Want free psn cards?
Archive: 25 posts
Ok there is this site called prize rebel. Start a new email account and regiser it on prize rebel. You complete offers with bogus info and gain points to use toward prizes. once you have 20 points, they will email you the activation code on your psn card, which you type in on your ps3 and get money. Here is the link. http://www.prizerebel.com/index.php?r=1514370 -Btw i use it so its not just a spam site. | 2009-08-05 23:03:00 Author: Shennette ![]() Posts: 44 |
Oh, I thought you were giving them away. That wouldn't be too smart now would it? Also, how much money? EDIT: Just did some research on the site, and I don't know who to believe. Half of the people say it's safe, and half of the people say it's a scam. | 2009-08-05 23:13:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
You have to make a NEW email acount? | 2009-08-05 23:41:00 Author: Adam9001 ![]() Posts: 744 |
I just looked it up again and apparently tons of people are getting spam on their phones and in their emails. Just google "is prizerebel a scam" and you'll see what I mean. | 2009-08-05 23:46:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
I dont trust this site. http://forum.nexon.net/MapleStory/forums/thread/2418281.aspx Swagbucks is better D: | 2009-08-06 00:18:00 Author: Adam9001 ![]() Posts: 744 |
I just looked it up again and apparently tons of people are getting spam on their phones and in their emails. Just google "is prizerebel a scam" and you'll see what I mean. That's why you make a new account, don't give them your real one. | 2009-08-06 00:18:00 Author: Walter-Kovacs ![]() Posts: 542 |
That's why you make a new account, don't give them your real one. And then there are companies that want to send stuff to you through REAL mail. What do you do then, MOVE??? :O | 2009-08-06 00:32:00 Author: crazymario ![]() Posts: 657 |
So you have to complete surveys and the like? If so, how many before you get 20 points? Have you personally received code for a card and can confirm they work? Crazymario- give them bogus info | 2009-08-06 00:33:00 Author: Jrange378 ![]() Posts: 573 |
Crazymario- give them bogus info Oh yeah, right... ![]() | 2009-08-06 00:35:00 Author: crazymario ![]() Posts: 657 |
Has anybody done this and got a psn card? | 2009-08-06 00:47:00 Author: Jrange378 ![]() Posts: 573 |
I tried, and, as always, you click on a random offer and it goes on forever. I couldn't even get any points <_> But yeah, um... /runs | 2009-08-06 00:48:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Has anybody done this and got a psn card? Well, my friend has done it and has gotten 8 points. ($8) and has gotten a DDR mat or rollerblades, I think. But I hate those sites... the offers are annoying. Like Rock said, they keep going on for some of them, and some don't give you any points at all! | 2009-08-06 03:44:00 Author: Ryutei ![]() Posts: 244 |
This sounds awesome... but what do you actually do? (I haven't signed up yet) EDIT: Signed up with a new E-Mail now, waiting for activation. Is there no forum or anything? Sounds fake to me otherwise... | 2009-08-06 04:55:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
Voice of experience (and considerable age) speaking here: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. juss sayin' | 2009-08-06 06:33:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Voice of experience (and considerable age) speaking here: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. juss sayin' Most likely. I still haven't got my activation e-mail anyway, might just give up. | 2009-08-06 07:08:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
I just looked it up again and apparently tons of people are getting spam on their phones and in their emails. Just google "is prizerebel a scam" and you'll see what I mean. I tried doing this once hes right there are similar sites that are faithful to the no spam quote you just gotta do research and find out whos a scam and who isnt | 2009-08-06 07:11:00 Author: siccology ![]() Posts: 279 |
How come this guy gets so many replys to this thread and on mine I got barely any lol. I tried this website ages ago but I hate;did so many offers and I got like 2 points cause most of the offers give u like 0.25. Thats why I use swagbucks...much easier nearly got 50 sb![]() | 2009-08-06 10:05:00 Author: ecowarrior ![]() Posts: 137 |
But after you do a lot of surveys you get a free psn code that works? I dont want try unless a trusted member of lbpc tells me this is true. | 2009-08-07 02:08:00 Author: Jrange378 ![]() Posts: 573 |
No, they send you the actual card. And you have to get as many points as how much it costs. Ex. 5 points = $5. They will ship the stuff to your house. At least they say. | 2009-08-07 03:34:00 Author: Ryutei ![]() Posts: 244 |
i dont thrust the site | 2009-08-07 08:35:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'd just like to pile on top of the argument and say, yeah, any sites like these are too good to be real. They get money from getting your email and personal details and getting people to sign up to subs that are real hard to cancel. I've seen some of these sites and it's pretty obvious that's how they operate. | 2009-08-07 11:47:00 Author: ll_ye ![]() Posts: 236 |
No, they send you the actual card. And you have to get as many points as how much it costs. Ex. 5 points = $5. They will ship the stuff to your house. At least they say. Are you sure? I mean they didn't ask for postcode or anything. I would have guessed it would use those print-out vouchers but yeah, it seems dodgy (still no activation e-mail). | 2009-08-07 11:53:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
I'm not sure, but they seem to send everything via email. I saw some pictures of a guy with a XBL card. | 2009-08-07 18:18:00 Author: Ryutei ![]() Posts: 244 |
its not a scam you can actually get stuff but this is MOSTLY used by people who dont have jobs and let me tell you your much better off mowing the neighbors lawn. | 2009-08-08 08:58:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I do know that there are indeed genuine websites that will give you a small amount of cash for reading advertisments or filling in personal details. I am on an Australian only one that pays about 5c a day, which I can happily live with. I can't vouch for this site in question though, and it seems the majority of people are cautious about it. I am too, to be honest. I've sent this matter though for the moderating team to discuss. This is a grey area I think in terms of rules and we need to discuss whether this is within/outside the rules of the forum. So that's why there is a delay, and no penalties or locking has occurred yet. I don't have any official position yet on this matter but we will get back to you on this. ![]() | 2009-08-08 13:02:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
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