Sack Dungeon
Archive: 5 posts
Sack DungeonPvtBrady Your traped in a dungeon that was made by people that hate sack people.The sack people are tourtured with no mercy.Try to make it out alive all Hey guys please try my very first level and tell me what you think. | 2009-08-05 20:41:00 Author: Narutard67 ![]() Posts: 13 |
I thought it was okay, it didn't look too fancy, or quite fearful, but for your first level you must have made some sort of effort in choosing what materials to use. Sort of reminds me of my friends first level, it was very similar. Maybe some music? There was some at the end, but it was kinda boring without something to listen to for the majority. Try messing around with the Global Lighting, maybe you can find an eerie, almost frightening setting to help us get into the level. Again, you did use it at the end, but I would have liked to have seen it throughout. You do seem to know how some of the basic stuff works, so that's a start. Try to learn how to do some more of the complicated stuff, so much can be done with a bit of tech-geek style that could help make some devious traps that will suit your level. Overall, good effort, It was actually okay. Keep it up ![]() | 2009-08-06 01:19:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
Thank you for the feedback btw how many stars do u give it ![]() | 2009-08-06 19:22:00 Author: Narutard67 ![]() Posts: 13 |
I gave it 3 stars, I think. Which I think is actually pretty good for a first. Not like some others I seen which were diabolical, it's not nice to say but it's the harsh truth. As I said, good job! ![]() | 2009-08-06 19:39:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
Thank you im gonna start working on part 2 pretty soon![]() | 2009-08-06 23:22:00 Author: Narutard67 ![]() Posts: 13 |
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