LittleTraveller; temple of demons
Archive: 4 posts
LittleTraveller; temple of demonsarcticpolar The Little Traveller is a new series Im working with, and this is the first one. He i an interdimensional being and travels through the dimensions to see the world. all The Little traveller visits a temple in a strange dimension, with only two colours. As he arrives the dimension, the interdimensional rift manages to break a bit of the bridge, So now there is now way back. The monks of the temple will forgive you if you get the key to the back door back again. One of the monks threw it on top of a giant statue of one of their gods... ![]() After getting the key and continuing, he is told that he has to choose between two doors. One to the right and one to the left... The right one leads out of the temple... ![]() And the left one leads to your certain death! ![]() I hope the immages are showing, because I uploaded them, but I can't see them ![]() I will only do 5 F4F's | 2009-08-22 17:15:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
a few comments: i would definitely add some music. this will add a lot more interest to your level. consider changing from one time of music to another when you go from the blue to the red background. when people play your level, they are not going to know a lot of the backstory that you have described on the thread here. i would either add what you have explained here to your level description on your published level, or consider building an intro scene within the level. make more use of camera angles. on the hands of the statue, i could see its hand must belong to something, but i could not really see what it was unless i was using the jet pack. you put a lot of work into making the statue look interesting; use a camera angle to help showcase that. i would also use camera angles throughout the fire pit section much more. it is very hard to tell where you are supposed to go sometimes. also on the statue, on the jump from the second hand to the key, i think you need a longer pause there. choosing the left vs. right door is an interesting idea, but i am not sure if many people will come back and try to play the left door if they choose the right door first. then they miss out on most of the fun of the level. i got stuck on the section where the eye says, i think it was something like "try fighting one of my larger demons". i was able to move the staircase out of place, so i could no longer go up the stairs to the next tier. use some anti gravity to hold the staircase in place. if you would, please try my level "Attack of the Farting Aliens" and message some feedback. just search for pennydog. it should appear somewhere near the gulf of mexico. thanks. | 2009-08-22 18:14:00 Author: pennydog ![]() Posts: 74 |
yes the biggest thing is the need for music other than that i had to say the length was just a little disappointing it seemed a little to short.other than that id have to say it does look nice as for th f4f follow the link in my sig | 2009-08-22 20:18:00 Author: mat1629 ![]() Posts: 55 |
Thanx for advise, I forgot those things. I added the music, but it looks like it won't work in play mode, but it does in create mode... weird. Well, I tried at least! BTW, This level is from the idea witch I called: A Blackblue Story. | 2009-08-22 20:46:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
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