Madman Madhouse
Archive: 3 posts
Madman MadhouseSonicusZ This level starts out with you driving a car. You eventually crash and find a house a little ways down. When you enter the house the door closes behind you and you find yourself trapped. Can you make it out? The level features some very unique areas and ends with a wizard battle. all Here is a video of the level. ugfTOwuTNE4 Enjoy! ![]() | 2009-08-17 04:44:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hey, I just played your level and I quite enjoyed it. I thought the rotating area was a stroke of genius, and I was quite impressed by that part. I also enjoyed the wizard battle at the end, but thank goodness for that infinite life checkpoint! Seriously though, it was neat, and I liked the hp bar at the top during the boss. One little thing that you may want to fix is the first checkpoint inside of the house. My player did not set it off when I walked by it and I had to get closer to it to trigger it. Since you close the door on the house, if I would have died without setting off that checpoint I would have had to start back at the beginning and I would not have been able to complete the level. Just a little something you may wan to fix. That is my only real gripe with your level though. I liked the invisible platforms too... how did you do that? As far as the F4F thing goes, I would really appreciate it if you gave my new level "The Adventures of the Prince: Chapter 1 The Attack" a try. The link to my thread is found by clicking my signature. Thank you! | 2009-08-17 05:47:00 Author: Frazer951 ![]() Posts: 117 |
Frazer951 Thank you for complimenting the rotating area. I was very impressed with myself for doing that considering I've never seen that done before. I still feel like it could have been done better, but I don't dare mess with it now. Maybe a later level I'll create a new one. As for the first checkpoint I have found it really random because you sometimes activate it. However the only ways for you to die, that I know of before hitting the next checkpoint is to either kill yourself or run backwards the moment the text appears so you get crushed by the door. I may still fix this eventually but at the moment I'm waiting til I have to fix something else as well. About the invisible platforms I randomly noticed that if you shrink thedark matter material as small as possible and just make a straight line it won't be visible. I'm assuming it is a glitch and if they ever fix it I hope it doesn't mess up this level. Thank you for the feedback and I did try yours and left feedback as well. | 2009-08-17 07:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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