Inspiring levels
Archive: 66 posts
Thought this may be a useful thread. To have a list of levels that just ooze inspiration. They don't necessarily have to be the best of the best, but something about them that inspires you. It can be their style, contraptions, basic platforming, polish, mechanics, whatever. Just something about them that makes you think; 'wow, this will help me so much'. Or even, 'wow, I need to do better!' | 2009-08-12 22:13:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Well let's see.... GrantosUK's Mars series, Jaeyden's Abyss!, Pom's Miracle of Life, Nattura's Anubis, NinjaMicWZ's False Idols 3, MrsSpookyBuz' G3N3SIS, and Wexfordian's the Good, the Bad, and the Sackboy (specifically #3) all had me feel like a 2-year-old drawing with a crayon.... They all inspired me.... to keep innovating in gameplay and to stay as far away from drawing as I possibly can so no one draws comparisons! One level that has always been inspiring to me is "Metal Revolution" by Blorf... this was the first level I ever played that made me start thinking of different gameplay styles instead of just having sackboy walk around. | 2009-08-12 22:45:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Hmm, tough one... For inspiration, imagination, and pure enjoyment... johnee's Future Warzone and Mechs, jonopus' Dragon Master, Jaeyden's Abyss!, pinkzep's DARK PLANET LAND, Kiminski's Mother Earth - Eve of Destruction, dan_e2040's Yggdrasil, DrDhio's Dream-jar peddler & Temple of mystery-, Rayvolution's Simplexity, Qugz' Maxed Out, mdaj's Sci-Fi World, Geppa's The Dinosaurs City - Dinosaurs Strike Back, and turnipeater's Bad Weather. I'm sure there's loads more, but that was just a quick peak at some of my hearted levels. | 2009-08-12 23:23:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
I guess Plasma Challenge mini-game inspired me to make a way better version. So I made my level =) (it's in showcase) But my brother ended up liking mines more than the plasma challenge. (And he's not the most biased person on earth :|) | 2009-08-12 23:28:00 Author: Count ![]() Posts: 315 |
A recent example for me would be wexfordian's The Good, the Bad and the Sackboy #3. It showed me how you can create brilliant, intense visual effects, even just using objects rather than smoke and mirrors (or fog and glass ![]() | 2009-08-12 23:33:00 Author: persona3fan93 ![]() Posts: 155 |
Flaming Timberland by you jack! Its really inspired me to make platforms that are multipurpose. | 2009-08-13 01:38:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
Little Big Dead Space was the biggest influence for me. Showed what was really possible with the visuals in this game. When I saw that, I immediately went back to the levels I had made at the time to sort out the visuals. Mine were so bare in comparison. | 2009-08-13 01:44:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
Maxed out 1 and 2 are good suggestions. Those levels are like a mash of lots of different ideas. Great for inspiration. | 2009-08-13 01:48:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
I tend to gravitate more towards gameplay than visuals, myself. So... also, I would have to add Gevurah22's Azure Palace AND Mobile Suite Armorboy - both of these levels kicked gameplay up several notches. And OCK's 218 AND the Legion - which showed that a really engaging story with subtext was possible. | 2009-08-13 02:16:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I tend to gravitate more towards gameplay than visuals, myself. So... also, I would have to add Gevurah22's Azure Palace AND Mobile Suite Armorboy - both of these levels kicked gameplay up several notches. And OCK's 218 AND the Legion - which showed that a really engaging story with subtext was possible. I've never managed to finish Azure Palace. I've tried so many times, must be atleast 8-10. Every time the key has broke, I've got stuck somewhere or there's just been something that has not made it possible for me to continue. I understand how revolutionary it was at the time, but that is one buggy level. Last time I looked at the comments it was just full of people saying it had broke on them too. I strive to one day complete that level! | 2009-08-13 02:22:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Tale of the Magnificent Ruby by geosautus, Industrial Assistance by jackofcourse, Basilisk Bog by mrsupercomputer, Journey to the Center of the Earth Part 2 by CRIFFER, Jack McSetback & the Buccaneers' Booty by Wyth, Gold Rush 1.01 by TOBSn08, GUN&RUN by Ciao_PSN, Ghostly Branch by dan_e2040, Empire of the Snow Queen: Chapter 3 by IceMaiden, Digital Dub by EviLPaNda .... just a few of my favorites | 2009-08-13 02:27:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
