Little Big Planet Obstacle Course ~ Champions Course
Archive: 5 posts
Little Big Planet Obstacle Course ~ Champions Coursebonner123 The sequel to my insanely insane Little Big Planet Obstacle Course, this course is nearly 14.7 times harder. I?m not anticipating a good rating because of the difficulty, obnoxious ten year olds are going to be upset because they think they're pro from beating those unfortunate jumping challenges. This is a level for LBP Pros, veterans or maniacs. Hope you have fun! (If it's too hard play the other one) P.S. Sorry for the title. all | 2009-08-22 18:28:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
4 Starred, and Hearted Well, I must say, I loved it, despite the fact that the farthest I got was the obstacle after the stacked blocks. I died there, twice. (I got the 2nd spot by the way!) I really felt that some of your traps were innovative and interesting. However, they may prove to be a little too challenging for even the pro LBP players. But, then again that is what the title implies. F4F: Wipeout: The Qualifier/The Sweeper/The Dizzy Dummies/The Wipeout Zone | 2009-08-23 07:00:00 Author: galacemiguel ![]() Posts: 179 |
I have been trying over and over to get through this level!!! Doesn't mean it's not excellent... I just need more control over my controller. I don't mind levels that are tough - a lot of people DO - but so what? It takes all types to make a world. Visually, i particularly liked the colours and the simplicity of the materials. Nice, clean lines... When I get through the whole thing i will be able to comment further!! But until then, keep up the great work - and the sense of humour ; ) | 2009-08-28 14:15:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
First things first, because I died right at the start, I hate it when people write "Fail" or "Loser" when I lose an obstacle course... I already know I lost, I don't need someone telling me that I fail. I also bare a huge hatred on difficult obstacle courses, yet I am inclined to carry on for a few tries. Obviously though, this one looks like you put in some effort, some of the obstacles are kinda cool, although annoying... I'm sorry, I just don't like Difficult Obstacle courses very much. ![]() I know I didn't finish the level, and I know that I didn't give much feedback, so if you don't wanna check one of my F4F levels, I understand. I may have another go later though ![]() | 2009-08-28 14:57:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
Thanks, I actually only put a couple hours into it though. ![]() | 2009-08-28 16:31:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
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