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Flooded With Friend Requests?

Archive: 89 posts

Well i recently published 3 levels (Sensor Activation System Concept part 1 and 2 and a tutorial)

Now people dont stop friend requesting and messaging me asking for help.....in a way this is awesome but it gets annoying...ever happened to you?
2009-08-10 03:55:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

Yeah, but I rarely answer any of them but I know most of them want me to heart their levels or always want to join me, it can get pretty annoying!2009-08-10 04:07:00

Posts: 787

Ever since I published my level "Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (intro)" I've been getting friend requests from random people.2009-08-10 04:09:00

Posts: 1054

I wish, my levels never go to the new page, or the cool levels page for some strange reason

Besides, your level wasn't too horribly complicated, I don't understand people sometimes :|

Word of advice, don't accept any of these friends requests, ignore them
2009-08-10 04:12:00

Posts: 221

The "do not add" function is useful !

2009-08-10 04:22:00

Posts: 3901

i know but it gets pretty annoying especially when you wake up with 1000 friend requests (sarcasm)2009-08-10 04:48:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

With every level I release, I get an influx of friend requests. I'll usually add people, but if they start to harass me, I'm quick to remove them.2009-08-10 04:59:00

Posts: 1335

There will be a lot of creators on this site that will have experienced this. Personally I have get them everyday. If there is a message with the request then I will reply and say thank you for trying my level but rarely add them. If it is just a request and nothing else, then I just reject it.2009-08-10 05:03:00

Posts: 1494

I think that we users of the forum should really invite people to join here if they want help and if they want to be serious creators.
At least that's what I would say to them.
2009-08-10 06:23:00

Posts: 5112

None of my levels are too popular, so I've never been flooded with friend requests. But I usually add them to give them a chance at least. And suprisingly, most of my good friends have actually come from these requests.2009-08-10 07:53:00

Posts: 126

None of my levels have ever been successful, partly because I don't like republishing often, but mostly because they're all music or mediocre levels.

With every level I release, I get an influx of friend requests. I'll usually add people, but if they start to harass me, I'm quick to remove them.

Yikes, you must have hundreds of friends by this point. I'm sure the "this person" has completed "this level" with "this score" popping up at the top of your screen all the time must be pretty annoying.

I've added the few people that have requested it, a few of them continued talking to me and we had a few fun times, while others' last communique was the initial request. I should probably clear out those friends I've never talked to...
2009-08-10 08:46:00

Posts: 151

I'm always getting random friend requests (on PS3), i don't know why, it's not like my levels are epic or anything, but never really been an problem2009-08-10 10:14:00

Posts: 785

Ever since my clubhouse I've been getting a steady stream of requests.

So yes.
2009-08-10 10:15:00

Posts: 4291

I used to accept them if they'd bothered to write a message, but it just got out of hand. Anyone who's had a level or two on page one will know you can get hit with 30+ requests a day! I would log in and spend 45 min responding to them all, only to get abuse for not responding fast enough. Not only that, but once you have them on your list you have the whole request to join spam to contend with every time you get into the game.

Now I only accept requests from respected creators or people I've had previous communications with.
2009-08-10 10:41:00

Posts: 545

Anyone who's had a level or two on page one will know you can get hit with 30+ requests a day!

Try having a trilogy on the first 2 pages

I've had to set up another psn account to get away from it all sometimes.

I only really add people from this site. But yeah, I have about 40/50 friends that ALL play LBP so then the invites keep poping up all the time or so and so has just scored etc.

I think the best way to deal with it is this....

If you fancy playing on your own online - play with an unknown account

If you fancy simply creating - just sign out. theres no need to be online.

If you fancy playing with others - just sign in and let the good times roll
2009-08-10 11:07:00

Posts: 1904

I don't get that too often since my levels aren't extremely popular - my most popular level has 2,200 plays and my second most popular level has only 200. I have got fan mail before though. I always add people who go "OMG your levels are amazing!" because they almost always turn out to be alright. 2009-08-10 11:20:00

Posts: 812

Haha how can they need help? Its simple.