I've never managed to finish Azure Palace. I've tried so many times, must be atleast 8-10. Every time the key has broke, I've got stuck somewhere or there's just been something that has not made it possible for me to continue. I understand how revolutionary it was at the time, but that is one buggy level. Last time I looked at the comments it was just full of people saying it had broke on them too. I strive to one day complete that level! Yeah, the key does break... but that was added into the design. If the key breaks, you get the stinky ending. If you get the key all the way through, you get to fight quite possibly the coolest boss in LittleBigPlanet - I think it actually made my hands numb fighting it. The trick to getting the key through? Jetpack boost! | 2009-08-13 05:06:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I blatantly stole the waterfall design from candyk for my next level. Did make my own though. ![]() The story levels. Played them again over the last few days (finally got the chicken costumeo/) and noticed that they rarely use more than one layer. Basketsnake's levels have given me some hints for better use of lighting. | 2009-08-13 09:40:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
I'm gonna put in a shout for up & away in skytown. Seriously simple concept (who hasn't played with balloons to get big jumps?), but so few creators could take something so simple and make it into a perfect experience like that. It's not high tech or a big challenge it's just the way it subtley, and perfectly, captures a mood. There is no any particular thing that makes you go "wow", but it engages your emotions effortlessly - I nearly restarted the level after dying the first time because that wasn't my balloon next to the checkpoint. And at the end you just feel so relaxed and happy. A level that can genuinely emote to you that well is so rare. Add to that spirit passage. Insane. Neither of these are the type of levels that I would normally go for, yet I love them, so I think that is why I am so amazed by them. | 2009-08-13 10:23:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
I'm going to have to go with maxed out 1 and 2. Unrelated but worthy a mention is that whenever Qugz is online he's in the LBP editor 90% of the time. The last 10 he spends playing levels. He's not really published a lot though. And LBP is the only game he plays. I keep asking about maxed 3 but something's always broken or he's lost his entire level. What keeps this man building is a mystery beyond anything a human can grasp. | 2009-08-13 10:48:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
I'm gonna put in a shout for up & away in skytown. Seriously simple concept (who hasn't played with balloons to get big jumps?), but so few creators could take something so simple and make it into a perfect experience like that. Yeah, I really liked that level. inspiring. I played for hours with the prizes I won from that - but I don't think I'd be comfortable using it in my levels - just too obvoiusly jump_button's thing ![]() | 2009-08-13 17:16:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
The levels that have inspired me the most are Tomb of Light by Marynor, Fantasy Forest by Nattura, and Lost Tomb of Anubis by Nattura. I played ALOT of levels in the beginning, so I'm sure that other levels also inspired me, but for the most part, those are the big 3. | 2009-08-13 17:45:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Personnaly, I rarely feel inspired by a complete level (even if of course, playing them "inspire" you unconsiously in a way or another), but more often by an isolated sequence of a level. And it could be a very short sequence. The last one, that really made me say: "wow, this sequence gave me a good idea!", was in the "Starship Troopers" level from Ccubbage. It is actually the engine sequence of the start of the level. It inspire me a lot for an introductive sequence of a level of LBPc The Game... ![]() | 2009-08-13 17:52:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
Yeah, I really liked that level. inspiring. I played for hours with the prizes I won from that - but I don't think I'd be comfortable using it in my levels - just too obvoiusly jump_button's thing ![]() Although (and NOT saying has anything to do with it), the basic mechanic of using a float to bounce up in the air and make it across an obstacle was also in the "Bovine Antigravity Chamber" of Splat Invaders Saga - so I could get away with doing a float level without copying. Maybe.... a level where you float under a cow throughout an entire level.... Although if I did people would still probably accuse me of copying. Hey.... just saw Takelows message pop in. Thanks, man! | 2009-08-13 17:53:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Maybe.... a level where you float under a cow throughout an entire level.... My, my, Sir Cub, you sure are on form today! Pull the 'udder' one, mate, you can't keep 'moo'-ving in on a topic, and then try and 'beef' it up with all your secret level ideas. People will think you're 'milking' the ideas, and 'teet'-ering on obsession. Still, you're a a cut above the usual 'cud', and your 'hide' is safe here. I know, I know, I'll get mi coat :blush: | 2009-08-13 17:58:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
