Hello from York
Archive: 20 posts
Hi guys, Matt here, 23 and born and living in York (the original, not New York, not New New York for you Futarama heads or New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New New York for the Doctor Who fans among us). You may remember York from the first level or so of Resistance:Fall of Man. Sadly, it doesn't look half as pretty as it did during the Chimeran invasion, but it does okay. I've been into videogaming since I was 4. The first games I ever played were Super Mario Bros and Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles for the NES. My dad brought home an NES one day for reasons he can't even remember, not realising it would spark a life-long passion in me. He never really caught the bug, he'd play a few times, but for the most part I had to relegate him to the second controller or kick him off alltogether. My Grandad on the other hand is a proper vet and still plays to this day, mainly PC titles for him, whereas I've always prefered consoles, I still thank him for introducing me to one of my all time favorite series, the Monkey Island series, and with it the whole world of point and click adventure games. If there are 2 genres I love it is platforming and pnc adventure games. This is why I am so looking forward to LBP and all the platforming goodness I hope it brings. I personally think the last great platformer was two years ago (New Super Mario Bros) and short of LBP I can't see anything good on the horizon, so I'm hoping that LBP will be a ressurection of the genre and we will hopefully see some more developers remembering how good platformers can be. So that's me and why I love LBP so much before it's even in my hands. How are you? | 2008-09-10 20:47:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
Hey, welcome to the forums from York! | 2008-09-10 20:49:00 Author: cstrfrk ![]() Posts: 74 |
welcome![]() ![]() ![]() | 2008-09-10 20:51:00 Author: Don Vhalt ![]() Posts: 2270 |
Bonjour! I dont know why I said it in French... | 2008-09-10 21:00:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
?Hola! ?Por qu? digo este en espa?ol?![]() ?D? LA BIENVENIDA! | 2008-09-10 21:21:00 Author: GuyWithNoEyes ![]() Posts: 1100 |
If there are 2 genres I love it is platforming and pnc adventure games. This is why I am so looking forward to LBP and all the platforming goodness I hope it brings. I personally think the last great platformer was two years ago (New Super Mario Bros) and short of LBP I can't see anything good on the horizon, so I'm hoping that LBP will be a ressurection of the genre and we will hopefully see some more developers remembering how good platformers can be. So that's me and why I love LBP so much before it's even in my hands. How are you? Heya, I have reason to believe that what you said about reviving the platformer genre with LittleBigPlanet is absolutley 100% true. I think this game will revelutionise gaming and it seems like you have a good outlook. I look forward to you ideas and eventually playing with you!! btw: Welcome to the forums ![]() | 2008-09-10 21:21:00 Author: rocketi05 ![]() Posts: 80 |
Nanu Nanu say hello to Thomas Yorke for me ![]() | 2008-09-10 21:22:00 Author: KBY ![]() Posts: 60 |
Welcome. England is teh ****z ![]() | 2008-09-10 21:35:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
Welcome to the forums Matt![]() Enjoy your stay brotha ![]() | 2008-09-10 23:09:00 Author: Killa_5150 ![]() Posts: 227 |
Hey man. I'm considering Uni in York =D did you go there? What was it like? | 2008-09-10 23:55:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
Welcome Matt. I thought I was the only Monkey Island fan left. lol | 2008-09-11 01:57:00 Author: Hitek99 ![]() Posts: 13 |
Welcome!! Yeah I agree that this game will change gaming, 2.5d games are on the rise. With LBP and Street Fighter 4 leading the way! | 2008-09-11 02:50:00 Author: Darth_Spartan ![]() Posts: 813 |
New Super Mario Bros. was alright... WAY too short, though. Then again, it's a 2-d mario game... Brought back good platforming goodness. Oh, and welcome! Hm, I've still to play Resistance... | 2008-09-11 06:17:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
Welcome...do you think we will ever recapture that feeling we had playing Super Mario and Ninja Turtles...![]() | 2008-09-11 07:02:00 Author: Noonian ![]() Posts: 523 |
welcome and enjoy your stay!!...... or something else like that![]() | 2008-09-11 07:05:00 Author: Yarbone ![]() Posts: 3036 |
Hey man. I'm considering Uni in York =D did you go there? What was it like? Hey guys, thanks all for the warm welcomes. Maltay, I never went to Uni myself, went straight in to the job market, wasn't really for me, but I know a fair few people who are there and who have been through there, it's a good uni overall, (York's okay for a night out if that's what you're really asking! Plenty of pubs so you'll find one that's your type from busy as hell down to no one but the regulars, it's no Leeds or Sheffield, but we do have some clubs if that's your thing) What course are you thinking of doing, I'll see if I know anyone on it or who has done it, because I hear some courses are done well and some not so, I'll report back! | 2008-09-11 07:10:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
Hey guys, thanks all for the warm welcomes. Maltay, I never went to Uni myself, went straight in to the job market, wasn't really for me, but I know a fair few people who are there and who have been through there, it's a good uni overall, (York's okay for a night out if that's what you're really asking! Plenty of pubs so you'll find one that's your type from busy as hell down to no one but the regulars, it's no Leeds or Sheffield, but we do have some clubs if that's your thing) What course are you thinking of doing, I'll see if I know anyone on it or who has done it, because I hear some courses are done well and some not so, I'll report back! I actualy don't know what to look into yet, but you have still helped... thanks ![]() | 2008-09-11 09:19:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
No probs. If you're still considering it, let me know and I'll let you know how good the course is. | 2008-09-11 12:35:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
welcome ![]() | 2008-09-12 03:03:00 Author: Drop ![]() Posts: 46 |
Hey there. Welcome to the forums. | 2008-09-13 03:46:00 Author: Code1337 ![]() Posts: 3476 |
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