little green planet
Archive: 5 posts
little green planetbronsoned http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii36/gsimpson08/game/01.jpgHelp King Sol find the little green planet, Verde in time for Frida's wedding! all Search Terms: "bronsoned" Little Green Planet Gameplay footage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpY6wO8hk_I) Stills: http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii36/gsimpson08/game/11.jpg http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii36/gsimpson08/game/07.jpg http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii36/gsimpson08/game/06.jpg http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii36/gsimpson08/game/03.jpg http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii36/gsimpson08/game/05.jpg http://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii36/gsimpson08/game/02.jpg | 2009-08-13 02:10:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The level from your screenshots look pretty darn good ![]() I'll be sure to play this one when I get online. | 2009-08-13 02:33:00 Author: Zhion5991 ![]() Posts: 164 |
il check this out mate cus it looks good , be sure to look at my secret car garage lvl by me geddez12 its full of cars and trains | 2009-08-13 02:42:00 Author: geddez12 ![]() Posts: 338 |
This level is quite a complex level with multiple routes to play through. I was surprised by the great variety of different play areas that give variations on the platforming theme. I like your characters, very simple yet creative as well as the way you tell two different stories depending on which path you take. I do think it is a bit odd that you are able to get a higher score, for me anyway, by taking the 'bad' route rather than the 'good' one. By 'good' route I mean the one where you do what you are asked to do by King Sol versus not accomplishing his task. The visual design of the level is simplistic but not poorly done. There are still a lot of stickering and details worked into the level and shows that a bit of work was put into it. I found two sections that acted a bit off. On the 'bad' path there is a section with a large semi-circular wood shape that raises/lowers and the player needs to run underneath. Once I got to the other end I tried to get up on top of it as it looked like there were platforms up there. I realized, at least from the right side, that I could stand in the back full layer and the wooden semi-circle didn't kill me. It looks like the walkway is three layers deep but the semi-circle is only two layers deep. On this same path a little further on there is a platform with a checkpoint at its end and a drop off to a wheel with a rotating fire platform. There are small square grab blocks that can be pushed off to the lower platform. However when I push off every block I find that I can walk back in the back layer to the left behind the wall. I thought that I found a secret spot and that there'd be a lot of bubbles back there but there was only another square block and nothing else. I liked the falling stars that you have on the 'bad' path but the race at that point has a timer set way too high. It only takes about five to ten seconds to run across that plain but the race timer is some default value of six minutes or so. You can adjust the race time allowed by adjusting the properties of the race gate after you place it in your level. (The same way you adjust the properties of pistons or switches.) Good work on this level. | 2009-08-13 16:59:00 Author: Trindall ![]() Posts: 297 |
This level is quite a complex level with multiple routes to play through. I was surprised by the great variety of different play areas that give variations on the platforming theme. I like your characters, very simple yet creative as well as the way you tell two different stories depending on which path you take. I do think it is a bit odd that you are able to get a higher score, for me anyway, by taking the 'bad' route rather than the 'good' one. By 'good' route I mean the one where you do what you are asked to do by King Sol versus not accomplishing his task. The visual design of the level is simplistic but not poorly done. There are still a lot of stickering and details worked into the level and shows that a bit of work was put into it... Good work on this level. Thanks! There still needs to be some point tweaking I agree. Without many people playing it, its hard to find out which route the players are taking. On the 'bad' path there is a section with a large semi-circular wood shape that raises/lowers and the player needs to run underneath. Once I got to the other end I tried to get up on top of it as it looked like there were platforms up there. I realized, at least from the right side, that I could stand in the back full layer and the wooden semi-circle didn't kill me. It looks like the walkway is three layers deep but the semi-circle is only two layers deep. This is because a secret area is located there. As you enter the tree, just before the semi-circle of wood comes down, there is a number of small platforms located BEHIND the semi-circle of wood. If you climb these platforms, a grabbable pulley will hoist you up onto the semi-circle. Keep going up and you can reach Rojo (Verde's brother). On this same path a little further on there is a platform with a checkpoint at its end and a drop off to a wheel with a rotating fire platform. There are small square grab blocks that can be pushed off to the lower platform. However when I push off every block I find that I can walk back in the back layer to the left behind the wall. I thought that I found a secret spot and that there'd be a lot of bubbles back there but there was only another square block and nothing else. This will actually be a lead-in to a four player challenge area in the tree. For now its just obscured. | 2009-08-13 20:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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