City in the Sky
Archive: 9 posts
City in the Skybonner123 Journey up the City in the Sky. Okay it's not really a new level, it's been out for 20 days. Inspired by the Oocoo temple in LoZ TP, I decided to make this level. I focused alot on the details in this level and It's the first time I attempted to make a boss. To be honest people said it's great on the comments but I myself am not sure it's good. I would like feedback before I publish anymore levels. all | 2009-08-09 22:21:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
This is a very beautiful level with a definite visual style that reminding me of some cel shaded games I used to see on the PS2. (Can?t remember which but it may have been like one of the Klonoa games.) The materials you use and the different buildings and structures work out very well for the theme of the level and I had a lot of fun looking at the level. There are a lot of small details that help enhance the environment with the spinning rotors and the green grass type formations, the woodwork, gears and so on. This is a good looking level that shows a lot of attention to a clean looking aesthetic. You manage to give the level a feeling of being high up, both through the combination of giving the player a long fall when they jump off but also through the empty blue background and other floating paraphernalia. With the amount of plays and hearts this level has I?m hoping that you are feeling a bit better about your ability and the level than you let on in your initial post. There are a good mix of platforming elements such that it doesn?t get repetitive and even though the buildings share a similar theme you have enough uniqueness about each section that it feels like a large city rather than a collection of rooms. I do think it is a bit odd, in terms of the story and city you create, why there?d be a room with two moving ramps that are on fire? Perhaps that is a bit of siege equipment from the bad people? Or a defense mechanism? Realistically it doesn?t matter at all but it was a funny thought. The boss fight was a good take on the very common paintinator fight-fests. I did seem to have a bit of a lag when stepping on the correct buttons. The sequence is pretty obvious after a bit of experimenting but when I jump on the next button in the sequence the light does not light up until I hop around a bit and step on it again. Is there a timing involved in the fight or do you need to press other non-related buttons before the correct one lights up? Good work on this level. I think that if you use the same eye for structure and detail on future levels that you?ll do very well. Good work on this level. | 2009-08-11 18:41:00 Author: Trindall ![]() Posts: 297 |
Your level made me Jealous. It makes me think that I should've just sticked with making levels with platform fun rather than mini-games. Anyways I enjoyed it. Some parts were annoying, but not annoying enough to overcome my visual sensation of the level. ![]() I had a bit of lag on the buttons. But it's cool. Anyways. :star::star::star::star::star: +Heart +Heart Author Tagged: Brilliant I want feedback for my Plasma Maiden mini-game (only level I posted right now) | 2009-08-12 00:33:00 Author: Count ![]() Posts: 315 |
You've got a very nice level. It looks good. The music selections worked well. It actually contained some variations on obstacles that I hadn't seen before. I must admit it took me a moment to figure out where to go after the first gate. I got to the edge and guessed incorrectly that there must be something beyond that balcony rail. After a long fall the next time I figured out that I needed to slip into the small space and jump back and forth to climb the building. I think most people will get it and most faster than me, but it might turn off someone who is quick to give up. The buttons on the mini-boss and the main boss seemed non-responsive at first. I eventually got it, but I was wondering for a moment if something was broken or if I was doing something wrong. I missed a few of the jumps, but your level is forgiving. I got through everything and overall it was a good experience. This may seem like a nitpick, but I think the water at the opening portal could be improved. It made an initial splash, but otherwise I don't think it made any more sounds and it didn't move despite looking like it should be pouring out the front. I know water support isn't the best at the moment in LBP, but I've seen some impressive water simulations in a few levels. At the very least it should be easy to make it so that a sackperson's movement on the water surface keeps making new splash sounds. I enjoyed the level. Thanks! If you care to check out one of my levels, I've got one called Spooky Zombie Manor... Beware the Undead. Here is my LBPC post: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=14790. D-Bot | 2009-08-12 04:55:00 Author: D-Bot ![]() Posts: 10 |
