36 Jumps And Two Grabs, Can You Make It?
Archive: 5 posts
36 Jumps And Two Grabs, Can You Make It?iKeemooo A Few Have Said That The Level Is Too Diffucult, A Few Have Said It's Too Simple, Which Is It? all If you do play my level, please reply and tell me what could do with improving and overall tips in how I can make better levels. Thanks ![]() | 2009-08-20 01:16:00 Author: iKeemooo ![]() Posts: 12 |
Yeah I found this very hard to do. You should add infinite checkpoints along the way because dying around jump 30 and going all the way back kind of ruins the fun. You should also decorate the level. maybe add trees and stuff to make it look like your in a jungle. You could make the part with the spinning objects into a cave. Keep working on it!![]() Please try out my level Madman Madhouse here https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=15076 | 2009-08-20 03:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I Actually do love the advice, espcially the theme and the cave, thanks for the advice =] | 2009-08-21 03:14:00 Author: iKeemooo ![]() Posts: 12 |
hi there. tried out your level. here are some thoughts i had: maybe instead of using stickers for the numbers, use cut outs of colored material (thin layer) and glue to jump locations. the stickers are sometimes hard to see, and it would just look much nicer to have block numbers of a bright color. i would also fix the spots where you have put a prize bubble and it creates a divot in your platform. it looks nicer and plays better to have a flat platform, and the prize bubble just resting on top. i would also use a different set of materials to create a more homogeneous look throughout the level. you have some stone, which is a natural looking material, and the yellow taxi material, which is quite the opposite, for example. maybe instead of the taxi material, i would choose one of the colored wood materials that matches well and creates a nice theme throughout the level. i would also add some decorations and sound effects throughout to add more fun to the level. when i work on starting a level, i sometimes go through the decorations and heart all the ones i think look interesting and go with my theme. then i can easily pull them up and decide how to use them as i go along. please give my levels a try. you can find them by searching for pennydog. i'm most interested in feedback on my level called "lost kitty". | 2009-08-22 00:22:00 Author: pennydog ![]() Posts: 74 |
Thanks for that =], im going to take the advice you have given me and put it together with the advice from SonicusZ, changes are already being made ![]() ![]() | 2009-08-22 01:52:00 Author: iKeemooo ![]() Posts: 12 |
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