Anyway i've never made the cool pages or anything but sometimes random people want to be my freind.. Im like f off dude.
2009-08-10 12:07:00

Posts: 744

i have added 2 famous creators because i loved there levels. and what was good was when they did accept me i got to know them and we were good friends and then i met some of there friends and it sorta grew, Btw, if you want to create but stay in touch with ur friends on ur friends list unplug ur internet, then say no when it says sign in? then go through and sign in manually, when it says u have connected to a Ps3 network would you like to connect to LBP servers say no! simple2009-08-10 13:23:00

Posts: 5078

When my animation got recognized on the playstation blog, I got more friend requests than my screen name could handle. I actually had to funnel them to another screen name that I had made. Then that name started to fill up. When the first name was full, I would get messages that said "delete a friend and add me" or "add me, I want your crown" or "account share with me so I could have your crown and the valentines day pack, too!" ...

I also had this happen when our level, 7 days, was on page 1 of cool levels.
I've still not found a good way to deal with these requests. I am the sort of person who doesn't want to be mean to anyone, but there's only room for 100 people on your friends list.
2009-08-10 13:34:00

Posts: 2569

I've never received friend requests from people who played my level, though sometimes after a Quick Play, I will get some friend requests. I usually accept them, because LittleBigPlanet is more fun with others. 2009-08-10 13:35:00

Posts: 2325

the people I've met in quick play are some of the nicest people in the world! I usually accept all of those requests! I agree with you wholeheartedly! ^_^2009-08-10 13:36:00

Posts: 2569

the people I've met in quick play are some of the nicest people in the world! I usually accept all of those requests! I agree with you wholeheartedly! ^_^

That is true, most of the people I meet in Quick Play are fun people to play LittleBigPlanet with. They know what they are doing and don't smack you off the edges of things (for the most part).
2009-08-10 13:53:00

Posts: 2325

Exactly. In the beginning when I started playing this game, I met a whole bunch of cool people using quick play, and a few people through the forums. It seems to me that a lot that I've met through random friend invites from the animation like to hit me, and don't play nice, and that's not cool. I like HAPPY gadders. lol.

ps - this is not in reference to anyone on these forums, btw, just to clear that up. Everyone who I've met through the forums is really nice!
2009-08-10 13:59:00

Posts: 2569

When my animation got recognized on the playstation blog, I got more friend requests than my screen name could handle. I actually had to funnel them to another screen name that I had made. Then that name started to fill up. When the first name was full, I would get messages that said "delete a friend and add me" or "add me, I want your crown" or "account share with me so I could have your crown and the valentines day pack, too!" ...

I also had this happen when our level, 7 days, was on page 1 of cool levels.
I've still not found a good way to deal with these requests. I am the sort of person who doesn't want to be mean to anyone, but there's only room for 100 people on your friends list.

Lol @ tje bold.
2009-08-10 14:03:00

Posts: 744

hah hah hah. Yeah, when I started playing this game, I thought that 100 was a lot, too. 2009-08-10 14:33:00

Posts: 2569

I get it when playing COD, i just ignore them.2009-08-10 14:46:00

Posts: 165

I only have about 1 and a half decent levels, and they are really NOTHING compared to anything you guys make... But I only get friend requests from the people I see online.
This is VERY nice since I don't get the flood of messages all the time.

My friend is thinking he might make a "stupid" level like McDonald's Bathroom cleanup to get friends...

I told him he would get more friends if he made a good level.
2009-08-10 14:51:00

Posts: 1063

I get a constant load in my inbox to. It increases tenfold when I have a level out. I used to just accept them all until a while ago. I stopped doing that when people did'nt realise that if I did'nt want to play or let them join after 5 requests, they would have a better chance reminding me every 30 second intervals for 10 minutes. Needless to sat they got deleted.

If theres nothing in the request, or they say they liked the levels i deny it immediatly nowadays, so anyone from here add LBPC to the message.
2009-08-10 15:27:00

Posts: 1754

I get a constant load in my inbox to. It increases tenfold when I have a level out. I used to just accept them all until a while ago. I stopped doing that when people did'nt realise that if I did'nt want to play or let them join after 5 requests, they would have a better chance reminding me every 30 second intervals for 10 minutes. Needless to sat they got deleted.

If theres nothing in the request, or they say they liked the levels i deny it immediatly nowadays, so anyone from here add LBPC to the message.

Grant, believe me, I can empathize with this completely. I had the same exact thing happen, but you already know that, don't you?

You try to be a nice person, but sometimes you can't.