My, my, Sir Cub, you sure are on form today! Pull the 'udder' one, mate, you can't keep 'moo'-ving in on a topic, and then try and 'beef' it up with all your secret level ideas. People will think you're 'milking' the ideas, and 'teet'-ering on obsession. Still, you're a a cut above the usual 'cud', and your 'hide' is safe here. I know, I know, I'll get mi coat :blush: Wow! You're quick! You only had 5 minutes to think up that "punny" comment! Or... you've been thinking about cow puns for a really long time, and FINALLY got a chance to milk it for all it's worth! | 2009-08-13 18:01:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
It's just like those mime puns from last night, Ccubbage. I've been sitting on those for years, waiting for the right time to use them. | 2009-08-13 18:31:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
It's just like those mime puns from last night, Ccubbage. I've been sitting on those for years, waiting for the right time to use them. Well, it's about mime you got to use them then! | 2009-08-13 18:50:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Oh dear *slaps forehead* | 2009-08-13 18:59:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
Yeah, I really liked that level. inspiring. I played for hours with the prizes I won from that - but I don't think I'd be comfortable using it in my levels - just too obvoiusly jump_button's thing ![]() Feels free to use them :b if i was not happy for other to think of other ideas I not give them out as prizes. | 2009-08-13 19:21:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
I think creators will be easier to list than levels, theres so many. These are in no particular order. johnee Nattura Gevurah22 xkappax Cuzfeeshe NinjaMcWiz Jaeyden Mrsupercomputer Wexfordian jackofcourse jump_button julesyjules _oil geosautus wyth OCK sighwhatever All have levels that have inspired me and give me pleasure when I played them. Most are from here, because I very rarely touch cool levels, just what appears here on the forums. I've probably missed loads out, but my memory is'nt what it was ![]() EDIT: I added sighwhatever, see I told you my memory was'nt what it was | 2009-08-13 20:31:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
I'm glad to see _Oil on that list.... man, that puzzle-castle-level was AMAZING - best use of puzzles I've ever seen.... ever. | 2009-08-13 21:32:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
There's another one you can add to that list... something-UK: santasUK? GrannyUK? FunTossUK? I'm not sure, I'll have to go look it up ![]() _OIL is awesome man. We should make him learn more english and force him to these forums. Or just force him anyway, I'll have a stab at japanese ![]() | 2009-08-13 22:41:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
iv found so so many levels inspiring starting with the first few i played, such as the wiggler, and distress in the ocean, until i was blown away by little dead space and the mighty mite tank, which i combined the styles to create my warzone levels, i the started to get inspired by parts of other levels, clever logic or use of materials, at the end of the day a creator cant always be specific about what inspires him, sometimes its just an amalgamation of experiences and events which push them in new directions, not to mention other creators who help inspire you and make this one of the best communities ever, i wish that i could name every creator i have met so far as i think you get some kind of inspiration from everybody, all i can say is i hope i have inspired at least one person i will feel happy ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2009-08-14 08:47:00 Author: johnee ![]() Posts: 78 |
Is there a way to get in touch with the Japanese community? Isn't OCK Japanese? | 2009-08-14 08:51:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Course there is. You just need to find it and than figure out how to log on. Than say sorry a thousand times for not writing in Japanese. ![]() Or you could learn Japanese. I suppose there are one or two people on here who speak Japanese. | 2009-08-14 08:55:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
Is there a way to get in touch with the Japanese community? Isn't OCK Japanese? I think OCK was just living in Japan for a while. As far as I know hes moed back home (wherever that is) now. | 2009-08-14 09:28:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
I think OCK was just living in Japan for a while. As far as I know hes moed back home (wherever that is) now. Yeah, OCK is from Toronto. He just lived some times in Japan. He live in budapest now. ![]() | 2009-08-14 09:36:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
