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Twysted Tales 3 : Absolute Silence

Archive: 16 posts

Twysted Tales 3 : Absolute SilenceOnymega
Twysted Tales 3 seems to have a simplistic story untill you dig deeper. See for yourself.

Pictures : http://picasaweb.google.be/Onymega/TwystedTales3#

Featuring :

- 2 different endings
- 2 bosses
- Medium - hard difficulty
- Double storyline

I had no time to create a trailer but if you are looking for a reference this trailer is for Twysted Tales 2
YouTube - Twysted Tales 2 : Tower of Epiphany

I can give feedback for about 10 levels.
2009-08-08 20:09:00

Posts: 17

Good lord, the vid is quite cool...and the same can be said for Episode 1.
If the smell is good, we have another really cool series that is directed to the spotlight.
Unfortunately I will play it only tomorrow, but I'm really looking forward to it.

Onymega, try to add pictures, since threads without pictures seem really bland.
2009-08-08 21:24:00

Posts: 5112

a third?!?! You just made my day, *runs off to play*

EDIT: Just played the level, terriffic as usual. Lots of difficult and innovative gameplay, and a deeply disturbing story as well I like how its only upon replay that i got the significance of all the wording. It was also a rather interesting irony that i was playing to reach my "final destination" of sorts. Played it twice to get both endings, on the "yes on absolute silence" one, the second speech bubble is censored. i was bummed that i couldnt get what it said D:

Keep up the great work, love your levels

no F4F here, not really feedback
2009-08-08 22:06:00

Posts: 3322

And I thought you had stopped creating!
Can't wait to play it, let's see if it'll be my favourite Twysted Tales yet.
2009-08-08 23:29:00

Posts: 155

Ooh, will definately try this one...

No F4F required.
2009-08-08 23:57:00

Posts: 1492

Absolutely wonderful trilogy, both story and gameplay wise.
15 stars total, and various hearts.
Thanks man!
2009-08-09 14:43:00

Posts: 5112

This is a great level that works on many different levels. There is some fantastic platforming challenges, some bizarre visuals to enjoy and a meandering, double-sided narrative that dips into and out of different concepts and ideas. The level is also longer than anticipated. At different stages of the level I would think that I am close to the end but a turn in the story would pop up and off we?d go again.

The prologue is still a bit confusing but in context of the entire level I think I understand it. The level and author name introduction in the arches was very elegant and well done.

I had time last night to play through once but I want to give it another go to see the other side of the story and level. I?m curious to see if the choice is only determined by the red/green doors or if the pinball/paintinator outcome also determines aspects of the story.

I don't recall seeing a prize bubble with a sticker in it to open the sticker switch with the bubble cache in it but there is may be plenty of the level I didn?t get to see considering I took only the path of Silence.

I thought that the boss mechanics and challenge was excellent throughout the path I took and thought that they offered different challenges each time. Admittedly the level is very heavy with platforming elements but they are all very well done plus you?ve mixed in the philosophical ramblings.

I enjoyed the various discourses and explorations that were presented through the level with the ending sequence reminding me strongly of elements of Braid.

This is a fairly deep level both in the platforming and in terms of the sub-plot elements. I think that there are sections that are fairly challenging and the infinite checkpoints in those areas was a great help.

I enjoyed this level and when I?m able I look forward to seeing more of it.
2009-08-11 19:15:00

Posts: 297

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that you can find the switch sticker you need to get to the secret in this level in TT2 just before the final boss.
The prize bubble containing the sticker is well hidden but you get rewarded with many points and a high score if you use it.
Ah and yes, Braid influenced me when working on Absolute Silence.
Thanks for playing everyone.
2009-08-13 22:37:00

Posts: 17

your obstacles are so original and creative! 2009-08-17 13:45:00

Posts: 62

OMG! I LOVE Coheed and Cambria!How did u choose this awesome music to go with this awesome level?2009-08-17 20:57:00

Posts: 209

I first tried this level a week ago and struggled really badly, finding things really hard. When I got to the big yellow wheel section I had lost many lives and had few left, so within seconds of attempting to get through the wheel I was permanently dead with no more chances. I was annoyed and didn't try again until last night, when I somehow managed to breeze all the way to the big wheel without losing a single life. Weird, but everything seemed fresh in my memory and just fell into place somehow. You know those times when you just sail through a level without really thinking or stopping for even a second? Well, it was one of those. This time when I reached the wheel I eventually managed to emerge from there, clinging to my last life, and went on to complete the level.