I've tried everything too. I've no problem playing online with people if they observe a certain etiquette. It's when a person continually spams your name even though you've messaged them saying you can't play and you have your status set as away with a message that says "can't play. creating" that I just can't stand. It seems extremely rude to me. I would never do that to another player.

It's partially the fault of the game, also, for not having a way to decline invites and joins, or some sort of away messaging system.

I also feel that if you've set your status as "not available" on the playstation, you should appear invisible in the game, or you should not be able to be joined.

Oh, and btw, I do exactly what Wex said earlier. I play under a secret psn name when I want to not be bothered and just play with my husband or my friends. It's funny though. The friend requests have somehow found me there, too. :O
2009-08-10 16:18:00

Posts: 2569

Same thing happened with me and thous pesky layer god help me 2009-08-10 16:30:00

Posts: 258

Same thing happened with me and thous pesky layer god help me

i cant imagine what it is for you since you found the 50 layer glitch....
2009-08-10 16:32:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

Same thing happened with me and thous pesky layer god help me

I can only imagine :S

Only thing I've ever been swarmed by is fat princess gameshare pleas.

I suppose there are advantages to being under the radar
2009-08-10 16:32:00

Posts: 1330

I just don't accept ANY. Period. If it isn't someone from here that I've already determined is a) a decent creator, and b) is mature.... I won't add them.2009-08-10 16:33:00

Posts: 4430

ah, yes, bakscratch, I can see this friend invite thing being a HUGE problem for you. I'm so sorry

and Ccubbage, I now feel special because you accepted mine. I'm all warm and fuzzy inside and stuff.
2009-08-10 16:34:00

Posts: 2569

ah, yes, bakscratch, I can see this friend invite thing being a HUGE problem for you. I'm so sorry

and Ccubbage, I now feel special because you accepted mine. I'm all warm and fuzzy inside and stuff.

lol i laughed at the last part....but yeah.....you delete them but the annoying thing is that when you have 3 levels on the cool pages (page 1 and 2) people keep accusing me of being a thief and everyone always wants credit to be given but ive never played any of their levels....plus my friend who i got the idea from didnt even have a level made! the level was purely my idea! thats what i really hate :
2009-08-10 16:43:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

Anyone who add me just keeps asking How How How How one more How, i did it so what do i say "Magic" some people get abit rude and so on, Any way enought about me its that people a lazy they cant be ask to try things out them selfs im not trying to be rude but message after message are the same.
Nice lvl but the way Flareskull.
2009-08-10 16:48:00

Posts: 258

I add folks from here if I know them etc...

On the ones pop up, I usually add them if they sound nice as well as coherent. If I get a request that is blank or something along the lines of I lv ur lvls, I ignore and down the road delete the request.

Of the ones I have added (not from here of course), if I notice they haven't been logged on in a month or never recall playing or talking to them, I remove to make room.

Some of the ones I have met are really nice folks and have offered suggestions as well as some building tips. The ones that are really nice and have a notable interest in improving, I send them here.
2009-08-10 16:57:00

Posts: 11383

Anyone who add me just keeps asking How How How How one more How, i did it so what do i say "Magic" some people get abit rude and so on, Any way enought about me its that people a lazy they cant be ask to try things out them selfs im not trying to be rude but message after message are the same.
Nice lvl but the way Flareskull.

thanks......wow if i knew people will know me so well i would have done this long ago anyway i guess an option would be is to fill up the friends list (with people you know) and that takes care of random requests but as for the messages......well i guess you cant stop that.....

on a side note i would like to point out that one of the people said that he came up with the idea and he should be given credit in the description.......so i told him.....nope i dont know you.....and he replied this..."oh you think you are so famous? well i better creator than u, you just dont know it"

i laughed so hard
2009-08-10 17:03:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

thanks......wow if i knew people will know me so well i would have done this long ago anyway i guess an option would be is to fill up the friends list (with people you know) and that takes care of random requests but as for the messages......well i guess you cant stop that.....

on a side note i would like to point out that one of the people said that he came up with the idea and he should be given credit in the description.......so i told him.....nope i dont know you.....and he replied this..."oh you think you are so famous? well i better creator than u, you just dont know it"

i laughed so hard

Those kind of poeple make me cry so hard.
2009-08-10 17:12:00

Posts: 744

Not me, but I did get this weird French message from someone I don't know the other day...2009-08-10 17:57:00

Posts: 1153

just signed in and had 23 friend requests no joke at all...... apparently part 2 of my LED light level also got to page one and i have 2 levels on page 1 and 1 on page 2 so its pretty much inevitable with the requests...2009-08-10 18:18:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

I feel and share your pain, Flare. Well, I don't but... Meh. 2009-08-10 18:38:00

Posts: 812

just signed in and had 23 friend requests no joke at all...... apparently part 2 of my LED light level also got to page one and i have 2 levels on page 1 and 1 on page 2 so its pretty much inevitable with the requests...

