Jerkball by navy_flip
Archive: 5 posts
Jerkball is an awesome 2-4 player versus game. It's basketball, LBP style, and it's pulled off really well. At first it might seem a little shallow, but there's a whole bunch of different strategies involved. Taken from Deftmute's post: Jerkball is awesome. you cant grab the ball. instead you have to master bumping, scooching, flipper blocking, balancing on your head, lay ups, slam dunks, launching your other players with said flippers, and more! ...Exactly. It's loads of fun, so go check it out when you've got someone in your pod to play with! Author: navy_flip Level: Jerkball Search @navy_flip | 2009-08-16 23:33:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
jerkball is awesome. you cant grab the ball. instead you have to master bumping, scooching, flipper blocking, balancing on your head, lay ups, slam dunks, launching your other players with said flippers, and more! my only complaint is most players give up around the 10-11 point mark even if you only lead by 1-2 and dont play all the way to 21. edit: one of the funniest moments playing this level was me and the other player with the ball on top of our heads, both trying to get it to fall the way we wanted it to. i ended up losing it because i started laughing. | 2009-08-17 00:22:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
Just want to add that to optimize the fun add headsets, at least 3 players, and rad costumes ![]() | 2009-08-18 08:06:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
Thank you for suggesting this one last night hilightnotes! Seriously fun if you have a group that gets into it. Has a great physical feel to it. You can't grab the "ball" but almost everything else you do can affect it. Bump it, run into it, smack into it mid air, speed it up and use the flippers in game. The flippers are neat too because not only can you use them to shoot the "ball" you can use them to fling yourself or your opponent towards or away from the "ball". Great fun! Highly recommended for groups of 3 or more and for competitive players. | 2009-08-18 15:47:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Sorry to bump this, but I really can't recommend this enough. My friend and I have been hooked on this for awhile, and I'm sure he'd agree with me in saying it's probably the best multiplayer level out there. | 2009-09-11 06:17:00 Author: EVOin3D ![]() Posts: 91 |
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