You had some really fun, classic platforming sections in here, and I particularly liked your two bosses. It was quite a surprise to fight the second when I had only just beaten the first. They're both very well choreographed, and pretty easy when you know what you're doing. That's a sign of a good boss when it has a distinct pattern that the player can watch, study and figure out a routine to beat it. I thought the idea of having the player hover around the butterflies to lure boss no.1 down was quite novel, and not something I've seen before in a boss fight on LBP. The second boss was also very well designed, both visually and mechanically.

The yellow wheel was actually very satisfying to complete, despite being extremely frustrating to get through. I really cheered and pumped my fists in the air when I finally grabbed that sponge which lifted me out of there. I suspect though that many players could die here, not bother to retry and rate your level down for this. Would you consider putting an infinite life checkpoint here? Also, the dark matter platforms look wrong here and taint the overall visual impact of the level, which otherwise looks fantastic.

I totally lost track of the story half-way through. What was the deal with the big 6? That just confused me! I chose to stay at the end, but I'm not sure why. I like the colour green I guess. Not to slate your story telling ability though, since I'm one of those people who didn't "get" The Matrix either.

Anyway...four stars, hearted and a "hectic" tag from me.
2009-08-18 21:42:00

Posts: 2130

Hey thanks for the feedback Ungreth, but I reading your post I think you played Twysted Tales 1 instead of 3.
I'm not complaining, I can use all the feedback I get on my levels but others might get confused when they find feedback from TT1 in the thread of TT3

I must admit that I really screwed up the visuals at the end of TT1, I've never been strong in the visual department,
but there I really made it kind of ugly.
If you want to try the yellow wheel again but faster turning and part of a race, try the Twysted Tales Special level.
It might seems hard at first but if you're cautious the race becomes very manageable.

If you want to try the second TT but it's too hard for you, search for
PSN : 'x-power', he/she has published the second one with infinte checkpoints.

@ SPONGMONKEY56 : I just thought the trailer music ("Welcome Home" & "The Captain") from the movie '9' was cool
and the characters in the movie reminded me of sackboy, there is your connection

Thanks for playing and feedback everyone
2009-08-19 17:57:00

Posts: 17

Hey thanks for the feedback Ungreth, but I reading your post I think you played Twysted Tales 1 instead of 3.
I'm not complaining, I can use all the feedback I get on my levels but others might get confused when they find feedback from TT1 in the thread of TT3

Doh! I'm such a goof! Sorry 'bout that...:blush:
2009-08-19 21:59:00

Posts: 2130

I know this thread is old, but I must have missed this. I loved Twysted Tales 1 and 2, so I'll be sure to check this out.2009-09-14 22:10:00

Posts: 3664

This is my review of your level...

Pros: Cool decorations, interesting concept. Nice creativity.

Cons: I couldn't finish the level. I kept dying when I was chased by the rolling fire block onto the swing. It would keep burning my feetsies, causing me to let go of the swing.

Because I couldn't finish:star::star:

Please play my F4F levels:

Sackboy's Journey Through Hell
survival challenge MXC vs LBP
2009-09-29 05:42:00

Posts: 21

Hello there my friend

As a F4F member I have played your level and here are my comments:

On the plus side, I really liked the obstacles in this level and the challenge it provides.

It's not the bes looking level out there but everything fits well in the theme and I enjoyed myself playing it for the most part.

On the less good side:

I couldn't finish the level because I died a lot in the area where you had to avoid the lasers on the spinning circle and jump over the spikes.

Overall, I feel your level is very good in terms of obstacles, but I'm afraid you made it slightly too hard.

I'm an experienced player and didn't even finish the level and I had to try multiple times to get past the first fireblock chasing you when you finally jumped and hung on to the sponge. The problem with that scene is that it is too much trial and error as fire blocks jump out of nowhere once you hang on the sponge and you can't see them coming. Also the fire blocks will kill people a lot as sackboy's burn their feet lol (as mentioned above).

So in terms of quality of obstacles it's more than good, I also like the challenge you want to give your level but in the process of creating it you forgot that most people don't play platformers a lot and that it's too difficult for them.

Try making it easier next time for an even better rating!

Gave it 4 stars

F4F member please try one of my subject levels, thanks !
2009-09-30 21:22:00

Posts: 422

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