Oh cool, I saw those levels. Nice but too short

Shouldn't try making platformers with that method, make survival challenges so less screen space is used.

Anyway that was a bit off topic
2009-08-10 18:43:00

Posts: 1330

Kappa- About them finding you on your secret account, lol. Do you think they found its you?

I got a lot of friend requests when i released my only level, and i still get a couple from time to time. I accept most, but my friends box is almost full, so i delete them randomly, or not accept them. Some one sent me a message the other day saying, "i just want a friend "

I had to accept lol.
2009-08-10 18:48:00

Posts: 573

I get a couple a week so it's not a problem. I'll answer questions (ex. how did you create the lava?) or thank them if they said they liked a level, but I never add them. Even if I was inclined to play multi-player I know nothing about this person and the in-game messages in LBP are just too annoying.2009-08-10 18:49:00

Posts: 1214

Kappa- About them finding you on your secret account, lol. Do you think they found its you?

I got a lot of friend requests when i released my only level, and i still get a couple from time to time. I accept most, but my friends box is almost full, so i delete them randomly, or not accept them. Some one sent me a message the other day saying, "i just want a friend "

I had to accept lol.

I accept ones that say "i just want a friend" too. They break my heart. Usually those people end up being super nice.

As far as the secret account goes, yeah, they know it's me, for the most part. My secret account is pretty easy to guess. Also, people finding my secret account is sometimes my fault. I just can't help but leave photos on other people's levels, and sometimes I forget that I'm on under my secret account. Most of the people who have sent me requests under that name have been people who I actually had to kick off of my main account due to them harassing me, which is kinda scary, to be quite honest.
2009-08-10 19:02:00

Posts: 2569

I accept ones that say "i just want a friend" too. They break my heart. Usually those people end up being super nice.

As far as the secret account goes, yeah, they know it's me, for the most part. My secret account is pretty easy to guess. Also, people finding my secret account is sometimes my fault. I just can't help but leave photos on other people's levels, and sometimes I forget that I'm on under my secret account. Most of the people who have sent me requests under that name have been people who I actually had to kick off of my main account due to them harassing me, which is kinda scary, to be quite honest.

wow ummmm maybe i should lay low for a while that is kindda scary tho.....i try to explain in the nicest way to people who say im a thief but they keep going....:
2009-08-10 19:07:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

Yes, and I end up hating all the people I add...2009-08-10 20:37:00

Posts: 1424

Im starting to feel bad about myself....everyone likes it but these others dont stop hating on it 2009-08-10 20:55:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

Im starting to feel bad about myself....everyone likes it but these others dont stop hating on it

There should be a registry of ideas so that if people don't write them to the list it's their own fault.
2009-08-10 21:01:00

Posts: 1330

I'm lucky twofold...

1. My friends list is full, and a large majority of them are absolutely brilliant (except Cub and Wex who keep bombarding me with plz.play.my.lvls messages!
2. Because my list is full, no requests! Woot!
2009-08-10 21:13:00

Posts: 1492

I only really add people from this site. But yeah, I have about 40/50 friends that ALL play LBP

I have 85 that all play LBP because people add me when i meet them online and i never use quick play
2009-08-10 21:17:00

Posts: 785

i never use quick play
It's a great way to find new levels, meet new people, and most importantly, accidentally wander into locked levels.
2009-08-10 21:21:00

Posts: 2325

Welcome to the down side of littlebigfame

It's most annoying when you explain why you don't want to add them and they go off on one! Now your the jerk :S
2009-08-11 00:07:00

Posts: 1477

well perfect! one level is no longer on page one (or any of the cool pages but now my other 2 levels are 2009-08-11 00:09:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

Ever since I've published my last level a few weeks ago I've been receiving multiple friend requests everyday. The worst thing about is I'm too lazy too delete any of them so I have an extremely long list of friend requests. When I first started creating I used to accept them most of the time, but now I've just get way too many, I rarely play LBP online with anyone anyways so there wouldn't be much point in accepting them anyways.2009-08-11 00:16:00

Posts: 134

Ever since I've published my last level a few weeks ago I've been receiving multiple friend requests everyday. The worst thing about is I'm too lazy too delete any of them so I have an extremely long list of friend requests. When I first started creating I used to accept them most of the time, but now I've just get way too many, I rarely play LBP online with anyone anyways so there wouldn't be much point in accepting them anyways.

