Beavor Maze! Remixed!
Archive: 9 posts
Do you like Mexican Beavers? Or Ducks with Donkey Heads? Or Sponge? Lots of Sponge? Colourful Sponge? Or perhaps a huge level using up almost all of the space on the level and a full thermometer with multiple paths to multiple exits? After much hardship faced in finishing the Original Beavor Maze! (Which you could play if you like *Hint Hint*) The Remixed edition is bigger, more random and full of new paths to explore, and traps, of course http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3896/aphotog.jpg http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4642/aphoto1o.jpg http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/9323/aphoto5d.jpg http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/7967/aphoto7j.jpg Thanks in advance! ![]() | 2009-08-05 13:42:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
I must say, after my initial play through (I took the high road, as in taking every chance to go upward in the maze) I enjoyed it quite a bit. There was something about beavers in cowboy hats that continue to illicit a giggle from me the entire maze. The traps were, well, traps. They came unexpectedly and without warning. Nothing wrong with that. They are after all... traps. I also enjoyed the Mystery Boxes. Though having each and everyone introduce itself as a Mystery Box after seeing the first one, became a tad annoying and didn't overall seem that necessary since we had already been introduced by both a box and a beaver to the concept of the Mystery Box. In the end I got through to the exit and had a good laugh at the Beavers. But it was on my second play through I had problems. I designed to take the low path, which lead me the Beaver Gallery Museum thing. The fact that beyond the first question becomes more nonsensical room by room (which was hard enough. Especially when the correct answer is none of them) the use of the Paint Gun was frustrating, since the paint it shoots is affected by the physics, I routinely would get blown up for the paint arching and hitting the wrong answer. The biggest problem with the gallery was that there was no way to exit it. I dunno if that was intended or a bug, but after the final question, nothing happens. And you can't leave the way you come in, so you just end up stuck down there. Overall, I enjoyed the concept, but it looks like it still needs quite a bit of tweaking. But keep it up! I'll give a swing at the original maze later on too. ![]() | 2009-08-06 18:00:00 Author: Chaos ![]() Posts: 16 |
Woo, a reply =P I'm happy you enjoyed it, and yes, I have been thinking about the Gallery, though I probably wont, if I do anything like that again I'll do it with floor buttons or levers. The idea of the 'Gallery' was quite amusing among my friends at the time, but it seems rather dumb now. In the original maze I tried to make it as random as possible, and unfortunately some of that had to continue into the remixed edition. I wont do anything like that again, I think a whole level made of sponge with Mexican/Spanish Beavers is quite enough ![]() Out of curiosity, did you try sticking a guitar sticker on the Beaver in the final room of the gallery? It should make the correct answer come down, which is a Giant '4'. You can also stick some bacon on him to spawn a Mystery Box in the next part. XD If you do decide to go through and finish the gallery, I thought I put some of my favourite ideas into the following rooms, it would be great if you could look at them. And also, you say you took the upward path? Did you manage to find 'The Wheel'? I wont tell you where it is, as it is sort of secret. =P I may work on the Museum later, make it a bit more obvious. But thank you for playing, and all feedback is more than welcome. And not to sound rude, but may I ask what you rated my level? The rating of it at the moment has me down a bit, considering the original was much more successful. | 2009-08-06 19:08:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
I guess I had never stumbled upon the guitar sticker, as the only thing that showed up in my switch triggers was the Bacon. So I had to restart the level. ![]() And I didn't find The Wheel. Oo; But now I'm interested in finding it. I can understand the drive to be completely random, but when the randomness concludes in getting blown up repeatedly and losing all your lives because none of the three presented answers are actually the real answer, might turn people off to continuing to play. On the other hand, if you have a Kaufman-esque sense of humor about how you made this, by all means, have a good lol. ![]() | 2009-08-06 19:19:00 Author: Chaos ![]() Posts: 16 |
I had considered people not having the Guitar sticker, so I was recently thinking of making my own sticker to use instead, maybe just make my own guitar sticker or something. I had just assumed everyone would've had it, but obviously not. =P You can get it from the Metropolis I think if you want. Oh, and if you don't have the guitar sticker, DON'T go to the wheel, as exiting will loop you back to the museum. ![]() | 2009-08-06 19:35:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
I apologise for the double-post. But the issues with the gallery are now fixed. At the entrance to the gallery, in the photo shoot area, there is a bubble with a sticker in it, this will be used later in the gallery. Just make sure you have 'Collect Community Prizes' turned on in the options menu. Also, question 3 is much more obvious, see if you can guess where the arrows point... Also, the Mystery Box thing is cleared up. It never bothered me, I find them humorous when they speak. ![]() Oh, and I added some images up above, for those who are just checking in. | 2009-08-06 22:48:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
if you place a guitar sticker in the room, people who dont have it can move the sticker that you have placed. | 2009-08-07 04:37:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
Played through this again a few more times, and I'm glad I did! The stuff after the Gallery is so much fun! Especially the 'epic' boss fight and the jet pack puzzles. Those were the best! I couldn't complete the Wheels of Wheels bit, not because of anything wrong in the design, but that last wheel with the two opposite flaming parts is TOUGH. Too far to the outside and your squished, too far to the inside and your burned! It was hard. In a good way though. Must say though, the Jet Pack Puzzle is by far my favorite thing in the whole level so far. ![]() | 2009-08-08 02:51:00 Author: Chaos ![]() Posts: 16 |
Great, nice to know everything works now, I may just go back and change the last wheel. I was going to but I forgot. Did you find the giant wheel yet? ![]() | 2009-08-08 10:41:00 Author: CrumpetColey ![]() Posts: 41 |
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