little big war boss
Archive: 7 posts
little big war bossxX-Delerium-Xx This Is a 3 part boss fight.., I planed to destroy all the other levels for hearts but every one came in and attack my war boss. you meanies! >:-D level was inspired by the collector and mgs the boss. You notice the similarities in the stage design. but the boss's are 100% original. i Put a lot of work in this. The second boss is tough but you can beat it, just remember to run under it to reach the other side. Side note, thers a glich that stop gun and emitters at random. . the faster you kill it the better. http://i28.tinypic.com/rr60xk.jpg http://i28.tinypic.com/xcp4xd.jpg http://i30.tinypic.com/r9j29t.jpg http://i27.tinypic.com/2zf7sxg.jpg http://i26.tinypic.com/33xx4l2.jpg all | 2009-08-10 23:26:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
the bosses were nicely designed, but i didn't like the story so much. To me, the story seemed rather blatantly copied from the last level of the MGS pack. (ride up in an elevator, boss is in a booth, only wanted hearts, etc) and the scenery does look a bit similar as well. But it was a nice job, i particularly liked the third mech one. Oh, and you also need a paintinator on the floor, because if you get hit with the fire, you drop it, and theres no point in living if you cant kill the boss to go on ![]() | 2009-08-11 00:25:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
Yea, the level did feel a little bit similar to the Collector and the MGS final level, but on the other hand, those levels felt like some of Dr. Wily's final levels in Mega Man 1-∞. I might try to visually distinguish it a little bit from the MGS pack by changing up a few of the materials. (Mix it with some of the Wilderness materials maybe?). The story (especially the end) was a wee bit close to the Collector final boss level in Story Mode. (You even had the baddie hiding under something and cowering at the end). Maybe have him fly over him and taunt ("Next time, Gadget! NEEEXXXT TIIIMMMEEE!!!") or something else. *shrug* Other than that, I took no issue with the length. It was an average Boss Level format. Enter. Go up/down a shaft. Fight boss(es). Very classic format. ![]() Each of the bosses were great, unique and enjoyable. The only problem I actually came across (besides trying to dodge the death traps as I tried to remove enough stickers) was on the first robot, since it didn't activate until you stepped on the floor I was able to take out half of the damage meters before it even attacked me. I was also able to jump up on his head from the platform to avoid all the attacks and kill the the rockets that came out of it's head damage meter easily. (Don't know if the getting on its head is intentional, so I figured I'd bring that one up.) Otherwise good fun! Had a blast with it! | 2009-08-11 00:55:00 Author: Chaos ![]() Posts: 16 |
Well I based my level on both, I was combining the collector and mgs boss together. the stage was based on mgs. story was collector. This was my first time makeing a boss level . and was my second level. my first was deleted. first boss was made to be really easy on purpose. If people like it enough I may make another and would be happy to get suggestions. | 2009-08-11 02:40:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
Pretty good. Visuals were nice and I liked how it takes you straight into the boss fight. Since there are so many attacks, some sort of warning before each would be nice, that way the player can anticipate them and try to dodge better. Also on the third form I found that you can run behind him and shoot his back without being shot yourself. Should put flames from his jet pack shooting down behind him to prevent that. :star::star::star::star: | 2009-08-11 07:15:00 Author: keell ![]() Posts: 69 |
Pretty good. Visuals were nice and I liked how it takes you straight into the boss fight. Since there are so many attacks, some sort of warning before each would be nice, that way the player can anticipate them and try to dodge better. Also on the third form I found that you can run behind him and shoot his back without being shot yourself. Should put flames from his jet pack shooting down behind him to prevent that. :star::star::star::star: thanks keel. I thought of that. I'll keep that in mind If I decide to make another. I only pot warnings on 2 attacks. | 2009-08-11 23:08:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
Update. I added a paintanator on the floor in case of gun lost. also due to the sticker build up. should I just remove the bombs from the second boss? that seems to cause the most build up. what you all think? | 2009-08-12 16:52:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
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