My story is very similar to yours, the biggest reason why i dont accept anymore though is, when in create mode somebody 'invites' you...nonstop. God forbid you actually accept by accident and lose all your work through button bashing :C
2009-08-11 00:23:00

Posts: 1477

My story is very similar to yours, the biggest reason why i dont accept anymore though is, when in create mode somebody 'invites' you...nonstop. God forbid you actually accept by accident and lose all your work through button bashing :C

This happened to me on my Dexters lab level, lost a couple hours work
The thing is it was a invte spamming kid i had JUST added. Deleted him.
2009-08-11 00:48:00

Posts: 573

This happened to me on my Dexters lab level, lost a couple hours work
The thing is it was a invte spamming kid i had JUST added. Deleted him.

Not THAT Dexters lab level you showed me!!!!! awww 8(
2009-08-11 02:38:00

Posts: 1477

I don't really add people who make levels, it's just pretty pointless.
They ignore your requests.
2009-08-11 02:41:00

Unknown User

I posted earlier that I didn't really have a problem with this, which is still true. But as irony would have it, I just got a friend request for the first time in several weeks from someone who liked one of my music levels. So, I added him. Then he asked if I would give him the level, since we're best buds and all...

I'm guessing people wanting you to add them because they want something from you is a common problem for you famous lot?
2009-08-11 03:03:00

Posts: 151

hehe what ill do is send them invitations to this site and the other site Im on since im here on both and i like them both i will tell them to come here or to LBPF (like a left and right thing....one guy gets an invite to one site another to the other site) i think its fair 2009-08-11 03:07:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

@ flare skull: seems like the one who gets sent to LBPC is getting the better deal

I'm not famous, nor is my recieved box jammed with friend requests. So, as a plus one type, I think I'll start signaling my desire to game on-line with some one by sending a message through PSN. That way no one gets interupted in the middle of a jump or create. just a little transperant bug in the upper right corner.

I don't know. that sound about right?
2009-08-11 10:40:00

Posts: 898

hey dude its only fair : plus im sure everyone will find out about the other forums sooner or later.....i dont like when people say one forum is better than the other.....: its just because you were on this forum first is why you like it better....well anyway...im getting on l8r to see ow much requests ive gotten...2009-08-11 17:15:00

Flare Skull
Posts: 216

Kappa- About them finding you on your secret account, lol. Do you think they found its you?

I got a lot of friend requests when i released my only level, and i still get a couple from time to time. I accept most, but my friends box is almost full, so i delete them randomly, or not accept them. Some one sent me a message the other day saying, "i just want a friend "

I had to accept lol.
I go awww you poor soul, i'll add them, then crush them by saying they suck, they copyed other levels, and say there levels suck

Nah i've never come across those people but i would probley add them.

My story is very similar to yours, the biggest reason why i dont accept anymore though is, when in create mode somebody 'invites' you...nonstop. God forbid you actually accept by accident and lose all your work through button bashing :C
I know i hate those people, luckily, my suckass connection makes me not go out of create mode

hey dude its only fair : plus im sure everyone will find out about the other forums sooner or later.....i dont like when people say one forum is better than the other.....: its just because you were on this forum first is why you like it better....well anyway...im getting on l8r to see ow much requests ive gotten...

I'll send you a freind reqest on 3 acounts
2009-08-11 17:31:00

Posts: 744

I thought I wouldn't get flooded with FR until I deleted a few people from my friendslist to make space for new ones.

