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Crash bandicoot working boxes

Archive: 12 posts

look up frankysteinmark3 in game and you'll fing my level with crash bandicoot boxes and a jump crate which acts frighteningly similar to those in actual crash games... and it better, because it took me a while to make.2009-08-22 09:42:00

Posts: 19

wow they look really good!2009-08-22 14:09:00

Posts: 62

awesome stuff there!

The wumpa fruit is amazing!!!
2009-08-22 14:27:00

Posts: 1330

I Played One Like This Morning & Was Let down So I'm Sure From The Screen Shot I'll Like it I'll Edit In Ny Feedback After Playing...2009-08-22 14:48:00

Posts: 15

how about the TNT?2009-08-24 09:51:00

Posts: 1014

how about the TNT?

The only reason I haven't made one is because no one has asked. I was thinking about it though and I will definately try to find some free time to make one that works.
2009-08-24 21:00:00

Posts: 19

I played this a few days ago.

I loved the bouncy crate! They way you got it to squash as you jump on it was genius. Very well done.
2009-08-25 00:10:00

Posts: 1287

Great work! I attempted this but gave up.
Heres some of the ideas I had
Continue Box- Use the emitter glitch to make a tiny checkpoint and put it in a box
NITRO Box- put bombs inside and set a motion sensor to go off if sackboy gets too close to the box

Ill look out for your level if I remember
2009-10-02 17:14:00

Posts: 1027

Matimoo, try not to bump old threads. But on topic, isn't the nitro box supposed to be good? I haven't played Crash Bandicoot in a while so I may be wrong.2009-10-02 19:50:00

Posts: 469

Matimoo, try not to bump old threads. But on topic, isn't the nitro box supposed to be good? I haven't played Crash Bandicoot in a while so I may be wrong.

No nitros are those jumpy green boxes that will explode and kill you if you touch them. (With the expection of fake nitro boxes for a hidden path in crash bandicoot 2 )
2009-10-02 23:58:00

Posts: 1653

Actually, I remember user DJLols (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?u=4413) mentioned that he created a set of Crash Bandicoot-Boxes, including TNT, a while ago over on the official playstation forum. I'm not quite sure whether he created them on open LBP though.

Anyways, those boxes look awesome. I'll be sure to check it out if your level is still online.
2009-10-03 11:17:00

Posts: 223

Wow, the boxes are well-detailed, the wampa fruit is spot on, and the Happy Faic Sackboy is a hysterical clich?!2009-10-03 13:00:00

Posts: 306

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