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SF Ken firing haduken

Archive: 7 posts

idk if anyone else has made this yet but i use a ken from street fighter that ive collected from another level and placed a emitter on his hands so it looks like hes firing the haduken. its not perfect its got some bugs i need to work out like trying to get it to fire straight if thats at all possible? if anyone has suggestions how to fix this or wants to see it ill gladly make it into a blank level and make it usuable for everyone else once i get it near perfect..2009-08-04 20:52:00

Posts: 279

ill be posting it online tonight for everyone to take a peek at im open to suggestion as to making it better too2009-08-05 02:12:00

Posts: 279

Do not make dubbel posts, use the "edit"button ^^

and can you post a picture of it? would be cool.
2009-08-05 15:32:00

Posts: 570

Do not make dubbel posts, use the "edit"button ^^

and can you post a picture of it? would be cool.

yea i can as soon as i get on lbp to night should be up tonight or tomorrow

Edit: Instead of taking a pic i made a little video of the object to show what it does

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet Ken Firing Hadukan

Edit: I published the level but its locked and i made a key level just so anyone on lbpc could have it
i did use a lock pm me for the code for the lock and you can get my created object

Key Level - Key for ken created object
2009-08-06 03:04:00

Posts: 279

yea i can as soon as i get on lbp to night should be up tonight or tomorrow

Edit: Instead of taking a pic i made a little video of the object to show what it does

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet Ken Firing Hadukan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ4vF-bQJ6I)

Edit: I published the level but its locked and i made a key level just so anyone on lbpc could have it
i did use a lock pm me for the code for the lock and you can get my created object

Key Level - Key for ken created object

hmmm make the plasma ball bigger and turn it light blue. fis the angle it fires from so its straight.
2009-08-13 02:58:00

Posts: 349

hmmm make the plasma ball bigger and turn it light blue. fis the angle it fires from so its straight.

yes that was my next plans with it if youd like to get it and tinker with it be my guest just play my level its a prize at the end
2009-08-13 07:16:00

Posts: 279

Use a Medium Grid.
Then, emit a bigger light blue Plasma Ball, and with the Grid, you can make it fire straight...I think.
2009-08-13 10:13:00

Posts: 160

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