Super metroid by SGT___STOKES
Archive: 2 posts
This is a great little tribute to the Metroid series. With cool graphics, fun gameplay, and a Metroid boss you'll recognize, it's not only a great level but a great tribute as well. Play it! Author: SGT___STOKES Level: Super Metroid Search @SGT___STOKES (That's three underscores I think) | 2009-08-16 22:00:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
I love this guys level, except the pictures of him at the end of his levels always creep me out! His Super Metroid is the least favorite, its a great tribute but its too dang short. Fighting the boss (wont spoil it) is great and all but that's all there really is on that level. I prefer His Super Mario 3 as a better tribute, and of course his limitless challenges are always fun to come back to. | 2009-08-17 18:16:00 Author: JKthree ![]() Posts: 1125 |
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