iv found so so many levels inspiring starting with the first few i played, such as the wiggler, and distress in the ocean, until i was blown away by little dead space and the mighty mite tank, which i combined the styles to create my warzone levels, i the started to get inspired by parts of other levels, clever logic or use of materials, at the end of the day a creator cant always be specific about what inspires him, sometimes its just an amalgamation of experiences and events which push them in new directions, not to mention other creators who help inspire you and make this one of the best communities ever, i wish that i could name every creator i have met so far as i think you get some kind of inspiration from everybody, all i can say is i hope i have inspired at least one person i will feel happy ![]() ![]() ![]() I was blown away by Future Warzone, it totally inspired Mars Attacks, I hope I got somewhere close to the cinematic feel and being involved in the middle of a conflict somewhere half as near as good. So you did inspire one person (and likely hundreds more), so feel happy ![]() ![]() | 2009-08-14 09:53:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Johnees future warzone trailer was the direct inspiration for my "Media molecules next level pack" and Morganas "Chroma stone chronicles 4" was inspiration for the second in the "The Good, The Bad, The Sackboy" trilogy. | 2009-08-14 09:58:00 Author: wexfordian ![]() Posts: 1904 |
This might sound strange but my own levels actually inspire me a lot. Not because they are amazingly awesome fantastic but rather because I pretty much get all my ideas for new levels while creating a level. The problem is that I have these ideas towards the end of each level I'm working on and thus I become bored of that level and just want to start a new level that incorporates the ideas I got from creating the other level. On another note, I get most of my inspiration from other games and not LBP levels. | 2009-08-14 17:51:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
This might sound strange but my own levels actually inspire me a lot. Not because they are amazingly awesome fantastic but rather because I pretty much get all my ideas for new levels while creating a level. The problem is that I have these ideas towards the end of each level I'm working on and thus I become bored of that level and just want to start a new level that incorporates the ideas I got from creating the other level. On another note, I get most of my inspiration from other games and not LBP levels. There's nothing wrong with being inspired by your own work - and I think you showed a bit of courage there by actually posting it. Thanks. Nobody knows your mind better than you, so it's great that you inpsire yourself. Nice one. | 2009-08-14 18:22:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
There's too many! The inspiring ones for me are usually ones that take a theme and absolutely nail it. Its a given that the gameplay is going to be good when you're looking at the very best of what's out there, so what tips a level from 'brilliant' to 'inspired' are the small details that lift the level into a perfectly crafted little 10 minutes. Geosautus', Kiminski's and mrsupercomputer's levels all do this brilliantly, but i could pick another 20-30. just off the top of my head.... 'The Movies' 'Uncharted - Drakes Misfortune' 'Up & Away in Sky Town' 'Tye Dye' 'Things That Go Splat in the Night' 'Gun & Ran' 'LBP Barrel Blast' | 2009-08-14 19:25:00 Author: julesyjules ![]() Posts: 1156 |
My favourite level of all time: ?Yggdrasil? by ?dan_e2040?.. First time I saw my daughter playing it I just couldn?t believe that was a user generated level. I think that day I decided to put all my effort in trying to do my best to build levels. I couldn?t tell how many times I've played it. It's pure fun platform. Time has not passed in vain for it. Currently it is not that revolutionary, and I would say it is not perfect? but perfection, what a boring thing. ![]() | 2009-08-14 20:00:00 Author: poms ![]() Posts: 383 |
Oh man, I absolutely love Japanese levels. The Japs are always insane with their creations and they are always so much fun to play! My favourites are Dark Tempation and The Ancient Ruins, both by creators which I cannot remember the names of. These two levels have really influenced my artistic style, I'm still trying to improve it to their level of awesome ![]() | 2009-08-15 10:32:00 Author: KoRnDawwg ![]() Posts: 1424 |
OIL_'s "The Ancient Castle" really struck a cord with me. That's one of my favorite levels. | 2009-08-15 11:44:00 Author: BSprague ![]() Posts: 2325 |
gevurah22's Azure Palace inspired me... it just had this otherworldly feel to it, was the only fantasy "epic" that early on, looked amazing, was huge and "underwater" with jetpacks, had simple things like mag key activated switch status and keystones, the giant dragon chase... it had that stark (at the time) use of the color correction for it's hazy marine look, and it was the first time I really noticed that Cries in the Wind music and how atmospheric and beautiful it is CENTURION24's Break Out level inspired me to do what I think is my best level, or at least tied with False Idols III... Free At Last. In a roundabout way, since he was inspired by _OIL to do his misdirection puzzle oriented level... I was too. ShadowFlareX's Illumina Garden 2 was a great influence on me as far as lighting