I was just playing this level, having a good time, when suddenly my PS3 took me back to the XMB. Not fair! I made it up to the part w/ the enemy that has a button on his bottom, and I had a good time. The visuals were pretty good (I preferred 3D glitch version) and the obstacles were well designed. However, I do have some suggestions. For the balloon elevator, it can be tough to grab the sponge up above because the balloons block it. Maybe you could make them smaller or have the elevator go up when you're on it and down when you're not. Also, you should raise the gas. It got annoying having to fall so far, but we are in the sky, so it also makes sense. One last thing, the enemy w/ the button on him can be hard to kill. I had to press the button at least 8 times. Maybe if he jumped higher it'd be easier. :star::star::star::star: and a heart. When you can, please try Hectic Hallways. | 2009-08-12 06:13:00 Author: RickTheRipper ![]() Posts: 345 |
I played the level and I find it very good, and very enjoyable. The only thing I found a little annoying was the first guard, since it's quite a problem to activate the button. Then, in the boss battle it's not clear that you have to turn the light in a certain order and that you have to stay on the buttons for a while. Don't remember if I rated 4 or 5 stars, sorry. | 2009-08-12 16:41:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Really liked the level, so not sure why you were doubting yourself - like RicktheRipper, I had a bit of trouble grabbing the sponge on the balloon elevator. Really loved the look of the level - a real feast for the eyes! Have more confidence in yourself! ![]() | 2009-08-12 18:12:00 Author: littlebot ![]() Posts: 60 |
Pros: - Visually Great! (I loved the cathedral with the 4 switches) - High Originality (the theme, the balloon elevator, the end boss, etc, etc) - Not too difficult, with a bit of a challenge - I liked the humor with the telescope! - I noticed the details, like the broken edges of things.. very nice - I didn't have a problem switching back and forth between layers Cons (me being picky): - I was left wondering how the girl kept following me .. and if it's not the same person, maybe she should look differently - I'm not a fan of being spoon fed, so for example, the first clue to go to the west to open the door, I think people could have figured that one out on their own; but again, that's just me .. I've been surprised at the things people can't figure out without us creators telling them exactly what to do! - I noticed there was a big telescope .. it would've been cool if you could look through that one like you do with the small one .. maybe even see something funny again? Overall: 5 :star::star::star::star::star: Tag: "Fun" - it was the first tag that came to mind Hearted the level! Great Job! I thoroughly enjoyed this one! F4F - If you have a moment, check out my "Real Myst: Channelwood Age" level. Thanks! | 2009-08-29 02:47:00 Author: Powershifter ![]() Posts: 668 |
Thanks for giving feedback on "A Journey". Now to your level. Visuals: Eventhough I thought the colours in this level were a bit too dull (I like levels with a bit more contrast) the style was unique. What would make it look nicer would be some stickers here and there, even just the crack stickers you get from the MGS pack. And maybe a flower sticker here and there. Oh, and almost forgot to say this. Really liked the design of the houses up to the prison cell. Sound: In my opinion it would be better if the "dramatic" music would start closer to the boss. For instance with the final boss I wouldn't start it until you are in the lift that leads you to him. Some howling wind effects could also give the level more atmosphere. Boss/Enemies: As has been said the bosses seem to be a bit unresponsive at first. Here some sort of confirmation sound effect could help. To be absolutely honest I found the mini boss too easy. I know boss battles aren't easy - my own bosses aren't all that great either - but the first one was a bit unimaginative. Maybe that's because you fought a similar looking boss in the story levels. One small thing about the final boss. He can't kill you on the rightmost switch. Sackboy just ducks underneath the plasma ball. Gameplay: The Gameplay was good all in all. Lots of swinging and jumping is always good. ![]() Not much else to say to this, but that you had some interesting little contraptions. Nitpicks: After the broken bridge before you jump down into the cell there is a an invisible wall. I think you could take that away as the player can't walk much further anyway. Overall: Publish more level. This was easily better 80% of the other level out there and with a bit of practice you could make really good level I think. ![]() PS: Forgot to mention that if you do give away objects it's better if you give them a name. ;-) | 2009-08-30 16:43:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
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