Senor's Platform of Fun!
Archive: 1 post
Senor's Platform of Fun!CrumpetColey Based around the Beavor Maze! (and the Beavor Maze! Remixed!) Comes a survival challenge... Featuring that Mexican/Spanish/English Beaver I hope you will all grow to love, Senor Beavor! all After finsihing the Maze, I wanted to do a little Spin-off of it, so I made a little Survival Challenge. http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/6728/photo13d.jpg I was sort of inspired by my brother's old level he made six months ago, I just took some ideas, and put my own sort of trademark on it. Sponge! ![]() The idea's simple, just collect the point bubbles that drop, while avoiding the falling balls of fire and not falling off the platform. Things will start to get a bit hectic, and the bubbles will spawn more rapidly. http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/5153/photo14kif.jpg Oh, and for those who dont like listening to 'My Patch', I even put in a jukebox, just for you! ![]() http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/2329/photo12auf.jpg I look forward to trying to beat your high scores soon. Thanks for reading! P.S- If you think anything needs tweaking, just give me a shout, I'll look into it. Nothing's perfect first time round, especially in my case! ![]() | 2009-08-07 12:49:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
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