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Archive: 10 posts

I've been getting this message for months now and its very annoying. I stopped playing because of it, but now I want to get back into it. Does anyone know a solution to this? I checked the sticky but found nothing2009-08-09 18:55:00

Posts: 3

It always attacked me too.

Basically all the costumes, objects, stickers and levels you collect add up on your profile until it becomes to large to save. Deleting any of these items will help reduce your profiles size. Deleting levels off of your moon is the best way to free up space. Deleting 3 of the levels on my moon solved this problem for me.

To avoid this happening again you can push the start menu >Settings >Profile Settings and then toggle whether all the community objects/stickers you collect are saved to your profile.

If you don't want to completely lose a level on your moon you can publish it (locked) and then copy back to your moon for editing any time you like.

Hope this helps!
2009-08-09 19:04:00

Posts: 2266

I get that alot, it helps if u delete anything that you have lots of, eg if you have lots of community objects start deleting them2009-08-09 19:22:00

Posts: 785

the thing is, i dont have any levels and i deleted all of my community items but i still get the message. my save file is corrupt, maybe that has something to do with it2009-08-09 19:30:00

Posts: 3

How many costumes and objects do you have?2009-08-09 19:34:00

Posts: 2266

i only have 3 or 4 costumes2009-08-09 19:45:00

Posts: 3

how about pictures? they tend to burn alot of memory.. also if you have tons of stickers (especially custom stickers) decorating your pod, that can add up.2009-08-10 07:51:00

Posts: 898

how about pictures? they tend to burn alot of memory.. also if you have tons of stickers (especially custom stickers) decorating your pod, that can add up.

This is often overlooked. Photobooth pics and custom stickers seem to really eat memory up fast. I use a lot of custom stickers, so this is constantly a problem for me.
2009-08-10 15:09:00

Posts: 1737

that message came to me too. I have restart all my LBP data and i was noob before it now i got 100% of trophy and 41 player hearts and like 60 for my levels(i only have four)
its like if that message help. Kinda weird but its true.
And before that message my account was bug like i only can have tree item 5 sticker and 1 costume!!! i was angry. that's the end of my story
2009-08-11 05:17:00

Posts: 609

Every month, clean out your Communiy Objects, Photobooths etc.

Also you can disable collecting Community + Photobooth items by going to Start > Options > Disable _____________
2009-08-11 05:29:00

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