goes... it really opened my eyes to how incredible the lighting tools can be. The part with the pebbles, the orange lighting and the leap of faith blew my mind at the time. Voltiare's original H.A.T.E. level still serves to inspire me, I think... because it had the perfect balance of challenge, platforming, puzzles, scale, design, originality, humor, replay value, mystery, closure, point-festing... since "obstacles" are something I often sacrifice for looks and "theme" I can still only hope to make something as perfectly balanced as that with such simplicity... it was one of the first things I played from a community forum. The visual polish in candyk's starcruiser^ was also a new bar to reach for in that way. The technique of taking a picture of complex creations for a handmade sticker that makes for thermo-friendly detail is something I HAD to steal. OCK, Hexaghon, and Neverynnal inspired me with The Legion, Timmy's Dream, and Ranakku's Awakening to really tap into my ability to write... they created fantastic worlds, and filled them with well written and engaging plots and used their magic mouths without hesitation - something I would have never thought about bothering with otherwise. I met them all through LBPC the first couple weeks I was here. deboerdave's Dark Matter tutorial taught me everything I know about dark matter too. That was also one of the first levels I played when I could finally get online. The dark comedy, and humorous take on the afterlife... as well as the production value, innovations, and character designs in sighwhatever's "sackboy's inferno" series influenced me alot. It was actually the first cohesive series I'd played, and that made me realize "hey... I can make my two levels into a series". jackofcourse's creations have influenced me I think... or at least given me a better appreciation for the art of using a limited material set... something I really could have used back in the day ![]() ...oh yeah, and Jaeyden's "Tye Dye" - I was sick of LBP, and if I hadn't played that when I came on after a month long break, I probably wouldn't have remembered how much I loved the game. I think I always amalgamated things into my own stuff subconsciously, and have seen plenty of stuff that made me go "wow I wish I'd thought of that" If nothing else, if I'm trying something, it's nice to have a precedence for visual reference. | 2009-08-19 18:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'll add thekillermiller's Dr. Fritz's Fabulous Funhouse of Frenzy. The graphical design of this level is superb! The gameplay's also great. I thought the pirate ship section was a little tricky, though. | 2009-08-19 23:41:00 Author: Entity ![]() Posts: 274 |
Funhouse Frenzy is an a-maazing level! Tops in every department. Another creator that disappeared. : ( | 2009-08-19 23:47:00 Author: julesyjules ![]() Posts: 1156 |
Full agreement on Funhouse Frenzy. I loved that level. levels that most inspire me are ones that do a really great job of setting the scene. Great settings, great mood. the Funhouse Frenzy level is a good example of that. I tend to admire the more abstract gameplay-based levels that don't really have a story or theme, but are all about the gameplay and have more of an abstract videogamey quality. I admire them because I couldn't do that, it goes completely against my strengths and I'd likely make something that could be outdone by the average 6 year old. But they don't tend to "inspire" me to create, so to speak. It's more admiration of something I just couldn't possibly do myself. So for me, it's levels that really set a scene and have an entertaining, well-made setting that really inspire me. There are a number of LBPC users who have continually made incredible stuff that's way better than my own work, which has impressed me sometimes to the point of inspiration, but more often to the point of feeling completely outdone, so why bother? You all know who you are you talented ********!! | 2009-08-20 00:04:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Well, the only level that has really inspired me was Kratos4/rz22g's tank, It inspired me to make my own tank and is turning out well. I have not published a level with it yet, but if you want to see it PM me and I might make a level with it. | 2009-08-20 07:43:00 Author: applepod124 ![]() Posts: 163 |
All of johnee's levels have inspired me to really push the limits in lbp (as far as I know my rhemora is one of the only fully-functional flying vehicles that does not use the jetpack!). candyk's refinery and starcruiser levels are incredible when it comes to the level of detail in them, along with possibly the greatest use of stickers I have ever seen (Most of starcruiser is just stickered dissovle!). | 2009-08-20 22:57:00 Author: croissantbuncake ![]() Posts: 572 |