In some ways maxing out the friendslist limit is good. ^.^
2009-08-11 17:36:00

Posts: 3193

I know how you feel man, the life of a LBP celebrity. except in my case its much worse, being a crown winner, and i can't help but show off my little crown with a little king outfit

And its not easy being raised to be a very kind person. I wind up adding those friend requests (removing old friends who haven't spoken to me or played LBP in months). And like the old friends they never speak to me again, or its worse they won't shut up about asking me to gameshare for it. I'd usually tell them why i will never trade the crown. Most of the time they stop asking after that (and again never speak or play with me again)

But so far only 1 person still went on. He pulls off this "I'm dying and my last wish is to wear the crown...." I drew the line there and blocked my 1st person...

Well it wasn't a complete waste adding them, i found some nice people (from all ages) who just want to join me to play and have fun
2009-08-12 07:13:00

Posts: 1125

Haven't happened to me. Some people tend to add me after playing with me though.2009-08-13 11:30:00

Posts: 62

I think it must be a hellish badge of honour, like there's always problems in paradise, who would clean the loos etc2009-08-13 11:43:00

Posts: 5078

I know how you feel man, the life of a LBP celebrity. except in my case its much worse, being a crown winner, and i can't help but show off my little crown with a little king outfit

And its not easy being raised to be a very kind person. I wind up adding those friend requests (removing old friends who haven't spoken to me or played LBP in months). And like the old friends they never speak to me again, or its worse they won't shut up about asking me to gameshare for it. I'd usually tell them why i will never trade the crown. Most of the time they stop asking after that (and again never speak or play with me again)

But so far only 1 person still went on. He pulls off this "I'm dying and my last wish is to wear the crown...." I drew the line there and blocked my 1st person...

Well it wasn't a complete waste adding them, i found some nice people (from all ages) who just want to join me to play and have fun

i hear you. Loud and clear. Last night I was working in the online create beta, and I got a message with the subject that said "where'd you get"

I bet you guys can finish that sentence

I had a guy message me nearly six times a day telling me to make an animation and put his name on it so he could have a crown. I told him no, very politely, and he said, okay. Later that day I received another message "so, we gonna make an animation?" Unfortunately, I had to delete him and although he was really harassing me, I felt awful about it.

oh, and if it means anything, I also get asked to gameshare my crown all the time. You cannot gameshare the crown though, so tell them this. You can put it on another playstation, but your login information has to be on that playstation as well. I know this because we have two playstations in our house, mine and my husband's.
2009-08-13 16:30:00

Posts: 2569

no XD, then again i haven't published any levels yet. By the way is there a limit to how many friends you can have? I'm wondering cause on the xbox you can only have 100 friends.2009-08-13 16:41:00

Comet Wolf
Posts: 99

I have one requirement for a friend adding a friend. Their request needs to use correct grammar and sentence structure (or I just need to recognize the name...). I can't stand all the "hay yur levls are awsume lets play 2gethr" requests I get. It's really bad when a level hits Cool Pages.

I am away from my PS3 for a couple weeks, and I hope I don't come home to a mass of friend requests...
2009-08-13 16:57:00

Posts: 5338

I had to take a break from publishing as i hate deleting requests without explaining why & when i do about half just turn mental & get abusive. i always give everyone a chance if they are a good creator & female & over the age of 17 lolz. if they slap me or sing down the mic ( whats that about ? an Amercan thing ? ) i have no problem deleting. i would never just add without knowing a bit about them just as i dont follow someone on home when they say 'follow me' . its kinda fun tho for a week .2009-08-13 17:16:00

Posts: 85

I had to take a break from publishing as i hate deleting requests without explaining why & when i do about half just turn mental & get abusive. i always give everyone a chance if they are a good creator & female & over the age of 17 lolz. if they slap me or sing down the mic ( whats that about ? an Amercan thing ? ) i have no problem deleting. i would never just add without knowing a bit about them just as i dont follow someone on home when they say 'follow me' . its kinda fun tho for a week .

The slapping thing i cannot tolerate. I don't know if it's an american thing or not, but I don't slap people. I think it's mean.

the singing down the mic? Never heard of that! Although, last night all four of the people I was playing with were singing The Final Countdown. But that was a group thing
2009-08-13 17:27:00

Posts: 2569

I know how you feel man, the life of a LBP celebrity. except in my case its much worse, being a crown winner, and i can't help but show off my little crown with a little king outfit

And its not easy being raised to be a very kind person. I wind up adding those friend requests (removing old friends who haven't spoken to me or played LBP in months). And like the old friends they never speak to me again, or its worse they won't shut up about asking me to gameshare for it. I'd usually tell them why i will never trade the crown. Most of the time they stop asking after that (and again never speak or play with me again)

But so far only 1 person still went on. He pulls off this "I'm dying and my last wish is to wear the crown...." I drew the line there and blocked my 1st person...

