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So I made an elevator.

Archive: 8 posts

having tinkered with the tram as long as i can stand to at the moment without stabbing spoons into my eyes, I decided to make me an elevator.

I'm trying to go for the whole one touch operation thing like i did with my trams, but it doesn't pull it off quite as well. the main problem I've had with it is getting it so stop within an acceptable range of areas. not that elevators need to go fast or anything, but its going slower than i'd like to stop at a reasonable area.

add that to the fact that i HATE the logic controllers i made for it with a white hot fiery passion, and you've got a typical bit somewhat-working gnomish "engineering" on yer hands... I'll post screenies of it once i slip out of the comatose state I'm about to have to go in before work.

the level is called Gnomish Emporium: Elevator Kit! and the base concept is available as a prize on the second floor.

might be easier to search for @memodrix though.

well, g'night all.
2009-08-23 08:25:00

Posts: 879

Pretty cool, i love thes elevater kits and how to make stuff levels.2009-08-23 13:32:00

Posts: 744

this is the main logic controllers of the whole mess.

these are just pics of the tower i made to demo it. its nothing more than a way to show off that the thing works.

I also did a whole mess o' tweaking to the thing. its set to the maximum length that it can be without doing odd things to it, and its tweaked to the point that it stops in an acceptable range at each floor. I hope.
2009-08-24 10:39:00

Posts: 879

That looks cool,i'll have to check it out.

If you get time would you care to take a look at one i made a few months ago. I have no idea how to use all those fancy logic gate thingies so I tried to make mine as simple as possible. I'd be interested to know what you think.

Just search 'mistervista' for the elevator demo level.
2009-08-24 11:41:00

Posts: 2210

That works REALLY well! Mine has the ability to go up or down at any time though, which overcomplicated the whole process as far as logic gates go though.

I'm still thinking that i can figure out a way to get it to work better with some heavy tweaking....but thats still in the works.
2009-08-24 20:35:00

Posts: 879

I basically tossed the whole thing and started over. Here's what the logic looks like now. (colors are only to distinguish individual parts since these pics have less than stellar resolution....

Close up of the board.

This is what you get now for the prize.
2009-08-25 03:52:00

Posts: 879

THanks for uploading this but is this a tutorial Level or just a level showcasing what you have doen with logic and elevators cause i really don't understand logic?2009-10-22 13:10:00

Posts: 1304

Hi memodrix,

If you're still in to elevators, you might want to check some of my levels (search for my username, "F_hydrocephalic" - yeah, I know ) The most elaborate elevator I built looks very complex, but it's not that bad once your eyes are used to it. At the time, it was the best way I could think of to combine;
- call back function from every floor
- being able to steer the elevator one floor up or down from cabin with simple grab switches
- spot-on precision of the elevator cabin
- being able to space the floors randomly without having to change the logic (the logic's in a prize bubble, and if you use it, you can space the floors any whay you want. An elevator correctly wired-up will always come to a perfect halt at every floor.)

You should also check snowflakecat's elevator. I think it's in a level called snwoflakecat's junk yard.
2009-10-23 21:35:00

Wonko the Sane
Posts: 109

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