I was heavily inspired by the following levels: Dorian's "Run Sackboy Run" taught me to make sure in EVERY level my Sackboy.... runs. Which means in every level of mine at some point the sackboy will run. Well, except in "Vertigo" where it's kind of difficult to run. Playing Mattification's "Pirates of the Tortuga's" level inspired me to make sure there are things to do when playing levels. I realized it's really not a good thing if the player is doing..... nothing. Playing MrsSpookyBuz's "Hyper Sphere" taught me that using white stickered dissolve as a primary object in a level CAN actually look good if it's made into a circle. Playing Takelow's levels taught me the importance of shining lights on things. Before that, I rarely shined lights on things. Playing Coxy224's "Minecart Madness" taught me that physics really don't matter, and it's much more fun much to "fly" a minecart than it is to just sit and ride in one. Playing NinjaMicWZ's Alien Escape taught me that it IS possible to make sackboy simply falling downward virtually impossible, even if there is no floor. Playing Pom's "The Miracle of Life" taught me that virtually ANY subject can be explored in a high profile level without being moderated..... as long as it's cute. GrantosUK taught me that you can seriously make a level seem long if the player walks/rides by the same spot 8 times. Morgana taught me that just because you can beat a level while having a nap does NOT mean it isn't fun. Especially if it has a lot of spotlights. Playing Wexfordian's fish tank level taught me that the sackboy can ALSO be a fish... if you want. Playing OCK's "Out of Africa" taught me that sometimes Hippo's look like fat crocodiles. Playing JackOfCourse levels taught me: Pistons = Fun. I was inspired by my own level "Jacques the Acadian Warlord" to NEVER mix giant robots and Acadian history EVER again. | 2009-08-21 01:07:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Seeing johnee's Future Warzone II Trailer for the first time blew my mind. The fact that a level involving zero gameplay is one of my favourites, speaks volumes. If you're reading this johnee: you single-handedly inspired me to jump back into create mode. | 2009-08-21 07:01:00 Author: EVOin3D ![]() Posts: 91 |
wow! there's just so many since I started playing in Jan...lets see, old-school wise...Jaeyden, NinjaMcWiz, ShadowFlareX, RenderFX, Blastroid, Palette-8-Bit, KappaX, Geosautus, Marynor, DarknessBear, Volitare, EvilPanda, Wyth, danE2040, Ashencross, SubFreak (adventures of Miner Bob), wexfordian, GruntosUK, Teebonesy, FusionBoxer, Reinheart57, julesyjules, jackofcourse, Kiminski, johnee, ZX497, Rayvolution, mrsspookyBuz, mrsupercomputer, Morgana25, mothermisty, AntonioLadrillo, Stampy83, drunkenfistLee, Liquid Blood, LuckettX, TripleTremelo, Nattura, Tactical Gunner, Nuclearfish, UrbanDevil, BasketSnake, Splapp-me-do, Miglioshin, amazingflyingpoo, CuzFeeshe (CCubbage- I never know which one to call you! ![]() As a general rule, I hate when my hearted lists get too big (not sure how many pgs is the limit), but I'll remove hearts from creators who don't really create anymore. I wish LBP had better, more in-depth favorites pages with a slew of options under them...but meh it works the way it is, i guess...anyway some of the newer creators have totally blown me away graphicswise. ![]() New favorites (not necessarily new to LBP) would have to be TOBsn08, poms & mdaj (of course), candyk, Nummy-Oo/Nummy Humdrum, CheesyMcFly, Kipmonlin, Sixth, amblaze, mental5150, thegide, ladylyn1, comphermc, and way to go rtm223!, jump button, Treas (great survival challenges), japanese favorites...OKADAM, a-tzuilth (don't know if i spelled these correctly ![]() | 2009-08-23 02:05:00 Author: miltonTPS ![]() Posts: 126 |
Playing MrsSpookyBuz's "Hyper Sphere" taught me that using white stickered poly as a primary object in a level CAN actually look good if it's made into a circle. Thank you, Cub. Actually, there's no poly in Hyper Sphere - it's all dissolve, but I know what you meant ![]() | 2009-08-23 13:26:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
Thank you, Cub. Actually, there's no poly in Hyper Sphere - it's all dissolve, but I know what you meant ![]() Oops.... sorry.... didn't mean to misrepresent your level. Here, let me fix that right up. ![]() EDIT: There ya go! | 2009-08-23 13:43:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
lol - don't worry about it, Bro! I was honoured to see it on your list, whether poly or dissolve! Muchly thanks ![]() | 2009-08-23 13:45:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
I'm just thrilled that Milton says I inspired them, this has made my day!! Personally I think I'm inspired by almost every level I play, as I feel like there is almost always at least ONE thing in every level that I would never have thought to do....although needless to say, the most talented creators manage to pack their levels with seemingly hundreds of brilliant things that I would never have thought to do! Also, I find the story levels incredibly inspiring, which is a good thing considering that that is pretty much the reason why the exist. But they obviously do a good job of it! | 2009-08-23 14:21:00 Author: CheesyMcFly ![]() Posts: 211 |