Well it wasn't a complete waste adding them, i found some nice people (from all ages) who just want to join me to play and have fun

Does that mean i have no chance in getting your crown?
2009-08-13 17:36:00

Posts: 744

lol xkappax that would have to be a group thing & possibly slightly amusing for 10 seconds but they'd have had their final countdown in my book, rofl2009-08-13 17:50:00

Posts: 85

it wasn't for very long, trust me. Actually, I think just 3 of us were singing. then Morgana busted out some final countdown 2000 remix. 2009-08-13 17:54:00

Posts: 2569

I think the slapping is just a basic kid thing, but American kids seem to have the full range of annoying tendencies; slapping, rapid fire invites and add requests, shameless begging, Bad grammar, downrating, Spamming,etc,rant,rant.

I try to publish when they are at school, or should be asleep.

As an American, I feel badly because that rep has been earned.
2009-08-13 18:08:00

Posts: 898

lol, maybe its too many sugary drinks ? idk. But your American, so we love you : )2009-08-13 19:24:00

Posts: 85

What i do if they start with there endless slapping. I take them to my Collesium (my unique fighting level) and lay the smackdown on them. They usually leave in less than 5 minutes Also handy for if 2 friends are fighting or arguing over something and you don't want to take sides. I really have to make a level showcase of it soon....

Well I'm gonna make a LittleQueen. My King needs someone by his side to help rule......uh....Sacktopia. I'll bet that Ada Lovelace outfit will help
2009-08-13 19:24:00

Posts: 1125

I am a master in the art of double slapping ( jumping between 2 offenders & sending both flying 1 either side ) but like bruce lee this is tempered & only used when absolutely necessary : )2009-08-13 19:31:00

Posts: 85

I got a request to add someone as a friend. All they said was that they wanted the dropship and escape pods from Mars Attacks, I politely said I did'nt want to give them away because there were more levels to build, he then basically demanded I give them to him. I actually had a spare hour and said I'd create something original for him, but that wasn't good enough, he wanted the actual ones. I deleted the request and ignored all further messages.2009-08-13 19:49:00

Posts: 1754

I got a request to add someone as a friend. All they said was that they wanted the dropship and escape pods from Mars Attacks, I politely said I did'nt want to give them away because there were more levels to build, he then basically demanded I give them to him. I actually had a spare hour and said I'd create something original for him, but that wasn't good enough, he wanted the actual ones. I deleted the request and ignored all further messages.

thats a very good solution actually, offer him something else then delete if he goes on about it, Good on you
2009-08-13 19:55:00

Posts: 5078

I've had a couple of rare occasions where just deleting someone from my Friends list didn't suffice. I had to use the block list as well.2009-08-13 22:32:00

Posts: 898

i don't really get friend requests.

My levels, ("Unknown Gems" as I call them) are barely played soooooo... nooo.

BTW, your sensor switch levels are AWESOME! Great for party levels.
2009-08-13 22:44:00

Posts: 445

When I published my Sub Sub Sub par obstacle course, I got about 5 friend requests a day. Most of the time they don't even leave a message.2009-08-14 01:18:00

Posts: 1487

Not flooded from LBP, as I haven't published any levels, but from when I played COD. People add you if you play epically. I was always getting firiend requests from people I beat. They used to join my clan in the lobby, but still end up on the other team. I thought it was hilarious. I probably suck now though. My first game on World at War was 21-0 so I had a huge KD from the start. Enough of COD now though as this is an LBP topic!

XD Fail.
2009-08-14 02:06:00

Posts: 2914

Most of the time they don't even leave a message.

This is almost like a pet peeve of mine. Unless I know the person in real life, you need to tell me what exactly made you think to try and add me as a friend. I can check back and see if it was someone that I had previously played with, but I rarely bother with people who don't tell me why they want the honor of having me grace their friends list.
2009-08-14 02:20:00

Posts: 2325

i was getting about 30 a day. i eventually just let them take up the rest of my pending list. if a had someone i wanted to add i would just delete a pending FI and then add my buddy. now i only get 4 a day. easier to manage.2009-08-14 18:20:00

Posts: 266

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