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A decoration that cant be collected ?

Archive: 8 posts

I dont know if its just me or if its acually collectable but i had a crack on swinging safari looking for something and i spotted a flower decoration and though hmmm ive not seen that in the decorations ive collected so maybe its like that infamous r1 sticker, maybe im wrong but look carefully anyone that goes on that level and u will see the flowers im on about there red and orange with like a yellow centre2009-08-26 10:03:00

Posts: 259

Yep, I think thats the one. If you search the levels there should be one with all the non-collect stickers + decorations. They also include graffiti tags, faces, symbols and a bull's head belt buckle to name a few!2009-08-26 10:31:00

Posts: 572

the multiple leave orange flower thing?

it's not collectable as a decoration, however, it comes on an object you collect from one of those levels , i collected everything and aced all, thats how i got it, also my costume level gives most of the stuff that can't be collected on a board
2009-08-26 10:33:00

Posts: 785

wow i found something unique woohoo lol, what i dont get is why we cant collect them stickers decorations etc i mean mm put the time in 2 make them youd think they would want us 2 use what they created i mean copying is the highest form or respect or something like that lol2009-08-26 10:38:00

Posts: 259

wow i found something unique woohoo lol, what i dont get is why we cant collect them stickers decorations etc i mean mm put the time in 2 make them youd think they would want us 2 use what they created i mean copying is the highest form or respect or something like that lol

I think you mean "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
But, I think it's weird how we can't get them as decorations/stickers.
2009-08-26 22:11:00

Posts: 392

Yup - good find. I've seen them and they are very cool flowers. 2009-08-26 22:13:00

Posts: 5983

I think you mean "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
But, I think it's weird how we can't get them as decorations/stickers.

yes thats the one i stand corrected lol, yeah they would go good with the other flowers etc for additional colour for garden type levels etc etc
2009-08-27 01:55:00

Posts: 259

so cool i even stuck it on my sackboys bonce 2 show off my find lol2009-08-27 01:56:00

Posts: 259

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