I actually get a lot of my inspiration from old SNES games like the Donkey Kong Country series, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, and Yoshi's Island. All those games have different platforming elements that are cool and would bring something unique to LBP. | 2009-08-23 15:47:00 Author: Dr_Vab ![]() Posts: 134 |
Well, I have not a great taste, or eye for beautiful things, but what I can clearly say is that I tried to start a level too many times without finishing anything...actually I made no more than 2 minutes of gameplay, but from the moment I started to be a daily resident around here, I met a lot of nice people that inspired me not only with their astonihing works, but most of all with their words, helps, advices, and finally a level is really shaping up. I can make a loooong list, but you should simply check the user database of LBPC and pick up the people we all know. Obviously there's even some people from outside the forum, but most of all I received from the guys here. Thanks with all of my heart. | 2009-08-23 19:35:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
There's something I'd like to mention that isn't usually discussed. Hopefully someone here agrees with this sentiment. I've played a lot of terrible, terrible levels in LBP. Early on in the game's life, when I was first playing it, I gave a lot of low ratings and negative tags on levels, but it didn't take long for me - particularly after the pain of creating my first published level - to come around and stop being such a jerk. I even went into a lot of the early levels that I rated lowly and apologized and left positive comments. It's a real Ebeneezer Scrooge story. But here's the thing... A lot of these really bad levels, full of dark matter platforms and lacking detail and with nearly-impossible to play segments... Most of them are very unique. Each one has something the creator really wanted to get across. Maybe the creator was passionate about boxing and made a level based around a gymnasium and boxers. Maybe the creator just LOVED sea otters and all of the characters in the levels were sea otters. Maybe the creator had mommy issues and that showed up somehow in the level. But a lot of these "terrible" levels have a personal touch that, to me, makes them endlessly charming. and the fact that the level is otherwise a failure only endears it to me more. I've played levels and wanted to rate them 1-star and leave a nasty tag but couldn't bring myself to do it when I imagined the 9-year-old on the other end who really wanted to make that level, with that story. Some of them are just plain WEIRD, with the strangest storylines... All of this is incredibly endearing to me. Obviously this doesn't apply to the blank H4H levels and "exploitative" levels that just bundle up prizes from other levels and throw them in an empty level with a scoreboard, and bland trophy levels, etc. I'm talking about every level that's ever had a personal touch from the creator. And that's a lot of levels, great ones and terrible ones. Sometimes those terrible ones manage to endear themselves to me far more than the really impressive levels by master creators. | 2009-08-23 22:41:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
I can TOTALLY agree with that sentiment and feel the same way. I'm sort of on the receiving end, where I have a 7-year-old who loved to create levels - and he puts an enormous amount of effort into them. It erks me when he publishes and immediately gets rotten comments or people leaving "rubbish" tags. He recently told me he no longer wants to publish the levels he creates out there. But for a 7-year-old, his levels are incredible.... so when I'm out there playing levels I always try to keep in mind that the people creating them may be young or unskilled, but many of them are doing the best they can - so I rate accordingly. It's kind of interesting to me how a game such as LittleBigPlanet, which is geared towards young people and rated for everyone, has nothing to take this into account. | 2009-08-23 22:52:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
CCubbage - I'm sorry to hear that! It warms my heart when I play levels that I know where created by youngsters. I think a lot of these levels, moreso than a lot of really high quality levels, have the most heart put into them, even if the mechanics don't work and the level's lacking solid design and is hard to get through. I know when I was 7, I would have LOVED this game - I used to make stupid little movies, i'd write stories, I even drew out my own videogame, all 8 levels' worth, when I was that young. It was a sidescroller action game that started off on a train taken over by ghosts and monsters. Give a kid like that LittleBigPlanet and you're likely going to get something special out of it, even if the level comes out half-ugly and 3/4 broken. But it's one level out of over a million now, and a lot of people playing are just uncompromising and don't care for the work and heart people put into their levels. There should definitely be some different systems in place. Perhaps star ratings