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Multi-code Key Room

Archive: 17 posts

This was a project that I'd been wanting to tackle for a while... I noticed that having more than one key room was silly and took up space on my planet. Some of you have certain levels that you want to be tested/played by only certain people, so I thought of a way to make a key room where different combinations would unlock different objects.

For example, combination A would unlock object A, and combination B would unlock object B. This turn out to be pretty simple using rtm's ordered input device, so for that I thank him greatly. Hopefully this picture makes it a bit clearer:


This way, you can have one key room serve multiple purposes. The combinations and number of prize caches can surely be modified to your liking (I thought 3 caches was about right). For information on how to change your combination (or about how it works), check out rtm's thread on ordered input tools, here: Ordered Input Tool - by rtm223 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=12752&highlight=ordered+input+tool).

The level is published and copyable on my littlebigplanet. If you'd like to see it in action, enter the following codes to unlock the three different prize caches (which contain arbitrary keys):

Cache A: 999999
Cache B: 123456
Cache C: 123123

PSN: comphermc
Location: Near all the logic tutorials, with the black LittleBigPlanet Central icon.

Thanks, and have a great night.

(I will probably update the level from time to time, but the basic idea will stay the same)
2009-08-20 04:02:00

Posts: 5338

I'm proud to be the first user :kz:

Wasn't too hard to figure out how to use (In case anyone else can't, you have to connect the grab switch on a particular number to the emitter in order from left to right).

Anyway, massive thanks! I just hope some people don't manage to hack this vault... :kz:
2009-08-20 04:07:00

Posts: 10882

Oooo, thanks, I already got an idea for a "Vault."
I got inspired by you of course.
2009-08-20 04:10:00

Unknown User

I'm proud to be the first user :kz:

Wasn't too hard to figure out how to use (In case anyone else can't, you have to connect the grab switch on a particular number to the emitter in order from left to right).

Anyway, massive thanks! I just hope some people don't manage to hack this vault... :kz:

You can add more of those little square sections on the ordered input tool to make the code longer if you desire. Just copy the section and move everything over a bit, then wire it up to your hearts content. This is all rtm's genius creation, I just used it in my own way.
2009-08-20 04:14:00

Posts: 5338

Thanks a ton! This'll be a great key-code room for testing levels!2009-08-20 04:17:00

Posts: 594

FYI: The ordered input tool works for multiple codes, of varying length, and missing symbols without additional logic. Kinda.

In my lockbox, which has around 5 codes atm, maybe 6, I forget, if a code sequence does not have one of the symbols in in I've just added emitters for those symbols beyond the "completed" point of the tool. That way they can still trigger the "anyKeyPressed" signal, which is required for reset logic, even though they do not form part of the sequence.

From you message I think I understand what you have done, and it's probably a lower thermo solution, but more hassle for extensibility (though if you are using numbers from 0-9, I very much doubt you are going invent new numbers ).
2009-08-20 09:30:00

Posts: 6497

I never thought of having more than one cache, you are a genius! im sure my vault could be easily modified to do this... I might try later today.
how about a code that opens all of the caches aswell so you don't have to enter 3 different codes if you want to get all three prices?
going slightly off topic here but i would be really happy if anyone from LBPC could leave me some feedback on my locked levels. The code is 836417905. thanks
2009-08-20 12:29:00

Posts: 15

Where did you get those numbers? They look great.

And when I looked at the pictures, it was really obvious who made it. You have a certain style, everything is very clean and composed of a simple color scheme. It looks like the Brain Chain Mini-Game. Functional and designed well, great job.
2009-08-20 13:38:00

Posts: 2325

The numbers are from a community font that's all over. They are a rounded letter typeface, but I'm not sure of the name. I just made some stickers using it and slapped them on there.

Lol, at my style. I suppose they do look very much the same, huh? Blue wood stickered white, blue, and black just looks so clean for me...
2009-08-20 13:52:00

Posts: 5338

Is it easy to change the items within the vaults?

Can i just slide the door out of the way and place prizes in?
2009-08-26 04:25:00

Posts: 435

You have to cut open the vault doors a little (if you still want them to look pretty) but otherwise its not that bad.

Thanks for this room RTM223 and cophermc, this saves me a bundle of key issues... plus i'm still too lazy to ever make a key room of my own with loverly examples like this out there
2009-08-26 04:47:00

Posts: 3322

Is it easy to change the items within the vaults?

Can i just slide the door out of the way and place prizes in?

Yes, it's easy! Just temporarily set the pistons for the doors to backwards. They will open up, allowing you to place things inside. When finished, remove the backwards setting.

The hard part is setting up your new combo.

If you choose to use the room, the basic idea is that if you want the combo to be 123412, you would need to do the following: First, wire the grab switch corresponding to the number 1 to the first little 'cube with emitter on it'. Then you would wire up the grab switch corresponding to the number 2 to the second little 'cube with emitter on it'. Repeat this for each number in the series.

Be warned, do not trigger the prox switch right at the entrance in create mode, as it is an initializer for the device. Just leave it paused while you edit, or just don't step in the level.

Good luck.

@BV - no need to rip open my pretty doors. Glad you found some use for this.

plus i'm still too lazy to ever make a key room of my own with loverly examples like this out there

This was actually quite fun to make, and it was refresher in how to use rtm's ordered input device, which I admit is one of the most complicated little contraptions I've seen in lbp.
2009-08-26 06:19:00

Posts: 5338

lol, wow, i feel dumb right now. I cut the doors, didn't move the pistons Oh wait, i think i found the cause of my stupidity, Yup, i'm back in school, problem solved 2009-08-26 07:29:00

Posts: 3322

Oh ok, now this concept makes sense. Ima go copy myself one of these levels so i can have some people test my future levels XD2009-08-26 17:03:00

Posts: 435

It's great. I'd use it, like your difficulty-selector thingy, but I don't have the MGS pack. 2009-08-26 22:14:00

Posts: 392

It's great. I'd use it, like your difficulty-selector thingy, but I don't have the MGS pack.

I will try and strip it down so that it doesn't contain any DLC next time I'm on.

I don't remember putting anything in there from MGS, but I probably did :
2009-08-26 22:18:00

Posts: 5338

Was it a sticker? That really was annoying lol 2009-08-26 22:37:00

Posts: 6497

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