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Creatures for my Level

Archive: 8 posts

Well, I haven't really created anything before. I tried designing characters in the beta, but I wan't good at it and haven't tried since then. I got stuck on the level I was creating for the moment and decided to start designing the monsters in it since I would have to eventually. Started out bad. I have a horrible photo imagery. I can't see objects in my head at all. So, I went to deviantart to find something to create and it actually turned out pretty good. This is my first real try with creating something like this.

I'm actually really proud of myself. And I made it out of plain cardboard so it can be entered in the Gadder's contest. Tell me what you think I'm a little excited since this is my first real creation. I just published it in an empty level titled "Creatures"

Link's to origianl drawings-
First Creature- Golem: http://chioi-tempest.deviantart.com/art/Stone-Golem-122219547
Second creature- Wasp: http://eyenod.deviantart.com/art/Wasp-98287692
Third Creature- Sandman: http://tomoko-nyo.deviantart.com/art/The-Sandman-23034408
2009-08-18 14:07:00

Posts: 166

That looks awesome!2009-08-18 15:25:00

Posts: 469

Thanks! Does anyone know how to take a picture of it in game to send here? I know a lot of peolple do it, but I don't know how. This way people won't have to play the level to see it.2009-08-18 20:40:00

Posts: 166

Thanks! Does anyone know how to take a picture of it in game to send here? I know a lot of peolple do it, but I don't know how. This way people won't have to play the level to see it.

I'd actually like to know that myself. It seems alot of the images are posted on photobucket, but what program people are using to screen capture interests me.
2009-08-19 04:57:00

Posts: 1154

Just take a picture of it using the pop-it picture tool, then press square on the saved picture and select Export to HDD. It'll then be on your ps3 harddrive, and you can plug in a USB key and select the image and select copy to USB. Then stick the USB in your computer, upload the image to a website such as photobucket, copy the image URL, and post it up in between image tags!

..It's not as complicated as it sounds. It's pretty simple actually once you know how

Anyways, cool looking creature, I'd like to see it in LBP.
2009-08-19 05:23:00

Posts: 1230

Anyways, cool looking creature, I'd like to see it in LBP.

Actually I'm planning on putting it in my level for the Gadder's Trial. That's why I made them out of cardboard I'm almost done with the second creature. All the legs is what is taking so much time. I had to go so I took a break from it. Each creature takes about an hour or an hour and a half. I hope to have all of them done by tonight.
2009-08-19 06:14:00

Posts: 166

Finished my second creature! I don't think it's as good because I couldn't get the colors to mesh right. Anyways, here is the link to what it's based off of.


Edit: Finished third creature also! Man doing hair is hard -_-
2009-08-19 09:25:00

Posts: 166


Sorry for the multiple posts, I'm just in a rush. I only have one creature left then I have to build the boss. However, I'm low on ideas so I thought people could give me suggestions. The creature will be in a cave. Please, no dragons. I'm not ready for that.

I started my fourth creature and hope to finish the boss by tonight. So, any ideas?
2009-08-19 15:38:00

Posts: 166

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