shouldn't be mandatory every time you play a level. Really negative tags like "rubbish" shouldn't even be there. "empty" is a useful tag for a worthless H4H level. But "rubbish", that's really unnecessary. Levels should be tagged by the creator into certain categories so people who want to play certain types of levels can seek them out easier, and you'd get a higher quality of ratings and comments. Obviously, difficulty should be labelled, and perhaps even voted on by the players. i don't know, we could go on and on. it's so unfortunate that the younger players are the ones most likely to give up on the game due to all the uncompromising players out there. | 2009-08-23 23:08:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Maybe the creator just LOVED sea otters and all of the characters in the levels were sea otters This is hilaring. Can't say why, but anyway... ![]() | 2009-08-23 23:22:00 Author: Takelow ![]() Posts: 1355 |
I can TOTALLY agree with that sentiment and feel the same way. I'm sort of on the receiving end, where I have a 7-year-old who loved to create levels - and he puts an enormous amount of effort into them. It erks me when he publishes and immediately gets rotten comments or people leaving "rubbish" tags. He recently told me he no longer wants to publish the levels he creates out there. But for a 7-year-old, his levels are incredible.... so when I'm out there playing levels I always try to keep in mind that the people creating them may be young or unskilled, but many of them are doing the best they can - so I rate accordingly. It's kind of interesting to me how a game such as LittleBigPlanet, which is geared towards young people and rated for everyone, has nothing to take this into account. Thats really got me thinking about again | 2009-08-23 23:34:00 Author: Chuk_Chuk ![]() Posts: 108 |
I love levels made by children. I love Ccubbage's son's levels. A level that actually really did inspire me that I forgot about was Avatar of Chaos's little brother's level, The Death Punch. I believe he is 9 years old. I got to the level, played it and laughed more than I think I did in any other level. It was shortly after this that I made "What's the Matter", and the boxing glove from "death punch" made an appearance of it. I agree with everyone who says that the negative tags should be gone. I think, personally, that Ugly is the worst tag in the game. ![]() | 2009-08-24 00:00:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
Actually, we can recognise a level made by a children from an H4H level, or what I think is worse, a level done with lazyness. I really hate lazyness and level meant to be hard ande often cheap at every cost. By the way, those levels even inspired me to know what I have NOT to do with LBP. | 2009-08-24 07:18:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I love levels made by children. I love Ccubbage's son's levels. A level that actually really did inspire me that I forgot about was Avatar of Chaos's little brother's level, The Death Punch. I believe he is 9 years old. I got to the level, played it and laughed more than I think I did in any other level. It was shortly after this that I made "What's the Matter", and the boxing glove from "death punch" made an appearance of it. I agree with everyone who says that the negative tags should be gone. I think, personally, that Ugly is the worst tag in the game. ![]() I personally think rubbish is worse than ugly. Ugly is so specific, it suggests that the player only thought the visuals were lacking, but perhaps the rest of the level was amazing... who knows? With rubbish, there's just no two ways possible. It might as well be labeled "crap". Unless it's a level about garbage collection in the big city. Ooh, that'd be an awesome level!! You drive a garbage truck around. Collect garbage from various places, throw it in the truck... Saaaaaay! | 2009-08-24 07:57:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
With rubbish, there's just no two ways possible. It might as well be labeled "crap". I agree with this. I also agree that having negative tags such as "rubbish" and "lousy" was a BAAAAD idea. Surely Mm know now that the "rubbish" tag is just used to abuse others and their work. Also, I think they should remove these sort of tags from the game ASAP. Unless it's a level about garbage collection in the big city. Ooh, that'd be an awesome level!! You drive a garbage truck around. Collect garbage from various places, throw it in the truck... Saaaaaay! You know, you might actually be onto something there. ![]() Now on topic, there's so many levels out there that have inspired me, there's too many to list. Many of these levels are by the talented creators of LBPC. ![]() | 2009-08-24 19:51:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
i agree, i've played his levels too. im working on a temple level that i was inspired by because of a highly intractive one. i forget the name though. | 2009-08-29 21:41:00 Author: Schwem00 ![]() Posts: 255 |
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