Photo_1.jpg Hi everyone, as I don't like that H4H too much I've decided to create my own level that would be worthy of that trophy so I can feel like I earned it the legit way instead of begging everyone to heart me. The level's name is called Sack of War, you are a sackspartan chosen by the gods to fulfill a quest that only you (and your friends ![]() You have to slay the might beast, the Hydra. But of course, it won't be so easy. A path full of danger and adventure lies ahead of you. all I hope you will enjoy it as much as I had fun making it. Please rate and comment. This is my first serious level so any constructive feedback is appreciated. And please heart if you liked it and have fun playing! | 2009-08-26 19:43:00 Author: Dragonpurse ![]() Posts: 26 |
PLAYING it looks awesom add me on psn dardar07 | 2009-08-29 14:26:00 Author: Dardar07 ![]() Posts: 14 |
Thanks Dardar ![]() Meanwhile I made it to Cool page 5, have about 800 plays and 75 hearts. But yet no one wants to review my level so I can improve ![]() | 2009-09-02 14:19:00 Author: Dragonpurse ![]() Posts: 26 |
Great job on the God of War tribute! The level was spot on in making the level feel like the first game. But, there are a lot of things you can fix or change to improve the level. ![]() ? Use the camera. When the player cannot see where they need to go?that is no bueno. Specific points noted below. ? Level looked great but could use some refining. I?m not necessarily big on decorations?if you play my levels, it is obvious. But some parts felt very empty. ? No plain cardboard. It makes the level look unfinished. ? Try and hide spotlights, speakers, dark matter, dissolve material, and other decorations that do not belong in the God of War universe. ![]() ? Left wall is visible at the start. Since the level is pretty big, I?m sure you don't have much room left to edit. I would shrink the starting cliff and add a camera angle to try and hide the wall. ? Cliff looked pretty plain. Add round shapes rather than the sharp unnatural square/triangle look. Add decorations/random rocks lying around. ? After pulling the switch and going back down the stairs, the camera angles did not really let me know where to go. I found the way to go quickly but I felt as if I was falling into the unknown when I fell down and to the left where the infinity checkpoint is before the spinning fire platforms. ? Again, the camera during the spinning fire platforms does not aid the player at all on the first attempt. The platforms spin so fast that when I had to jump to the lower section, I died on my first attempt because the camera did not clearly show the lower spinning platform. ? You should seal up the gap on the right of the elevator with the infinity checkpoint as a player can fall down and be forced to kill themselves to continue as the elevator will be stuck. ? Get rid of ALL unpainted cardboard. Makes it look unfinished. ? If you have the thermometer space, use some of the swinging skulls to lead to secret areas with points. Good for players who want to explore. It should be easy to add in the area after getting the blades of chaos and other areas. ? Try and hide the orange spotlights in the blades of chaos room. Maybe add a thin front layer to conceal them. ? See if you can make the blades of chaos re-spawn if it is dropped. Easy way would to add some kind of proximity switch in front of the checkpoint that spawns one blade at a time. I was killed and had to kill the monsters by flying over them and hitting their sensors from behind. Not as cool as swinging the blades of chaos. ? Also, after killing all of the monsters, there was a patch of red gas left behind near the key that killed me a few times as I went for the key. ? The door that is opened by the key should not be plain dissolve material. Make it at least a rising stone or wooden door. I mean the boat looks great, and then you have this big wall of dissolve. At least paint and decorate it. ? Hide the speakers during the hydra fight. I only saw them because I died. Get rid or conceal the dark matter holding the speaker. ? The Hydra in the boat was very cool. A better camera angle to show him off would be better. You should at least make a speech bubble that gives the Hydra an introduction to the challenge. ? The final battle was very cool. Again just try and hide the dark matter. I think I saw some when the pillars were moving up and down during the battle. At this point this level would be a :star::star::star:1/2:star: but could easily be a four or five star level with more refinement. You have the ideas but just need to work on the execution. Let me know if you change anything and I would love to play through it again. Check out my two levels in my signature. They are polar opposites so if you might love them both or hate one and love the other. Either way they both offer their own charm and challenges. | 2009-09-02 16:56:00 Author: ElGueroGigante ![]() Posts: 85 |
Hi and Welcome Dragonpurse. We like that kind of thinking here as we don't agree with H4H at all so I wish you the best of luck with it. It looks great from the pics and it looks like you do great design as far as I can tell. I will take a look at the level later. | 2009-09-02 17:21:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Dear ElGueroGigante, Thank you very much for this review, I've been busy the entire day fixing those little flaws and tried to fix it appropriately. I also added a treasure hunt system, where you have to find 7 different items. Each item opens a door at the end of the level, if you unlocked all doors you get a special prize (the hydra). I hope it adds some replayability, and I fixed the camera so you wouldn't have to guess where to jump next ![]() Please tell me what you think, I will make sure to review one of your levels ![]() | 2009-09-02 21:42:00 Author: Dragonpurse ![]() Posts: 26 |
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